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They reached the bailey and entered the gates. They began walking faster and faster as they drew closer to their room, so that by the time they reached the door they were near to breaking into a jog.

They threw the door open and moved inside then slammed the door closed. Instantly they were in each other’s arms. They kissed long and hard, both thankful to be alive and together, then without pause Gwaynn began to slowly, carefully undress her. Samantha scrutinized him closely as he worked, but was relieved and happy to see that Gwaynn’s face held not a hint of revulsion. And when she was completely naked she stood before Gwaynn and nearly cried with happiness at the obvious love and desire that shone from his face. But he was oblivious to her examination and stripped quickly then he moved to her, easily lifted her up and carried her to his bed.

He hurt her arm only once, but she was very careful not to cry out and when they finally lay exhausted and spent, Samantha drifted off, happy and content without a thought for her missing arm.


Just a bit farther to the north in the newly completed Lamb’s Breath Inn, Vio lay awake in the bed she was sharing with Tam, listening to the young girl talk. She’d been yapping for the better part of an hour but Vio didn’t mind. She was not counting on getting much sleep in any case, but it wasn’t the excitement of going to war that raged in her mind, it was thoughts of Gwaynn. Her feelings were once again jumbled up inside her and try as she might to make some sense of them, they insisted on disarray.

Tam was quiet now, though Vio could not have said exactly when it was she’d stopped talking. The girl’s breathing was coming soft and even, the rhythm of sleep and Vio found she envied her, not only for the bliss of unconsciousness, but also for William. Tam had someone. Such a simple thing to say, and something of relatively little importance, that is unless you had no one. Being alone, utterly alone, eroded at one’s very being.

During the past year, Vio nearly convinced herself that she was over Gwaynn. Her heart no longer hurt and he was no longer the last thing she thought about before falling asleep, nor the first thing that came to mind in the morning. But seeing him again…Vio knew she was in trouble once more. Her heart told her so with crushing constrictions at the first sight of his face…a face that had changed, grown older, grown harder, but still it ruled her heart and ruled her mind. She wondered how such a little thing as a face could cause her so much pain; after all she went through her life seeing faces by the thousands. Why should this one be so different? She did not know. But she knew that his face was different and there was little she could do about it. Logic did not work against such power, nor did denial. It was just a fact, when she saw Gwaynn her heart hurt.

Vio tossed and turned, unaware of the time, but she had the distinct feeling that the sky in the east should begin to lighten at any minute. She was about to give up and slide out of bed, when Tam rolled over in her sleep and snuggled close, her face resting on Vio’s bare shoulder. Vio sighed, annoyed at first, but Tam was so sweet, innocent and warm that soon she welcomed the touch, even if it wasn’t the person she longed for.

Minutes past and without realizing it Vio grew groggy, though her mind was still moving from thought to thought, completely out of control. Jealousy and sadness tinged her psyche as she considered Samantha…Gwaynn’s supposed bride. She thought of the girl’s injury and wondered how she, herself would handle a missing hand. It could happen. She had no illusions that she was invulnerable, but she did not think it likely. She was too skilled, too aware, and too experienced to let anything so catastrophic happen to her. But then, just as sleep was about to take her, the thought of the Captain…Huntley entered her mind.

‘I know her,’ Vio thought dimly. ‘Her walk…there was something about her walk.’

But Vio did not place her before sleep finally came, and she rolled over, her face mere inches from Tam’s, the two girls finally sleeping in complete peace.


Very early the following morning, Gwaynn left Samantha’s side and climbed from the bed. She came awake almost instantly, happy at first but then fearful when the realization hit her that Gwaynn was leaving to face more danger. Krys was killed so quickly, with no warning, no chance. The same could happen to Gwaynn. Her heart jumped in her throat but she said nothing…he was King…he had to fight, she knew that and accepted it, but somehow it was so much easier when she’d been able to fight at his side. Now she must wait and wonder. She didn’t know how most women could do it…it was agonizing and Gwaynn was still in the room quietly dressing!

He glanced up at her, then down at her bare breasts.

“They’re getting bigger,” he commented and at first she didn’t understand, then she looked down and grinned.

“You like?”

Gwaynn nodded and moved to her and nuzzled each breast briefly. “I like,” he mumbled.

“The rest of me is getting bigger as well,” she said and rubbed her stomach with her lone hand.

“You’re so beautiful,” he answered softly then stood and finished dressing.

“Come back to me,” she whispered.

“Nothing will stop that,” he said with fierce determination. “Please believe me.”

She looked up at him…his youth, his strength and vitality were beyond question and she found that without a doubt, she believed him.

“I love you,” she said.

“And I you,” he answered and with a long kiss he stood. “You be careful…and do what Doctor Linkler orders.”

“Yes sir,” she answered and they both smiled, and then he was gone.

Samantha felt lonely for a moment, then the knowledge of Gwaynn’s love wrapped itself around her and she suddenly felt warm and drowsy. She dropped back down on the bed and before Gwaynn was out of the bailey she was sleeping once more.

Gwaynn walked from the wooden fortress and down the Scar toward the bridge that would lead him to Manse. He was met by the entire group from Noble, even Tar Grace, who would not be leaving with them.

Vio, Tam and William greeted Gwaynn warmly and he could feel their excitement. They were going to war!

“I’ve located the Massi army with the help of Zarina Monde,” N’dori said in her calm, almost bored manner. For some reason Gwaynn had come to believe all the Solitaries would behave similar to Tar Nev’s happy, laughing manner. N’dori studied Gwaynn’s reaction with interest though her expression gave away nothing. Gwaynn considered her in return. She was slightly taller than average with nondescript, very long brown hair that she kept tied up tight, but here and there a few strands worked themselves free. Her face appeared plain initially but on closer inspection Gwaynn saw that her skin was smooth and her complexion slightly creamy. It was an open face, sporting wide, high cheekbones. And though her manner was very different from Tar Nev’s, when Gwaynn looked closely he could see a familiar twinkle in her eye. He smiled at her and she nodded with understanding. “Are you ready to depart?”

Gwaynn looked to the others, who all assented and Lady Bethany even placed her right hand on the hilt of her kali, as if the Tarina were about to transport them into the middle of a battle.