"Mom has already talked to us about how babies are made and all that, and we've had the sex ed stuff in school, but there isn't anything about what happens besides that. I mean, they teach you how to actually do stuff like playing basketball or soccer and other stuff like that – but where are we supposed to go and what are we supposed to do to learn about sex? Or even the stuff you can do before sex? Everybody knows pretty much how boys and girls are different from seeing babies, but how are we supposed to learn anything after that? We don't look anything like we did when we were babies; I mean, we've got hair between our legs and we're growing boobs and everything – we figure it must be different for guys, too, and we want to know how!", Brittany added.
"We're both nervous about it – not just us seeing and touching Jeremy, but having him seeing and touching us – but that's part of it, too. We figure if we can learn with Jeremy, then we won't do anything dumb when we have our own guy to be with. We know we're gonna have to learn about all this stuff sometime, so it might as well be with someone we know will treat us right, and not do anything to hurt us", Beth calmly informed her.
Dawn considered what they'd said for a few moments before asking "Okay, it sounds like you really want to do this. The only other thing we have to get straight is the how."
Brittany was the one to ask "What do you mean?"
"I mean just what I said. How do you want to do this? Do you both want to be with him at the same time? If not, which one goes first, and how much do you want to do before he's with the other one? Do either or both of you want ME there? If you do, why – as in what do you want ME for if I'm there? Do you want me to tell, or even show, you some of what I've learned? If so, how much? How much do you already know, and where do you want to start? Are you going to be able to actually talk to Jeremy or me, and tell him or us what you like or don't like? And what you do or don't want one or both of us to do? Do you want to have just one time with him, or me, or more? If you decide you like it, what then? Do you want to keep going? If you do, just with Jeremy, just me, or both of us? That's the kind of stuff that you need to have the answers for before you need them. I think both of you know that this is pretty serious and important, so you'd better start thinking about those kinds of things – that's what people expect from you if you wanted be treated more like an adult."
The twins looked at each other again for several seconds before facing Dawn again so that Bethany could tell her "Okay, we see what you mean. Um… we really didn't think about that stuff before. Can we have some time to talk about it, and figure things out? You know, before anything happens?"
Smiling, Dawn reassured them by answering "Of course you can. I didn't mean for it to sound like you had to have the answers right now. I just needed you to realize that it's up to you to figure out where you want all of this to go, and how to get there."
"Yeah, we kinda got that", Bethany replied, with a smile of her own. She continued by asking "Could you come back again, and talk with us some more? To help us figure things out? I mean, we'll be the ones that have to decide stuff, but we'd like it if you were there to help. Would that be okay?"
"That'd be fine", Dawn answered. "You've got a couple of days before Jeremy even expects you to ask him again, if you're going to. If you do, I'd bet it'll still be a little while after that before anything can happen. So there isn't really any rush – but don't think that you can wait too long, either!" she cautioned them.
Both twins gave her their solemn assurance that they wouldn't before Dawn asked them "Okay, now that we've got all that out of the way, is there anything you want to say or ask before I get started on my homework? No? Okay, then. Just let me know when you want us to talk again."
With her mission accomplished, Dawn got up and made her way to her room – with a brief detour to let Jeremy know that he could expect them to ask him again, and reassure him that she'd be fine with how things worked out.
As expected, the twins reiterated their request for Jeremy to help them start learning about 'guys and stuff'. He agreed, and the three of them got together with Dawn to figure out when and where to start. They finally settled on the Saturday afternoon following the coming weekend: the four youngest would all be going to friends' houses to stay the night, and their parents would be taking the day to visit some friends; the four of them would have nearly the entire afternoon and some of the evening with the house to themselves. Once the scheduling was resolved, the twins said they needed to ask Dawn something. When Jeremy had left, they asked if they could talk to her again. She readily agreed, and they set the time for the next afternoon. Later, Dawn let Jeremy know where she'd be so that he wouldn't come looking for her, and interrupt whatever the twins had on their minds.
When Dawn had seated herself in the twin's room the next afternoon, the first thing she did was to address their visible nervousness by telling them "Just so you know, I am not going to tell anybody about whatever you two want to say to me – now, or ever. You can tell me whatever you're thinking or worried about, and I'll do the very best I can to answer you or help you. Okay?"
On hearing that, Bethany and Brittany both looked considerably relieved before Brittany answered "We didn't figure you'd say anything, anyway, but it's still good to hear you say it."
Bethany spoke up next by saying "Um… what we wanted to talk to you about… well, you asked how much we already know, and asked if we wanted you to tell or show us anything about what you know. And that we needed to decide what we wanted to do about you. We've been doing what you said – thinking about it, and talking to each other, and all that; and what we finally decided was that you could help us the most if you, um, already knew about us."
Dawn sat patiently for the couple of seconds before Brittany could continue "Last summer? When we got to go to camp? Us and a couple of the other girls in our cabin, we kind of, uh, played around a little bit." The previous Christmas, one of the gifts to the kids from a relative had been gift certificates for a week at a summer camp. All of them but Jeremy and Dawn had gone off the previous summer; Dawn and Jeremy were scheduled for the upcoming summer break.
Dawn nodded her head in understanding of the time Brit was referring to, and asked "What do you mean by 'played around'?"
Blushing slightly, Brittany answered "We, uh, kind of tried different stuff. First it was just kissing, but then it was some touching, too – not just on our boobs, but between our legs, too. And we sorta looked at each other, too – between our legs, I mean."
Beth was more than a little embarrassed, as well, as she told Dawn "Since we got back, we" – gesturing to indicate that she meant her and her twin – "have done it some more. We've even played a little bit with some of our friends, and kind of, um, told each other stuff."
"Told each other what kinds of stuff?" Dawn inquired.
Blushing deeper, Beth answered "Um, about touching ourselves."
Quietly amused – Dawn had done much the same with her friends, and figured that most girls did share such information with some of their friends – Dawn couldn't resist asking "Was it just telling each other? Or was there showing and touching, too?"
Both girls blushed furiously before Brittany could bring herself to say "There was showing and touching, just not as much as we do with each other." – which prompted Bethany to gasp at what her sister had just revealed; following that, both twins could only stare at the floor. Dawn was almost ready to swear that she could feel the heat radiating from her sisters, their faces had reddened so much.
It took several long seconds before Dawn was able to quash her temptation to laugh at the girls' embarrassment; when she had control of herself again, she managed to calmly tell them "No, you don't have to be ashamed or embarrassed. I've done pretty much the same things with my friends when we've had sleepovers. Maybe it wasn't as much as you two, since I wasn't at summer camp, but you haven't done anything bad or wrong."