“Well done!” Hazeltail mewed.
“I suppose we can make room for you in the warriors’ den,” Berrynose teased.
“I’m glad I’m not in there anymore,” Mousefur called. “It’ll be noisier than a nest full of starlings.” The old warrior was sitting outside the nursery while Toadkit and Rosekit skittered around her. Warmth glowed from her pelt as Millie squeezed out of her den behind her. Jaypaw smelled the fresh scent of a kit dangling from the queen’s jaws.
She dropped Briarkit between Mousefur’s paws. “Will you watch this one while I fetch the other two?” Millie’s mew was husky, as if her throat was sore. Jaypaw reminded himself to fetch the last of the honey for her after the ceremony. “I thought they might want to see their first naming ceremony,” Millie added.
“I’ll make sure Rosekit and Toadkit don’t trample him,” Mousefur rasped.
“Hey!” Toadkit objected. “We’re not that clumsy. Anyone would think we were always…”
He fell silent as Firestar addressed the Clan from the middle of the clearing.
“I, Firestar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these three apprentices.” Lionpaw clawed at the ground as Firestar went on. “They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn.”
Hollypaw was already padding into the clearing, and Lionpaw hurried after her. Cinderpaw followed, her paw steps even and strong.
“ Hollypaw, Lionpaw, and Cinderpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your lives?”
“I do,” Hollypaw breathed, quivering.
Lionpaw stiffened with determination. “I do.”
“I do.” Cinderpaw sounded as relieved and excited as a cat that had just caught its first prey.
Jaypaw held his breath. They were closer than ever to their destiny.
“Then by the power of StarClan I give you your warrior names.” Firestar’s fur brushed Hollypaw’s. “Hollypaw, from this moment you shall be known as Hollyleaf.” He stepped back. “StarClan honors your thoughtfulness and loyalty.”
Lionpaw padded forward.
“Lionpaw, you shall be known as Lionblaze. StarClan honors your courage and skill in battle. And Cinderpaw.” Firestar paused as Cinderpaw approached him, trembling with excitement. “You shall be known as Cinderheart in honor of those warriors who have gone before.” Jaypaw detected sadness beneath his mew. Was he remembering Cinderpelt? If only he knew that her spirit stood before him, shining beneath Cinderheart’s pelt. “StarClan honors your bravery and your determination. You are a warrior at last.”
“Lionblaze! Hollyleaf! Cinderheart!” The Clan raised their voices defiantly as they welcomed the new warriors. Despite the vanishing sun and Blackstar’s devastating decision, ThunderClan would go on.
Jaypaw cheered with them, proud of his littermates and of Cinderheart, who had fought so hard to become a warrior.
Cinderpelt’s destiny had been fulfilled.
But what about our destiny?
Jaypaw shivered. Defiance against the vanishing sun was not enough. He knew better than his Clanmates what its disappearance had meant. The time of the Clans was coming to an end, and he, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf were the only ones who could save them.