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“I’m so confused about it all. He’s not the guy I fell in love with, that’s for sure. But maybe this is the real him?”

“No. What you’re describing is not Declan. Trust me, I know him. There has to be something else going on with him.”

“If there is, he’s not talking about it.”

I lift my drink and glance to my right and the world falls out from under me. I can’t hear Kate’s voice. I can’t feel anything except my heart beating erratically in my chest, as I see Declan, sitting across the room with another woman.

His profile is to me, and he’s smiling at her, and to my utter horror, she reaches across the table and… and I stand up. I should go over there, but I just… can’t. I’m so exhausted by all of this, so over the drama of it, I just need out of here.

“I’m sorry, Kate.” I can’t feel my feet as I step away from the table. “Declan’s here with a woman.” Is that my voice? “I can’t do this.”

And without looking back, I escape. I walk as quickly as my heels will allow, out of the restaurant, through the courtyard to the street, and to the bar.

I’m panting, my feet are screaming at me, and I’m just seeing red.

He’s already moved on without even talking to me?

I stomp through my place and behind the bar.

“I thought you were with Kate,” Adam says, his eyes widening when he sees my face. “What happened?”

“I saw Declan with his new girlfriend. Or flavor of the week,” I clarify, pacing behind the bar. I don’t even care that half of the place is empty, and I’m putting on quite a show for the others.

“Wait. What?”

“Yep.” I nod and begin washing dishes, just to do something with my hands. “He was at the restaurant Kate took me to. Didn’t see me, I don’t think.”

“And he was with a woman?”

“That’s what I said, isn’t it?” I snap.

“Hi, Callie.”

I look up. “Fuck you, Keith,” I reply, then just simply laugh. “Oh great, let’s make it a fucking party, full of men who are a royal pain in my ass.”

“I know you said no on the phone earlier,” Keith says, “but it was important to me to see you.”

“Take it in the back, Cal,” Adam says, and I’m just so fucking pissed off.

“Fuck you too, Adam.”

He grips my arm and pulls me to him and whispers in my ear, “I know you’re hurt and you’re pissed, but this is your business. Take that motherfucker in the office and have it out, then get him the hell out of here. I’m here if you need me.”

I pull my arm free and gesture for Keith to follow me, leading him to the office. He shuts the door behind him.

“I want you back, Cal.”

“You can’t have me,” I reply immediately. “And how the fuck dare you come into my place, after all of these months, and just say that?”

“Wow,” he says and shakes his head, as if he doesn’t know what to say. He’s in his usual suit. His blond hair is perfect, his tie straight. He looks exactly the same as he did the last time I saw him. And I realize, for the first time, that I feel… nothing. I never loved him, that’s for damn sure. I felt affection, sure, but now with the months of no contact, there is nothing left.

“Why are you here?”

“I told you, I want you back.”

“In what capacity, exactly?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

“I want everything we had before,” he replies and shoves his hands in his pockets, standing firm.

“You want me to run your club?”

“Yes,” he says with a nod.

“And you want me in your bed.” It’s not a question.

“I do. I miss you.”

I look at him, impassively, for a long minute, then just shake my head. “Why would I do that?”

“Look, I saw the show on TV—”

“That’s why you’re here,” I interrupt, it all making perfect sense now. “You saw that I made something good here, and you knew you made a mistake letting me go.”

“I’ll give you a raise.”

I cock a brow. “I’m not for sale.”

He blows out a breath and rubs his forehead, a sign that he’s agitated. “Look, I know I’m an asshole for doing this. The club has suffered since you left. None of your staff is still there; they quit when they learned you weren’t coming back. I’ve gone through two managers.”

“This isn’t my problem.” And I don’t feel even a little sorry for him.

“No, but I’m asking for your help.”

“And you think that if I came back to get the club up to par, I’d fall back into bed with you too?”

“We always were good in bed, baby.”

“Don’t call me that,” I snap. “I’m not a whore. You can’t buy me.”

“I didn’t call you one,” he replies, his voice calm, but his eyes… his eyes are turning dark with both frustration and lust. We always had the best sex when we were pissed at each other.


He tilts his head, glances at my desk. “Wouldn’t be the first time I fucked you blind on a desk.”

“I’m not interested in you touching me, or in helping you with your club, Keith.”

And that’s when he changes. His stance, the fire in his eyes, even his hands come out of his pockets. He’s no longer hunting me, he’s just examining me.

“You’ve changed.”


“You’re stronger.” He frowns, thinking. “And damn if it doesn’t look good on you.”

“I’ve always been strong, Keith. You just didn’t give me the chance to show you. You were too busy micromanaging me in the club, and making sure that I knew that you’d never fall in love with me and that sex was all you wanted to see past the heels and blonde hair.”

“Maybe,” he replies, nodding. “And that’s my fault.”

“One hundred percent,” I agree. “And as pissed as I was to see you tonight, maybe it’s good that you came to see it, and remind me of it at the same time.”

“I’m proud of you.”

My jaw drops at this declaration, and then he continues. “This bar is amazing. I was in earlier, looking for you, and took a look around. You’ve done a stellar job.”

“Thank you.”

“And you may have been strong in Denver, Cal, but it’s been doing this, living here, that’s brought out the best in you. Asking you to leave is wrong. You’re better here.”

Being with Declan has made me better.

I bite my tongue and soak in his words, not even realizing that I needed them. But I did. I do.

“You look good,” I say, calming down and seeing that he is making an effort.

“You’re beautiful, but you always were,” he says with the smile that got him in my pants in the first place.

“You’re not charming me,” I say with a chuckle. “I’m sorry that the club is struggling. Can I give you some advice?”

“I can’t guarantee that I’ll take it, but go ahead.”

“Stop being an asshole, and stop sleeping with your staff.” He shuffles his feet and frowns. “Yes, you do both of those things.”

“I don’t sexually harass anyone.”

“No, but you have to stop hiring women who will fall into your bed easily. In fact, maybe you should stop hiring women altogether.”

“Let’s not go crazy,” he says with a smirk.

“If you fuck them, they start expecting special treatment. And when that doesn’t happen, they quit.” I know I’ve hit my mark when he glances down and frowns.

“I didn’t have that issue before because you and I were exclusive,” he says.

“I know. But now you’re messing around, and enjoying it. But stop pulling from your staff, Keith. Because they won’t respect you, or be loyal to you, after you’ve gotten them naked.”

“Point taken.”

“You’ll be fine. You’re a smart man; you’ll turn it around.”