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[5] The text is our own translation of the text founded in N.N. Yakovlev’s book. If someone finds original text he is welcome to send it to us for updating the present note and other works using the information.

[6] Very similar to what has been done by A.N. Yakovlev (former Politburo member) and by KGB General Kalougin.

[7] Koba (or probably Coba) – one of J.V. Stalin’s party pseudonyms in the period before revolution

[8] After the failure of the SEC – State Emergency Committee – there was even a caricature in a newspaper showing the Kremlin’s wall with memorial boards that cover the urns with ashes. One board inscription was: «Z. Brzezinski – founder of the CIS».

[9] As some chess-lovers who use sometimes to play alone both white and black figures- for and against themselves; and as chess problems are solved.

[10] «Basic instinct» is the name of American film related to «erotic» group.

[11] The main provisions of the global Biblical project of the ancient hierarchs of the cult of Amon (Amen, Amune, Omen, Amine – as different accents and transliterations suggest) are envisioned in Deuteronomy,23:19,20; Deuteronomy,28:12,13 (28:12 as in the text of 70 translators – Septuagint);Isaiah,60:10-16; Matthew,5:17,18.

[12] We consider this «outcome» to be intermediate, if any.

[13] He forgot to mention in this context that in the course of the first five years after the war the USSR has proved to be capable without American or other countries help :

to recover the pre-war level of production in all industries; after this the economy started to function in the regime of annual planned price-decrease matched by such production growth, which had never been previously observed in any country of the world within the history of global civilization;

to liquidate American monopoly in the field of nuclear arms (also by secret services operations of penetration into American nuclear programmes);

to lay foundations for subsequent space conquest, earlier than in America, and for the world’s highest rates of socio-economic development that did exist in the fifties and that turned to be discouraging for western economists, as follows from the economic analytical papers of those days. This process fade away only because the post-Stalin leadership of the country had decayed – under connivance of the masses of party-members and of the rest of people – and was unable to resist the activities which were carried out on the territory of the USSR in conformity with the above cited NSC Directive 20/1 of August 18, 1948, and with other similar instructions.

[14] As after the end of the Second World War the world was not unanimous in its assessment of the USSR and of the USA, the same was remaining true with respect to the USSR till the time when its authority was undermined by Khrushchev-Trotsky followers with their false exposures in the course of the XX party congress and provocative actions against the USA in «Caribbean crisis».

[15] It would be correct to say : anti-Christian Biblical traditions.

[16] This name given to a region perfectly explains why the Far East became a part of Russia and not of China which for many centuries failed to settle these regions situated so far from Moscow.

[17] According to our information, even during the period of military hostilities on Damansky Island, there was no anti-Russian propaganda in China. The propaganda was conducted in the sense that the Soviet people is good but at present time it is surviving difficulties which are caused by the fact that the power within the party has been seized by renegades and revisionists who turned the USSR from the socialist way of development, such as pursued by China, and this brings about conflicts between both countries.

[18] Generally speaking, the crassness is not equivalent to genial simplicity. And that is why Z. Brzezinski mentioned the decisive feature of the US culture that devalues all others, though this is not clear.

[19] COB – is the transliteration of the Russian abbreviation for the Conception of Social Security. One can read about it in the note “About COB in Brief”, which is available at , www.vodaspb.ru and

[20] If we take Russian society, it is the stone thrown at all followers of the Laodicea Church (Apocalypses, Revelation, 3:14).

[21] That is why the indigenous population was exterminated and the biocenoses that had emerged on the US territory by the time the European colonizers appeared there, were extinguished.

[22] V.I. Lenin told: «The major art for us is cinema»

[23] The destruction by American Navy of the Japanese aircraft-carrying formation in the area of Midway Islands in 1942 became a turning point in the fights to achieve control over the Pacific in the Second World War of the XX century.

[24] As reported on June 26, 1990 by the newspaper «The Soviet Culture».

[25] His Providence has not yet been known because one believes in Him, but nobody believes Him. (An unknown Russian author )

So, don’t mix to believe in God (which is usually understood as the belief in the simple existence of God) and to believe God (to believe God – is to believe what God says to be true).

[26] Hedonism (Greek hedone means «pleasure») – an ethical doctrine, asserting that delight, pleasure is the chief objective and motivation of the human behaviour (Epicure). In new times it is characteristic for utilitarism. Utilitarism is a principle of evaluation of all phenomena from the standpoint of their utility. To keep close to the terminology of contemporary living languages- hedonism is the slavery within voluptuousness which devours everything without reserves, thus being suicidal.

[27] And, as a result, these problems are not being resolved in advance, thus aggregating as a snowball and giving birth to collective mentality of the type «avalanche of mistakes».

[28] We have not cited how Z. Brzezinski describes the mechanism of collapse of empires of the past but just mentioned it.

[29] By the end of his book the author has probably forgotten what he wrote earlier in it about unrivalled American cultural supremacy. What to do, «he is a double-minded man, unsteady in all ways».

[30] No use to reproach the Columbian narco-barons and the bosses of the golden triangle in the South East Asia: supply is caused by DEMAND. This is the axiom of the world where the values and ideals are identical. But where they are not identical a proverb may be applied: « a pig will find its mud», and if not, then it will make mud itself. Once the idiots whose choice are narcotics, are deprived of these narcotic drugs – they will implant electrodes in the pleasure centres as if they were guinea-pigs, and continue to press the button to achieve agony and die in voluptuousness, surrounded by virtual reality of computer world. They were simply grown up voluptuous, living as parasites in the society, no matter whether in America or in Russia or elsewhere.

[31] The words selected reminiscent those of the CPSU Central Committee report to a congress in the Brezhnev’s times. In addition, Z. Brzezinski does not mention anywhere that the planet can not stand this keeping up with the unlimited growth of expectations, and how these expectations should be limited in order not to cause catastrophe of the present Earth’s biosphere, otherwise the humankind will inevitably suffer if not disappear.

[32] Better would be adding: “the master and the slave”.

[33] Two paragraphs earlier the author, as we remember, deplored that the American public opinion disapprove any use of military force that entails even low levels of casualties.

[34] Not impoverished but robbed in the past by colonialism and in the present by money-lending policies of advanced western countries and the Jewish banking community.

[35] Human in what sense: with the animal structure of mentality, biorobots, demoniacal personalities or still Human beings?