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Dark Force

Akira Inagaki – fourteen year-old Japanese boy living in Hiroshima in 1945

Kaiya – Akira’s mother

Yori – Kaiya’s wife and father to Akira


Timeless Journey

Ayak Svenson, aka “Traveller 1960” – Swedish Under-Secretary – General (USG) of the United Nations

Athanasia – solonaut and commander of the Monarch spaceship

Invincible – head of intergalactic space

Historical Characters

Dark Force

Colonel Paul W. Tibbets, Jr – commander of the 509th Composite Group of the United States Army Air Forces and pilot of “Enola Gay”

Commander William S. “Deak” Parsons – ballistics expert onboard “Enola Gay” in charge of assembling world’s first atomic bomb

Second Lieutenant Morris R. Jepson – the electronics test officer and assistant to Parsons

Major Thomas Ferebee – bombardier

Captain Theodore “Dutch” Van Kirk – chief navigator of “Enola Gay”

Major James Hopkins, Jr – Operations Officer for the US Air Corps

Franklin Roosevelt – US president at outbreak of World War 2

Dr Vannevar Bush – Director of the Office for Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) and head of all US scientific wartime projects

Winston Churchill – Prime Minister of Britain at time of World War 2

Arthur Compton – Nobel prize-winning physicist assigned overall responsibility for the physics of atomic bomb development

Dr Robert Oppenheimer – Scientific director of the Manhattan Project

Major-General Leslie “Dick” Groves, Army Corps of Engineers – Military director of the Manhattan Project

Henry Stimson – US Secretary of War

George Catlett Marshall Jr. – Chief of Staff, United States Army during World War 2

Dr Bob Serber – principal scientific assistant to Oppenheimer

Harry S. Truman – successor to President Roosevelt

Admiral D. Leahy – Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff during World War 2

James F. Byrnes – U.S. Secretary of State 1945-1947

General Thomas Handy – US Acting Chief of Staff during World War 2

General Carl Spaatz – Commanding officer of the Army Strategic Air Forces

General Henry Arnold – Commanding General of the U.S. Army Air Forces

General Douglas MacArthur – Supreme Commander of the Southwest Pacific Area

Yamaguchi Tsutomu – submarine designer from Nagasaki

Morris “Dick” Jeppson – weapons specialist onboard “Enola Gay”

Victims of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima

The Spaceman

Lieutenant Yuri Gagarin – Russian cosmonaut and first man in space

Sergei Korolev – Soviet aerospace engineer, Chief Designer of Russian space programme at OKB-1 Special Design Bureau

Mstislav Keldysh – Soviet Theoretician of Cosmonautics

Mikhail Tikhonravov – Soviet rocket scientist and lead engineer behind Sputnik and design of Vostok space capsule

General Nikolai Kamanin – chief of cosmonaut training

Gai Severin – Soviet spacesuit designer

Oleg Ivanovsky – Senior engineer reporting to Korolev

Valentin Glushko – the USSR’s leading rocket engine designer

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky – influential Russian science fiction writer

Valya – wife to Yuri Gagarin

Valentin –Yuri’s older brother

Zoya – Yuri’s older sister

Boris – Yuri’s youngest brother

Alexei Gagarin – Yuri’s father

Vladimir Gorinshtein – foreman at the Lyubertsy Steel Plant in Moscow when Yuri was an apprentice

Yakov Lysenko – a tractor driver at time of Yuri’s re-entry into earth’s atmosphere

Tamara Kuchalayeva & Tatiana Makaricheva – two schoolgirls who witnessed Yuri’s descent to earth by parachute after the world’s first spaceflight

Anna Takhtarova – forest warden’s wife from the Leninsky Put collective farm

Rita – Anna’s granddaughter

Earth Rising

Neil Armstrong – US astronaut, Apollo 11 Commander and first person to walk on the moon

Dr Buzz Aldrin – Apollo 11 Lunar Module pilot and expert in space rendezvous

Michael Collins – Apollo 11 Command Module pilot

Dr Wernher von Braun – German-American pioneer of rocket technology and aerospace engineer, Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center and chief architect of the Saturn V rocket for the Apollo missions

Jack King – NASA’s Public Affairs Officer who broadcast the launch of Apollo 11

Gus Grissom, Roger Chaffee & Ed White – US astronauts who perished during a fire inside the Apollo 1 capsule

Vladimir Komarov – Soviet cosmonaut killed on Soyuz 1

Chris Kraft – US aeronautical engineer and NASA’s Director of Flight Operations

Deke Slayton – one of the original Mercury seven astronauts and NASA’s Chief Astronaut

Cliff Charlesworth – physicist and NASA flight director

Glynn Lunney – space engineer and NASA flight director

Gene Kranz – NASA flight director during Apollo 11 lunar landing

Gerry Griffin – specialist in guidance and navigation systems and NASA flight director

Bruce McCandless – US astronaut and CAPCOM at Mission Control during Apollo 11 mission

Charlie Duke – US astronaut and CAPCOM at Mission Control during Apollo 11 mission

Jack Garman – computer specialist and backroom engineer at Mission Control

Ron Evans – US astronaut and CAPCOM during Apollo 11 mission

Jim Lovell – US astronaut and command module pilot of Apollo 8, the first spacecraft to fly to, and orbit, the Moon



Chrysalis: A surgical sci-fi story about immortal potential


321 Haiku


The Archive


Passage to Faith


Codebreaking our Future and Knowing our Future
