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"The group that came here," said Shedemei. "Oh, yes. I forgot that you haven't read the translation yet." Words started scrolling in the air above her terminal.

"No thank you," said Shedemei. "Succinct summary for now."

"They came back. They thrived on Earth for almost seventeen hundred years. Then they wiped themselves out in a cataclysmic civil war."

"Humans were here, on this continent, for seventeen hundred years, and the angels and diggers had no idea that they existed?"

"The Rasulum were nomads-that's the name of the group that came back from Ramadan. The desert marked their border. The forests were useless to them except for hunting. And as for the gornaya, they were forbidden to go near the great mountains. Since the angels and diggers couldn't thrive away from the gornaya, and the Rasulum dared not enter the mountains, how could they meet?"

Shedemei nodded. "The Keeper was keeping them apart."

"Sort of an interesting choreography," said the Oversoul. "The Rasulum are brought back, but they aren't allowed to meet the diggers and angels. But when we're brought back from Harmony, we end up right in the middle of the angel-digger culture."

"Are you saying the Keeper chose our landing site?"

"Can you doubt it?"

"I can doubt anything," said Shedemei. "What is the Keeper doing? Exactly how much control does the Keeper have? If she can force us to land-"

"Or perhaps just make that landing site seem a bit more attractive than-"

"Force us to land at Frisian, then guide the Nafari to the land of Nafai, and then get Motiab to lead the Nafari down to Darakemba, the very city where this Coriantumr stone was left. ..."


"If she can do all that, why were we able to stop Monush from finding the Akmari? Sometimes the Keeper seems all-powerful, and sometimes she seems helpless."

"I don't understand the Keeper," said the Oversoul. "I don't dream, remember? You humans have much better contact with the Keeper than I do. So do the angels and diggers, I might add. I'm the least qualified entity to tell you anything."

"She obviously wants the Nafari to have the translation," said Shedemei. "So now the question is, shall we give it to them?"


"Why? Why can't we use this as a way of getting the Keeper to tell us what she wants from us?"

"Because, Shedemei, she is telling us what she wants from us. After all, couldn't she have given Bego-or Motiak, or Ilihiak for that matter-dreams with the full translation in them?"

Shedemei thought for a moment, and then laughed. "Yes. I imagine you're right. Maybe we've actually succeeded in getting her attention after all. She wants us to translate the record for them."

"Actually, of course, me," said the Oversoul.

"Without my help, you'd still be looping around in an evasion routine " said Shedemei, "so let's not let that little smidge of pride you were programmed with get out of hand."

"Of course, the Keeper still isn't telling us what I'm supposed to do about Harmony," said the Oversoul.

"I think she might be telling us to sit tight and make ourselves useful for a while longer." Shedemei laid her head down on her arms again. "I'm so tired. I was about to decide that my work was done and have you take me down to Earth to let me live out my life there."

"Then this is a whole new reason for you to live."

"I'm not young anymore."

"Yes you are," said the Oversoul. "Keep some perspective."

Edhadeya knocked on the door to Bego's room. She waited. She knocked again.

The door opened. Mon, looking sleepy but excited, stood before her. "You?" he asked.

"I think so," she said. "It's the middle of the night."

"You came all this way just to tell us that?" asked Mon.

"No," said Edhadeya. "I had a dream."

Mon at once became serious, and now Bego half-flew, half-skipped over to the door. "What was your dream?" asked the old librarian.

"You've passed the test," she said.

"Who?" asked Mon.

"The two of you. That's all. I saw a woman, all shining as if she was on fire inside, and she said, ‘Bego and Mon have passed the test.' "

"That's all?" asked Bego.

"It was a true dream," said Edhadeya. She looked at Mon for confirmation.

He nodded, slowly.

Bego looked flustered-or even, perhaps, a little angry. "All this work, and we're finally getting somewhere, and now we're supposed to stop because of a dream?"

"Not stop," said Mon. "No, that's not right, we're not supposed to stop."

"What then?" asked Bego.

Mon shrugged. So did Edhadeya.

Then Bego began to laugh. "Come on, children, come with me. Let's go wake up your father."

An hour later, the four of them gathered around the Index. Mon and Edhadeya had both seen drawings of it, but never had they seen the thing itself, or watched it being used. Motiak held it in his hands and looked down into the top of it. Nearby, the first of the gold leaves lay alone on the table.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

Bego had his stylus and a pile of blank waxed barks at the other end of the table. "Yes, Motiak."

With that, Motiak began to translate, glancing at the gold leaf, then at the Index, reading out a phrase at a time.

It took hours. Mon and Edhadeya were asleep long before he finished. When at last the work was done, it was earliest dawn, and Bego and Motiak both arose from the table to walk to the window to watch the sun rise.

"I don't understand why this is important to us," said Motiak.

"I can think of two reasons," said Bego.

"Well, of course, the obvious one," said Motiak. "To warn us that people can be brought to Earth by the Keeper, and yet be such miserable specimens of humanity that he has no more use for them and allows them to wipe each other out."

"Ah, but why were they unacceptable?" asked Bego. "I think the priests will have a wonderful time reasoning out the moral lessons from this book."

"Oh, I'm quite sure, quite," said Motiak. "But what was the other reason, my friend?"

"Do you really believe, Motiak, that the armies of Coriantumr and Shiz were so perfectly loyal and disciplined that not one of them deserted and slipped away into the mountains?"

Motiak nodded. "Good point. We've always assumed that the humans that we've found with every major settlement of earth people and sky people were descendants of people who slipped away from the Nafari and the Elemaki. Traders, explorers, misfits-dozens left in the first few generations, then hundreds. Of course, we've never found a settlement where the humans spoke anything but our language."

"Forgive me, Motiak, but that's not strictly speaking correct."

"No?" asked Motiak. "Certainly we've never run into this language before."

"That's right," said Bego. "But there were many places where the humans spoke only skyspeech or earthspeech. They had to learn mid-dlespeech as adults."

"And here we always thought that they were simply Elemaki who were so ignorant and degenerate that they had lost all knowledge of their ancestral language."

"Well, they had" said Bego. "But their ancestral language wasn't middlespeech."

Motiak nodded. "The whole history is very disturbing. If there's one thing that's clear, both from this history and the miserable things that happened to the Zenifi, it's that when nations have monstrously ambitious kings, the people suffer dreadfully."