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Easy Charm

Book Two in the Boudreaux Series


Kristen Proby


Book Two in The Boudreaux Series

Kristen Proby

Copyright © 2015 by Kristen Proby

All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect is appreciated. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

Cover Art:

Photography by: Kristen Proby

Models: BT Urruela and Samantha Connor

Cover Design: Okay Creations

ISBN: 978-1-63350-006-8

About Kristen Proby

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Kristen Proby is the author of the popular With Me in Seattle series. She has a passion for a good love story and strong characters who love humor and have a strong sense of loyalty and family. Her men are the alpha type—fiercely protective and a bit bossy—and her ladies are fun, strong, and not afraid to stand up for themselves. Kristen spends her days with her muse in the Pacific Northwest. She enjoys coffee, chocolate, and sunshine. And naps. Visit her at KristenProby.com.





Other Books by Kristen Proby:

The Boudreaux Series:

Easy Love and on audio

The With Me In Seattle Series:

Come Away With Me and on audio

Under the Mistletoe With Me and on audio

Fight With Me and on audio

Play With Me and on audio

Rock With Me and on audio

Safe With Me and on audio

Tied With Me and on audio

Breathe With Me and on audio

Forever With Me and on audio

Easy With You

The Love Under the Big Sky Series, available through Pocket Books:

Loving Cara and on audio

Seducing Lauren and on audio

Falling for Jillian and on audio

Baby, It’s Cold Outside and on audio

An Anthology with Jennifer Probst, Emma Chase, Kristen Proby, Melody Anne and Kate Meader


This book is dedicated to women who pull themselves up by the bootstraps and kick ass. Fierce women.

And the men who admire and love them.

Table of Contents

About Kristen Proby

Other Books by Kristen Proby



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty One


Other Books by Kristen Proby


Eight Years Ago


What is he going to say? What is he going to do?

Dear sweetness, I’m a mess.

I’m sitting on the front porch of the plantation house, waiting for Colby to pick me up. He’s been my boyfriend for four months, and I love him.

Like, forever love him.

He’s tall, and handsome, and funny. And he tells me he loves me all the time. And a month ago, we made love and it was perfect.

Just like the movies.

But now my stomach is turning, like there are a million fireflies in my belly, and I can’t stop wringing my hands.

I hope he’s not mad. I hope he’s as excited as I am! I’m nervous to tell him, but Charly says it’s the right thing to do, and she’s right. Thank goodness for older sisters.

Colby’s car makes the turn into our driveway. The older Pontiac is louder than usual today. The muffler must have finally given up the ghost.

Colby is forever working on his car. And I don’t mind because that means I get to watch his muscles flex as he works, and hand him tools.

We’ve made out many times in that car.

I grin as he climbs out of the car, his sunglasses covering his bright blue eyes, that smug smirk on his lips. He’s in a Fall Out Boy T-shirt and jeans, and I bounce down the steps, excited to see him.

“Hey, baby,” he says as he scoops me up into a hug, then glances around to make sure no one is watching before he kisses me soundly. “You look beautiful today.”

“Thank you.” I take a deep breath and paste a confident smile on my face. “Let’s go sit in the garden for a minute before we leave.”

“We don’t have time, babe. Scott and the others are expecting us.”

“It’s just a BBQ,” I reply. “I have some news I need to share with you.”

He smiles and tucks my hair behind my ear, as though he’s indulging me. Sometimes Colby can be condescending, just because he’s two years older than me, and at twenty-one, he thinks he’s the shit because he can buy beer and stuff. It gets on my nerves.

But then he can be the sweetest thing ever.

“Okay, let’s go sit for a minute,” he says and lets me lead him to the bench in the garden that’s hidden from the house. It’s summer and it’s hot, but this spot is in the shade, and surprisingly comfortable. “What’s up?”

“I’m…” I bite my lip and glance up into his face. “Can you please take your glasses off?”

He frowns but takes them off, and narrows his eyes at me. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m pregnant.”

He blinks rapidly, then pulls his hand out of mine and scoots away from me so we aren’t touching at all. “Bullshit.”

“I took six tests, Colby.”

“This is fucking bullshit,” he repeats.

“Look, I know it’s unexpected—”

“Unexpected?” He laughs and shakes his head. “We were careful.”

“Not the first time,” I remind him, remembering how he said that he didn’t want anything between us for the first time because he wanted it to be special.

“That was one time, Gabby.”

Why is he looking at me like I’m lying to him?

“I can show you the tests,” I reply and reach for his hand, but he pulls it out of my reach.

“I don’t need to see them. Get rid of it.”

I jerk back, stunned. “What?”

“You heard me. Get rid of it. I’ll pay for it.”

“No.” Get rid of it?

Now he stands and paces away, then back at me. “If you think I’m going to ruin my life because you can’t keep your legs together, you have another think coming.”

“Excuse me?” I jump to my feet and bury my finger in his chest, royally pissed off now. “There were two of us there, Colby. I’m no slut. You were my first!”

“So you said.”

My jaw drops. Did he seriously just say that to me?

“We are in love,” I say, trying to be the calm, rational one. “We can make this work.”

“We’re not in love, Gabby,” he says and rolls his eyes. “Jesus, you’re naïve. We’re having a fun summer together. That’s it.”