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In brief, the US policy goal must be unapologetically twofold: to perpetuate America’s own dominant position for at least a generation and preferably longer still; and to create a geopolitical framework that can absorb the inevitable shocks and strains of social-political change while evolving into the geopolitical core of shared responsibility for peaceful global management» (“The Grand Chessboard”, p.p.253,254).

To be noted that the priority of goals, as outlined in the last paragraph, namely: 1) America’s dominant position, 2) creation of a geopolitical framework for peaceful global management (what implies that there are no grounds for mutual hostility between peoples), – is controversial to what Z. Brzezinski promulgated in the paragraph of «Introduction» that has been cited above and examined in essence, namely: 1) to shape a truly cooperative global community, in keeping with the fundamental interests of humankind, 2) America’s global primacy in transitional period as guarantor of the fundamental interests of humankind.

It has been shown earlier that these goals do not always coincide. But given the problems facing the West and the USA, – in particular, in their development based on their inherent culture, which demonstrates statistical supremacy and dominance within society of certain inhuman types of mental structure, – whose actual existence is admitted by Z. Brzezinski himself,- the hierarchy of the US political objectives, promulgated by the author in the last paragraph cited (see the last page of the book) is tantamount to suppression of the fundamental interests of humankind for the sake of insatiable voluptuousness and ambitions of the «demonized» American elite.

Policy is a type of management. In the meantime, the theory of management suggests that it is objectively impossible to exercise management when the objectives and the hierarchy of their significance are unidentified and the simultaneously determined goals are incompatible. The doctrine outlined by Z. Brzezinski does not meet this criterion. In case the management is exercised tacitly, i.e. when its goals and the means of their achievement «go without saying» – and hence, the above principle is not relevant,-inevitably come unpredictable consequences which depreciate even the results achieved so far (as it was the case of the US NSC Directive 20/1 of August 18, 1948, in the sense that the execution of its main provisions between August 18 and 23, 1991 has generated even more serious problems for the USA) and may even invalidate them completely (in the West this is called sometimes the «effect of monkey’s paw»). It happens because the tacit (when it «goes without saying») and declared (direct definitions) approaches are practically mutually suppressing by virtue of different objective and subjective factors; besides, in the social life they generate phenomena which are the result of their interaction.

The same is true, if the present Z. Brzezinski’s book relates to that information flow, by which the true American bosses are washing brains of those crowd members who are interested in politics and thus require for their self-psychological comfort some quasi-truthful explanation of the current events and of how they correlate with the officially declared ideological doctrine of state and with political strategy promoting this doctrine. As far as the bosses themselves are concerned, they are relying, in particular, on the doctrine, which has been designed for a very limited circle of initiated persons, – and thus better corresponds to the world’s reality,- but which is impossible to articulate in the society in its true dimension without provoking meaningless riot against their dominance or-what is even more dangerous for the bosses,-without generating a meaningful freedom-loving action by those whose future choice is humanism.

If the latter is the case, then the concealed political doctrine and the doctrines declared with the purpose to «reason» the crowd in general and its substrata (parts) are inevitably contradicting each other in some of their aspects. But the crowd and its substrata are being self-managed on the basis of collective consciousness and unconsciousness generated by its individual members, and thus in those aspects of social life, where the activity of structures initiated into the real doctrine is inadequate, these structures are loosing their competence. Meanwhile, the foundations of society’s established structure are undermined by phenomena which are gaining strength, along with the crowd falling out of management exercised by the hierarchy of structures of mutual deception-whether big or small – whose chiefs are persons initiated in true villainy.

Such processes of loosing of management ability may develop in reticence and than suddenly become obvious in particular circumstances, when the crowd, inspired by its collective consciousness or unconsciousness, demonstrates unexpected behaviour.

Objectively, such was the internal mechanism of state collapse in the USSR, the same mechanism exists as well in the USA, and it is «working» already...

The very problems in the life of society arise from the truthful lie which has been purposefully proliferated in the crowd beforehand under the cover of ideological, economic doctrines and the doctrines of state political activities.

To avoid that anything similar happens in society, the real doctrine of self-management organisation therein should be so formulated that one could directly proclaim it in this society without resorting to any kind of «transformers»; otherwise, it gains well-looking and moral attractiveness while remaining the source of calamities and villainies in practical policy.

In other words, whatever viewpoint you take, the doctrine of American international policy, as formulated by Z. Brzezinski in his book, represent a danger for America itself ; the answer why it is so, is given by the Apostle James who said: « he is a double – minded man, unsteady in all his ways»,- because the same is applicable to societies.

Of course, one may try, as conceived by Z. Brzezinski, to use the coming opportunity of God’s connivance with regard to peoples standing backward vis-à-vis the USA ( as the US see it), but it would be more secure – for America itself as well as for all other countries – not to do this, otherwise America itself, in its historical kind, will loose its status on the «chessboard», and not of Eurasia but of the whole world: fortunately, inside it there are quite enough internal causes that may entail far reaching and wide-range consequences.

We presume, therefore, that Z. Brzezinski has failed to achieve his initial objective – «the formulation of a comprehensive and integrated Eurasian geostrategy is the purpose of this book», – though he himself, his American readers, students and those who «inspired him for glories», may have another vision of his works. As long as this type of world-outlook suggested by Z. Brzezinski in his book, continues to prevail in American political establishment, the USA are protected against global policy – pursued in conformity with either Biblical, Scientological, Marxist-Trotskyist or other projects – even to a less degree than Russia under Nicolas II or than the USSR of the Khrushchev-Brezhnev-Gorbachev – times.

September 19-29, 1998

[1] K.Prutkov. «Fruits of meditation. Thoughts and aphorisms», 25.

[2] The names of such institutions are significant. In Japan – Institute for Global Problems Studies, in the USA – Center for INTERnational Studies...

[3] See how «we did it ourselves» in the analytical note «Four stages of informational security»

[4] This historian should not be mistakenly identified with A.N. Yakovlev, former Politburo member, who has the same name.