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"Then let's get back to Blackstaff Tower and find out," Arilyn said flatly. She turned on her heel and headed for the academy's stables.

"A woman of action, your daughter," Danilo observed to Bran as the men fell in behind her. The Harper nodded absently.

A chatty family, Danilo thought wryly. A hint of a smile lit the young man's face as he contemplated the murderous expression he'd seen in the half-elf's eyes. To his way of thinking, Uncle Khelben had it coming.

They rode back into the city in virtual silence. "You wait here," Danilo instructed Arilyn and Bran when they reached the wall around Blackstaff Tower. "It's well past sunset, and Uncle Khelben expected us hours ago. It's probably been quite some time since someone kept the archmage waiting, and he's sure to be frantic. Give me a moment to calm him down." So saying, the young nobleman walked through the courtyard and disappeared into the solid granite wall of the tower.

After a few moments Arilyn moved to follow him, but Bran put a restraining hand on her arm. "Wait. It is difficult to use invisible doors without the guidance of a mage."

Arilyn shook off his hand. "I can see faint outlines. Secret doors are difficult to hide from an elf."

"A half-elf," he corrected quietly and pointedly.

His words were meant to bring about confrontation. Arilyn tensed. She was not yet ready to acknowledge the relationship that bound them, and she struggled against the strength of her anger.

"All of my life, my mother grieved for you," she said finally. "I never had a father and I feel no need of one now, but how could you-how could anyone!-turn away from Z'beryl?"

"He had no choice."

Startled, Arilyn and Bran looked up. Standing before them was Khelben Arunsun, with Danilo close behind.

"Well, it would seem that the wandering Harper has returned," the archmage observed coldly. "Bringing trouble, as usual."

Bran returned Khelben's glare with a calm, steady look. "Many years have passed. We cannot go back and relive our youth, but must we discard the friends who shared it? Laeral and I have come to an understanding. Cannot we do the same?"

The wizard's face darkened at the mention of his lover. "What has Laeral to do with this?"

"Not enough, it would seem," Bran said sadly. "Our paths crossed shortly before I left the Moonshaes. She was on her way to Evermeet." Bran's brow furrowed suddenly, and he glanced at Arilyn. "Laeral is my friend, but it seems not right that she should be accepted by the elves when their half-elven kin are not."

"Your concern is belated, but touching," Arilyn observed with cold scorn.

"Enough of that, Arilyn Moonblade," Khelben said irritably. "You have every right to dislike the man-Mystra knows I do-but not to misjudge him. As I said, he had no choice but to leave your mother. She took that choice out of his hands. At the time, he didn't even know about you."

"It is true," Bran said sadly.

"You see?" Khelben asked Arilyn, who listened, unmoved by the explanation.


The wizard raised his eyes skyward in exasperation over her stubbornness, then beckoned them toward the tower. "Come in, come in."

Once they were inside the reception area, Arilyn faced down the archmage. "You knew about this all along."

"I had suspicions," he admitted, "but I was not free to discuss them with you. Dan says you know who the assassin is. Who?"

"In time," Arilyn said grimly. "First, tell me why my… why Bran Skorlsun carried the moonstone."

"It was decreed by the elves of Evermeet," Khelben said.

"To what purpose?"

The archmage glanced from Arilyn to the aging Harper. "Have you two talked?"

"She knows," Bran said.

"She also knows that her mother was the Princess Amnestria," added Danilo.

Khelben nodded to Arilyn. "Good, because there's no way for me to explain this otherwise. Amnestria married a human and carried his child. The elves don't look kindly on that sort of behavior in their princesses." He let out his breath in a deep sigh. "In an unconscious attempt to span her two worlds, Amnestria added a potentially dangerous power to the moonblade. The moonstone was removed before the power could be fully absorbed into the stone."

"That would be the elfgate," Arilyn broke in. When Khelben leveled a glare at Danilo, she raised her eyebrows and added, "Your nephew did not give away the game. The elfgate is a dimensional door between Evermeet and Waterdeep. How else could the elf who killed King Zaor on Evermeet be found dead in Waterdeep that same day? Not an easy feat."

"Impressive. You've put all the pieces together," noted the archmage.

"No," Arilyn said. "I still don't understand why the moonstone was given to Bran."

"Punishment," Khelben said. "Amnestria was sent into exile and pledged to protect the elfgate. She knew that as long as Bran carried the stone, they could never be reunited."

"Why was I not told any of this?" Bran demanded.

"That knowledge would put the key to the elfgate in your hands," Khelben said. "The elves of Evermeet did not have that much faith in you. Since they did not think that a half-elf could inherit the moonblade, they did not foresee the possibility of a father and daughter reunion."

"Kymil made sure we met," Arilyn stated bitterly. All three men looked puzzled, so the half-elf turned to Bran. "Who hired you to follow me?"

"Some Harpers from Cormyr contacted me," he said.

"Lycon of Sune? Nadasha?" Arilyn asked tersely. Bran nodded. "It figures. Kymil often worked with them, but they never fully trusted me. I imagine it was easy for Kymil to convince them that I was the Harper Assassin and that they should put you on my trail."

"So Kymil Nimesin arranged the death of Harpers to lure Bran to you, hoping to reunite the stone with the moonblade. Appalling," Khelben muttered. "But what would he want with the elfgate?"

Arilyn's smile was chilling. "I'll be sure to find out before I kill him."

"You can't go after Kymil," Khelben protested. "Now that the moonstone is back in the sword, the moonblade's very presence could help anyone-particularly an elf-find and use the hidden portal."

"She could meet Kymil before he finds the portal," Danilo suggested.

"Too late. He's already there," Arilyn said. "He left a message for me telling me where to meet him."

"Where-Oh, yes. Evereska," recalled Danilo. "He left word that he was going to Evereska. Well, let's go get him."

"Don't be a fool, Dan," Khelben snapped. "The moonblade must stay far away from Evereska. I take it you've already guessed that the elfgate was moved there," he said to Arilyn.

"Yes. Perhaps the moonblade can't go to Evereska, but I can." She unbuckled her sword belt and offered the magic sword to Khelben. "Here. The thing will be safe enough in your vault."

Khelben shook his head. "You can't go to Evereska without the sword, either. With the moonstone set in the hilt once more, the link between you and the weapon has been finalized. A wielder can't be separated from an active, intact moonblade for any length of time and live."

Arilyn regarded the sword in her hands for a moment, then hurled it across the room. It landed with a clatter. "So be it. If I can live long enough to meet and overcome Kymil Nimesin, I'll be content."

"Why?" Danilo demanded. He took her shoulders and shook her. "Why would you throw your life away?"

She met his eyes, defiant and resolute. "My life has never been completely my own, so it's not mine to keep or throw away. I must make amends for my misused sword." Her voice was firm and wholly devoid of self-pity. "I'll do so, but on my own terms. I may be a half-elf and a half-Harper, but I refuse to be half a person. I will not be the moonblade's shadow any longer."