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“I know.” Megan smiled. “But what I do want you to do is get out there on your own. Don’t politic, it’s not your strong suit. Just be charming. Dance with the dukes’ wives and daughters. Regale those pompous twits in the regimental uniforms with your real tales of derring-do. Be yourself. Be the bluff, honest, soldier. Be charming. You are, you know; you charmed me. Then save the last dance for someone wholly respectable and be waiting for me when I get home. I won’t be long. Please.” She looked up at him fiercely and hugged him to her. “Just be there. Please.”

“I will,” Herzer said, leaning into her and hugging her back. “Edmund told me that marriage is about two people leaning on each other for support. I’ll be there. Always.”

“And what support do you get from me?” Megan asked sadly.

“You keep my demons at bay,” Herzer answered simply.


“I can wait,” he said, quietly. “Forever if I have to. Just being with you makes me whole and at peace. Now, get out there and work it.”

“Yes, sir!” she said with a grin. “You, too.”

“Aye, aye, Countess,” he replied, grinning back.

“Bleck,” Megan said, turning back to the room with a smile. “Once more into the breach.”

“Unto,” Herzer whispered as she walked back into the crowd. “Unto the breach.”

He walked back over to the generals and shrugged.

“If you’ll excuse me, sirs,” he said, bowing slightly. “I have marching orders. I am to go forth and be the bluff, honest soldier to wow the gentry.”

“I suppose I should go forth myself,” Galbreath said. “And see what’s what among the nobs.”

“I’m going to stay in the corner and get hammered,” Edmund said. “You guys have fun.”

“What’s with him?” Galbreath said as he and Herzer walked away.

“Edmund’s… just not this type, sir,” Herzer replied, shrugging. “He not only dislikes politics, he actively despises it. At heart, he’s an autocrat. But he worked damned hard in the early days to set up… this,” Herzer said, waving at the crowd, “because he believes that a republican form of government isn’t the best form of government, just the best ever discovered. Now he has to live with it. It was a choice he knew was right but he also knew that this would grow from it. If Daneh was here she’d sweet talk him into the crowd and before you knew it he’d be holding court. But… she’s not and I’m not about to try it.”

“It’s a sad fact that I like politicking,” Galbreath admitted. “And I wouldn’t trust a field army in my hands for worlds.”

“That’s why you’re here, sir, and Duke Edmund…” Herzer trailed off and shrugged. “Far better than the other way around, don’t you think?”

“Absolutely,” the general replied as a commons member approached. “Commons Member Srichure, have you met Major Herrick…?”

Herzer had exchanged two more brief words with Megan before she left and now hovered at the edge of the crowd, clutching a drink that was far stronger than he liked. He had been as charming and as debonair as he knew how to be. He had briefly held court with some of the minor military lights present, had danced with a duchess and a string of young ladies ranging from homely to quite attractive. He had fulfilled his end of the bargain and was more than ready to get the hell out.

He’d also found, much to his disgust, that he enjoyed himself. With few exceptions, as powerful as they were, the people at this event were not accurate judges of his military worth. But he found himself occasionally whispering the words he had said to Megan as they crowded around him, hanging on his every word. He had probably listened more than he spoke, but nobles and commons members fell silent when he opened his mouth. And the women had come to him to fill their dance cards, leaning into his shadow and working him, frankly, much like Megan had been working the unaccompanied politicians.

“You too are mortal,” he whispered as a soft hand touched his arm.

The girl was a redhead in a dress that was… well, he wasn’t sure if it was unfashionable or simply extremely daring. The top was sort of a twisted silver cloth that made not much more than a bikini coverage and the bottom was… missing a good bit of cloth — a long loincloth might have covered more — and it definitely revealed a set of startlingly nice legs. He had seen a couple of the younger crowd sporting similar clothing so he supposed it was fashionable. If you had the body for it. Which she most definitely did.

“Major Herrick, I’d been hoping to make your acquaintance,” the young lady said. “Are you engaged for the last dance of the evening?”

“Uh…” Respectable. Megan had said “respectable.” But the honest answer was “No.” Bloody hell. “Uhmmm… no.”

“I believed as much,” the young woman said. “And I think I hear it starting now. Will you join me on the floor?”

“Certainly, milady,” Herzer said, mentally groaning. He needed a better road map for these things. Or Megan to not bloody desert him at them. He should have left early. He should have stayed home. He really shouldn’t be taking the last dance, as the servants snuffed the candles and dimmed the lanterns, with this apparently unaccompanied invitation to rape.

Herzer danced slowly with his prosthetic tucked in his sash and his right hand on the young lady’s uncovered waist. There wasn’t a stitch of clothing that didn’t cover something untouchable so he had a choice of skin or no touch at all.

“Countess Travante left, I believe?” the young woman said.

“Yes,” Herzer replied. About all he could manage at the moment was monosyllables. But simple questions would work. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”

“That’s because I didn’t give it,” the girl laughed throatily. “Linda.”

“You are an excellent dancer, Linda,” Herzer said, smiling fatuously and thinking furiously. He was starting to suspect there was a bite coming from somewhere.

“I wasn’t supposed to be here this late,” the young lady said. “I was supposed to be having a late supper with a friend.”

“I’m sorry,” Herzer replied. “I cannot imagine anyone who would be as ungentlemanly as to stand up such a beautiful young woman.”

“Well, it was politics,” Linda replied, smiling thinly. “You see, he was supposed to be meeting with a female and her paramour. Since they were unmarried, he thought it would be acceptable if I accompanied him.”

“Oh,” Herzer said. “So what happened?”

“Well, for some reason, the lady’s companion was unavailable,” Linda replied, smiling broadly. “As a matter of fact, at the moment I’m dancing with him.”

Herzer almost stumbled but he recovered quickly and something settled in his mind. At least now the fog was lifted and he could see the battlefield. Okay, she wants to play games. I’m a master of playing games.

“Ah, thank you,” Herzer said, sliding both arms around her and pulling her close. “So you think when word of our little dance gets back to them, either Megan or your… friend will be jealous?”

“Perhaps,” Linda said, snuggling in closer.

“Do you know how Megan killed Paul Bowman?” Herzer asked, smiling, his eyes cold.

“No?” the girl said, starting to pull back and realizing that she was trapped. “Would you mind loosening up a little?”

Herzer stopped dancing and looked her deep in the eyes, smiling ever so faintly.

“She poured a glass of acid down his throat,” Herzer said softly. “Then bashed his head in with a vase. Now, Megan knows I’m a babe in the woods at some things. So when I tell her about this little… encounter, she will find it amusing. Let us hope your… friend does as well.” The music ended and he looked up as the lamps were dimmed. “So, do I get a kiss?”