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"No, it's not magic. The Relay is a network of selkies, sea elves, and sentient sea creatures that look very much like small whales. All can move at impressive speeds, and sound itself travels three times as fast in water as it does in air. Underwater messages travel swiftly."

"But to Evermeet and back?"

"It may be that my inquiry need not go so far. Those who serve in the Relay are bound to secrecy concerning specific messages, but as you can imagine there is a wealth of accumulated information in its members."

"Oh. Who is this Black Pearl?"

"A sea half-elf."

"That's possible? I doubt I could hold my breath long enough to accomplish such a feat," Danilo marveled.

Arilyn let out a burst of surprised laughter. "Sea elves do not always stay under water."

"Interesting name, Black Pearl."

"You'll understand when you see her. Black Pearl's human mother came from a land far to the southeast. Her ship sank off the coast of Calimport and she was rescued by sea elves. There are few half sea-elves, and Black Pearl spends much time with the selkies."

"I imagine selkies could understand her dual nature better than most other creatures," Danilo mused.

His perceptive remarks startled Arilyn, who had herself always felt uniquely comfortable with selkies. "That's true," she said, and immediately changed the subject. "Any other questions?"

"Yes. You said that the sword belonged to an elf named Amnestria. Who's that?"

Arilyn paused for a long moment. "My mother," she said, her voice without expression.

"Didn't Elaith speak of someone called Z'beryl? I thought that was your mother's name."

"So did I."


Silence hung between them. "Listen, why don't you get some sleep?" Arilyn asked after a time.

Her question caught Danilo in the middle of a yawn. "Good idea." The shuttered expression in Arilyn's eyes, combined with his own weariness, convinced him of her suggestion's merits.

Danilo awoke when the sky was still silver with the promise of sunrise, to find Arilyn deep in conversation with Black Pearl. At first glance Danilo knew that it could be no other. The sea half-elf's far-eastern heritage showed in the slope of her dark eyes and in the hair that fell to her hips like a length of wet black satin. Her pointed ears were somewhat more rounded than Arilyn's. Although her hands and feet were webbed, her white skin was very different from the mottled green or blue color that distinguished most sea elves. In the early morning light her naked body shone with the pure translucent sheen of a rare pearl.

"After King Zaor's death," said Black Pearl, "Queen Amlaruil became sole ruler of Evermeet. Their daughter Amnestria was sent into secret exile because of some private disgrace."

"That would be me, I suppose," Arilyn said in a low voice. In a louder tone she asked, "Exactly when did Zaor die?"

"At the end of the four hundred thirty-second year of his reign. The event made an great impact in the sea elf community, and I remember it well, young though I was. It was springtime, during the High Tide Festival." The sea half-elf bit her lip and calculated. "That would be the year 1321, as humans reckon time in the Dalelands. I remember the day, as well; the second day of Ches."

"Was the murderer caught?"

"No. Amnestria's human lover shot and wounded the assassin, who nevertheless managed to disappear without a trace."

"Of what race was the assassin?"

The sea half-elf dropped her eyes as if ashamed. "He was elven," she admitted.

"Yes, but what race?" Arilyn persisted.

"Oh. A gold elf. Is that important?"

"It might be," Arilyn murmured in a distracted tone. She looked up suddenly. "What did you learn about the moonblade?"

"Little is known of its powers, I'm afraid. It seems that Amnestria inherited the sword shortly before her exile, from a great-aunt whose family spent most of their time away from Evermeet. You would do better to seek the sword's history from sages here on the mainland." The exotic half-elf paused, then added, "I'm sorry I could not bring you the answers you needed."

"You've answered many questions." Arilyn extended her hand, palm up. "Thank you for your help, Black Pearl." The other half-elf smiled and covered the offered palm with her own webbed hand, then she disappeared into the sea with a faint splash.

Arilyn stood looking absently out to sea. When she turned, she seemed faintly startled to see that Danilo was awake. "I suppose you heard."


"We might as well get your questions out of the way now."

"You're catching on," the nobleman said approvingly. He rose and stretched. "First and foremost, don't any of the sea people wear clothing?"

Arilyn raised her eyebrows. "From all that was said, you gained that single insight?"

"Black Pearl was rather hard to overlook, Princess Arilyn," Danilo said with a grin. "By the way, Your Highness, should I genuflect before you or will a simple bow suffice?"

"The royal elves were Amnestria's family, not mine," she said curtly. "I don't claim to be a princess." The half-elf abruptly turned away. "Please see to your breakfast and wardrobe as quickly as possible. We return to Waterdeep this morning."

"Oh, splendid." Immediately Danilo began removing garments from his magic sack and considering the merits of each. "Are we going anywhere in particular?"


Danilo looked up from the silken pile with a pained expression and a patient sigh. "Perhaps you could be a trifle more specific? I do so hate to be inappropriately dressed."

"Blackstaff Tower." At her words, Danilo's face took on an odd expression. Arilyn had a vision of him pulling a wizard's robe out of his bag. With a touch of grim humor, she added, "Dress like a mage and you won't live to cast your next spell."

Hastily Danilo snatched up a shirt of pale yellow silk from the pile of discarded garments. "This will do splendidly, really." Within minutes he was ready to go. Sunrise colors stained the sky as they made their way back down the rocky coast.

"Why Blackstaff Tower?" Danilo asked, trotting easily beside Arilyn's long-legged stride as they headed back to their campsite.

"I need to find out what there is to know about this sword. I suppose a learned mage is the best place to start."

"Yes, but there are other mages in Waterdeep, ones with fewer demands on their time."

"I don't know any of them. I do know Khelben."

"Really, now. Khelben Arunsun? He can be most unpleasant," Danilo said.

"Yes, I know," Arilyn agreed, "but if I must entrust my sword to a spellcaster, I suppose it might as well be him. At least he knows which end of a weapon is which."

Danilo smirked. "I wonder how the great wizard would like to hear himself named a 'spellcaster.'" He smiled and held out his hand. "Listen! I've got a marvelous idea. There's no need for both of us to go to Blackstaff Tower. I'll go alone."

Arilyn stopped so quickly that Danilo, trying to follow suit, tripped on a rock. She studied him as he bent and rubbed his bruised shin. "Why should you do that?" she asked.

"Chivalry," he stated, still attending to his injury. "After all you've been through of late, I thought I might spare you an encounter with the old coot."

"Your concern is touching."

"Of course it is," Danilo said, beaming. He straightened and laid a hand on her shoulder. "You wait in town. Take a rest and get your hair done for the festival. Whatever. I'll be in and out of Blackstaff Tower before you know it."