Luisian was getting on fine. Passengers in the train did not bother him much, and he found the way pretty well, sitting in the air filled with tea. He changed the train in Brest. It was a Russian long-distance train. Now they passed Smolensk. It was about four o’clock in the morning, and almost entire train slept, although there were some morning larks here, among Russians, who got up ten if not twenty minutes ago. Luisian was still lazing in bed. Getting up was not in his plans, however, he opened his eyes more likely in order not to fall down from the top shelf in the economy class, catch his leg on metal constructions and wake up everyone around. Luisian simply wanted to feel that amazing atmosphere of mystery, which every person, who wakes up at night on the road to another country. There were lakes behind the window. The smell of winter fell on Russia. Even in Brest, changing the train, Luisian discovered that the frost made his nose feel uncomfortable. The temperature was exactly zero degrees Celsius. It was the last day of January, and tomorrow was going to be February. Such weather did not turn to be the maximum for the Russian winter. Luisian lost the hope to see swans and storks he wanted to see during his way from Paris out of the window of the carriage. He also thought that Smolensk is one of the southern towns in Russia. But there were not any swans. January snow spread like a melted bar of chocolate on the surface as wide as the eye can see—for hundreds, thousands kilometres around. Now it was covered with the light of the moon and a myriad of stars, so that it seemed to sparkle with colours of the night rainbow as if the sun was replaced with a sapphire moving back and forth. Obviously, there was no sapphire. A sapphire cannot live for a long time in Russia. The same is to drive the import car in the forest. It makes people worry about the vehicle very much. It will be caught on a tree branch, scratched and filthy. So if a hungry bear does not come out after its hibernation and eat the sapphire, a crow may well take it to its nest, up in the trees. Luisian looked behind the window and saw the forest, towering above constellations somewhere on the south-east. There was the Sirius on the left beneath. Luisian will not see the Sirius as he had not reach the appropriate age yet, and his time had not come yet.
This situation brought some inconveniences to Luisian. Almost all his life he spent wandering around the world and he had not settled down for now; his deeds were either the ones which a child or an easy excitable first year student. He rushed about. He had itchy feet. I am sure this happens to people for a week or two after graduation, or adults after the midlife crisis. The happiness is that there is no right path in life. Without doubt, there is a kind of truth, but we can reach it with the help of totally different ways. Fortunately, these ways can be found on any path. For one, yesterday, in Brest, when Luisian helped a woman to lift a baby carriage with an effort (since he already had enough things to carry with himself), he suddenly remembered as he helped Petri to carry boxes with bananas just like now. Firstly, it dawned on him: “How fast is the time!” Yet then he developed the idea, and other, more profound thoughts came into his mind. There is permanent and unexpended storage of energy in a human’s body. There is always some energy left to exist. And even the main law of conservation of energy states, “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed—only converted from one form of energy to another”. This energy overfills the goblet of our consciousness at times, so that it begins to spoil. Our mind can be compared to a full container for wastes on a factory. Cleaning-up without the call of a mechanic is needed, in order not to wait him for an hour or two and not to force open it. So the best decision is simply to burn this energy. Your intellectual work will hardly be enough for burning. We cannot concentrate all our energy on this type of work. Here the labour is required. If you go to chop the ice near your summer cottage, you will reveal the secret of energy consumption. Jogging, cooking or cleaning of your room are suitable for this as well. Two or three hours are usually enough, but ideally you should work till the time when you start getting the real pleasure from work. The time it will take you is based on the energy which you already have. As soon as you dispose of the unnecessary energy, the work will satisfy you and you will be delighted with any thing happening with you, including the achievement of your goals. And all illnesses, mental and physical, are caused by this needless negative energy. Awkwardness, boredom, depression, frustration, laziness, aggression, rancor—almost all taints are borne from it. I deem the meaning of life is to regularly lower the level of such energy. Yet we should leave pittance of it. “What for?” you may ask. Only having something of this negative energy with you, you will be able to see the changes occurred to you clearer.
You should live for the life. You should live, so that you have zero negative energy with you. Take to heart this theory, dear readers, it will be famous. At least, in heads of those who can sincerely believe in it.
Chapter 16, Mizar
Zhenka had already finished driving his car. A thought that their journey with Earlyborn would not live up to their expectations did not come to his mind again. Seemingly, the fresh Dominican wind blew away the part of the frontal lobe which is responsible for doubts. The guide arrived the next day after Earlyborn was borne again. It was in the evening, and the guys were very glad to see him; after about two hours they sailed in the rough Atlantic ocean. When they projected the Ursa Major on a map of the Atlantic, it appeared that locations of the stars in the sky coincide with ones of the capitals of countries or the very countries, as if the Maya peoples precisely figured out their positions. The furthest star from us, the one, which people with poor eyesight can hardly scrutinize, and soon will do I for I began to write very much, coincided with Dominica. Zhenka and Earlyborn were looking for ways and an appropriate time to have fun. They wished to drink some tea in a small tavern in Venice, and Earlyborn even promised to make that place their final destination. And to have warm tea exactly with roses just cut from the bush in front of it. And to have the spring blooming in the air.