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Joyce, Gerald, 325

Judson, Horace Freeland, 140, 144

Jun, Wang, 210

Jun, Yu, 226, 266

June, Carl, 116, 119, 166

Junjiu, Huang, 197, 201

Jurassic Park, 76–77, 96, 103, 280


Kaelin, Bill, 6

Kahn, Jeffrey, 11, 12

Kaine, Tim, 12

Kamens, Joanne, 21

Kan, Yuet, 155

Kansas State University, 318

Karczewski, Konrad, 89

Kaspar, Brian, 159

Kass, Leon, 341

Kathiresan, Sek, 331, 345, 351, 352

Katz, Deborah, 183

Kavli, Fred, 8

Kavli Foundation, 8–10

Kaye, Ed, 163

Keck Foundation, 127

Kennedy, John, 131

Kiani, Samira, 196–202, 239, 257, 259

Kidman, Nicole, 126

Kim, Jin-Soo, 73–74, 87, 96

King, Mary-Claire, xiii, xiv, 7, 138

King’s College, 125

Kingsmore, Stephen, xv

Klug, Aaron, 110, 115

Knoepfler, Paul, 204, 238

Knome, 280

Koch brothers, 3

Koch, Christof, 367

Koeppel, Dan, 311

Komor, Alexis, 326–330

Koonin, Eugene, 34, 50, 57, 99

Kornberg, Arthur, 128, 130, 133

Kruglyak, Leonid, 250

Kuhn, Thomas, 95

Kulakov National Medical Research Center, 269

Kulkarni, Sam, 13

Kushner, Jared, 244

Kyushu University, 33


Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS), 60

Lactobacillus acidophilus, 40

Lactobacillus plantarum, 39–40

Lactococcus lactis, 40

Lady Gaga, 166

Lam, Carrie, 233

Lambardi, Steve, 208

Lancet, 134, 208, 238, 257, 354, 358

Lander, Eric, xvii, 4, 6, 90–94, 138, 272–275, 339, 347, 357

Lane, David, 178

Lanphier, Edward, 109–111, 120–121, 197

Lapidus, Stanley, 208

Last Week Tonight, 29

Le Figaro, 57

Le Monde, 58

Leber’s congenital amaurosis (LCA), 147–151, 172–173, 176

Ledbetter, David, 230

Lederberg, Esther, 132

Lederberg, Joshua, 22, 132–133

Lee, Stan, 343

Legend, John, 166

Leigh syndrome, 213, 214

Lek, Monkol, 363

Lenin, Vladimir, 271

Lennon, John, 114

Lentiviruses, 145–146, 156–157, 335

Leonard, John, 173, 175

Leonardo Da Vinci, 279

Leroi, Armand, 277

Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, 135

Levy, John, 77

Lewin, Benjamin, 69, 70

Lewis, Reggie, 223

Lewis, Ricki, 147

Lichtman, Manny, 161

Liebert, Mary Ann, 152

Li-Fraumeni syndrome, 347

Lifton, Rick, 258

Lincoln, Abraham, 103, 256, 321

Lippman, Zach, 305–306

Listeria, 40

Little, Peter, 143

Liu, David, 87, 91, 171, 236–238, 246, 272, 291, 308, 323–336, 366

Liver disease, 175

Liyuan, Peng, 216

Lo, Dennis, 202, 209, 234

Lombardi, Steve, 208, 212, 225, 242, 251, 266

Long, Chengzu, 229, 236

Lopez, Jennifer, 6, 105

Lord of the Rings, 365

Lost World, The, 77

Lovell-Badge, Robin, 222, 232, 234–237, 240, 249, 251, 270, 347

Lowe, Derek, 239

Luria, Salvador, 126–127

Lyme disease, 289, 294, 297–298

Lymphoma, 13

Lynas, Mark, 301–302, 307

Lynch, Vincent, 347

Lyon, Jeff, 137


MacArthur, Daniel, 14

MacLeod, Colin, 135

Macrae, Sandy, 121–122, 269

MacWorld, 80

Mad Money, 120

Maddox, Brenda, 125, 126

Maddox, Sir John, xiii, 18–19, 260

Madeux, Brian, 120–121, 193

Magnuson Clinical Center, 139

Maguire, Al, 148–151

Mahler, Gustav, 167

Makarova, Kira, 34, 50, 57

Malaria, xviii, 153–154, 171, 288–298

Mali, Prashant, 79, 86–87, 94, 282, 292

Malik, Kenan, 354

Malthus, Thomas, 302–303

Mamcarz, Ewelina, 161

Mammoth Biosciences, 100, 101

Manchester University, 255

Mandica, Mark, 286

Mann, Charles, 303, 319–320

Marchione, Marilynn, 193–195, 203, 227, 262

Marfan syndrome, 321

Markmann, James, 281–283

Marks, Nichole, 4–5

Marraffini, Luciano, 21, 22, 25, 47, 56, 74, 81–84, 87–88, 96, 98, 173, 180–181, 188–189

Marsili, Letizia, 342

Martens, Klaas, 313

Martin, Chris, 165

Masepohl, Bernd, 34

Mashumba, Ruramiso, 313

Massachusetts General Hospital, 87, 171, 282–283

Matrix, 324

Matthaei, Heinrich, 130–131

Mavilio, Fulvio, 164

Maxmen, Amy, xiii

May, William, 356

Mayet, Mariam, 295

Mayo Clinic, 240

McCartney, Paul, 114

McCourty, Devin, 158

McGovern, Lore, 80

McGovern, Pat, 3, 80

McGovern Institute, 80, 82, 91

McGraw, Tim, 167

McGuire, Lee, 182

McKusick, Victor, 321–322

McNutt, Marcia, 9

MD Anderson Cancer Center, 175


ethics and, 199–200, 264

future of, xiii, 141, 232, 254, 336, 361–363

genomic medicine, xiii–xvii, 181, 331

Greek symbol of, 146

individualized medicine, xiii, 254

personalized medicine, xiii, 363

precision medicine, xiii, 153, 161–163, 169, 172–174, 230

therapeutics, 67, 120–122, 181, 190, 326, 336, 361

transforming, xiii–xvii, 6–7, 73, 140–141, 354, 361–363

Mello, Craig, 50, 181, 227–230, 251–252, 261, 266

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, 107

Memory, enhancing, 15, 343

Memory loss, 12

Memory, photographic, 343, 350

Memory recall, 343, 350

Mendel, Gregor, 52

Mendelian diseases, xiv, 145, 161, 178, 289, 292

Mendelian Inheritance in Man, 321

Mendell, Jerry, 159

Mental illness, xii, xiv, 348

Mercator Genetics, 90

Mesirov, Jill, 94

Messenger RNA (mRNA), 48. See also RNA

Messi, Lionel, 334

Meyer, Barbara, 49

Mezrich, Ben, 279

Michigan State University, 210, 350

Microbiology, 38

Miescher, Friedrich, 71

Miller, Henry, 254

Miller, Jeff, 111, 115

MilliporeSigma, 189–190

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 194

Minority Coalition for Precision Medicine, 153

Mirkin, Chad, 188

Mirkov, Erik, 311

Mission: Impossible, 96

MIT, 3, 70, 74, 76, 80, 83, 91–92, 110, 256, 290–291, 303, 353

MIT Technology Review, xiii, 195–196, 223, 261

Mitalipov, Shoukhrat, 4–5, 223–225, 276

Mitchell, Margaret, 19

Mitochondrial replacement therapy (MRT), 213–215

Moineau, Sylvain, 44, 55–57, 81–82, 98

Mojica, Francisco, 31–42, 45, 55, 61, 69, 93, 98

Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS), 60

Molteni, Megan, 365

Monash University, 288

Monod, Jacques, 58

Monsanto, 295, 302, 308, 313, 314

Montana State University, 25

Moore, Kimberly, 186–187

Moral code, xviii, 277, 288–296, 355–360

Moratorium debate, 15, 204, 225, 238–241, 254–259, 272–275, 296, 338, 355

Morgan, Alex, 335

Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 123

Morriss, Anne, 337–338

Mosaicism, 199, 220, 248–249, 262–263, 339

Moscow State University, 108

Mosquitoes, 153, 258, 284–296

Motulsky, Arno, 360

Mount Hope Farm, 123–124

Moynihan, Lord Colin, 356

Mozart, 167

Mukherjee, Siddhartha, xi, xviii, 143, 277

Muller, Hermann, 123

Mullin, Emily, 11

Mullis, Kary, 331

Multiple sclerosis, 173

Murayama, Makio, 155

Muscular dystrophy, xiii, xviii, 138, 159, 163, 175–176, 247, 363

Musk, Elon, 335

Mustang Bio, 161