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‘For someone so young he is very calm,’ N’dori thought admiringly. ‘For someone waiting in the front lines before an imminent battle he was exceptionally calm...no matter his age.’ N’dori was amazed at how the soldiers around the Prince benefitted from his steady manner.

“You have seen too much war,” N’dori commented and Gwaynn glanced at her, surprised. The Tarina was middle aged…thin and tall but her hair had yet to go gray and her eyes still sparkled with youth. She had a strong, square face which few would have called pretty, though handsome might have come to mind for some. She stood gazing at Gwaynn intently, the approaching army apparently not giving her the least cause of concern.

“Yes,” Gwaynn replied softly, keeping his eyes on the Solitary. N’dori smiled, most men would have kept their eyes on the threat moving ever nearer, but the Massi Prince seemed without worry.

“Have you seen war?”

N’dori shook her head negatively, and then with a sweeping motion with her arm said. “Not like this…a few small battles…a few small fights.”

“Well then,” Gwaynn answered without smiling, “you should stay close.”

N’dori broke out into a loud easy laugh and when she smiled, Gwaynn could easily see the girl she’d once been. Still Gwaynn did not smile back, and Vio who was positioned just on the other side of the Prince glanced the Solitary’s way.

“I’m staying close,” she blurted, clearly nervous. Gwaynn finally broke into a grin and smiled at Vio, though he was still slightly afraid for her wellbeing, but he said nothing until he turned back to N’dori.

“Be careful,” he advised, but before she could answer the Palmerrio troops suddenly screamed out in unison and broke into a full charge, racing across the slick and muddy field.

As in all battles, it didn’t take long before everything turned into chaos. Even though the Palmerrio struck hard and fast, the Massi lines held. The rain and dreary weather muted all colors to such a degree that the attacking Palmerrio were unaware that the Massi now had significant support from the Tars of Noble Island. The damp, gray weather also had a way of amplifying sound so that the clang of steel on steel and the cries of the wounded seemed very loud making the battle even more terrifying for the soldiers on both sides.

Vio’s heart was pounding with fear and anticipation but most of all excitement. She did not think about death or the possibility that the Black Horseman might indeed be coming for her; instead she focused on the group of soldiers who were rushing directly at her. At first they were all a blur, a mass of humanity rather than individuals, but then a large soldier broke off and came for her...personally. The two lines slammed into each other with tremendous force, loud grunts, the crashing of swords, and the ringing of steel. Fear faded away and instinct took over for Vio Valencia. She dodged a spear thrust her way, parried a blow from a long sword and then another from a kali, before she finally struck out and sliced through an enemy soldier’s neck. Time slowed for the young student from Noble, and she watched in fascinated horror as blood poured from the man’s wound. She stood mesmerized as he stared at her for an endless moment, then he dropped his weapons and thrust his hands onto the wound. He waivered slightly, staring intimately into her eyes, and then he fell to his knees in front of her. Vio’s attention remained fixed on the dying man as dark red blood oozed through his fingers and then suddenly he fell over into the mud.

Vio stood stunned, feeling elated and ill at the very same time, then she slumped over and retched up her breakfast onto the dead man’s back. She felt a hand on her shoulder pushing her back, but she went unwillingly. It was several minutes before she gained control of her stomach and straightened. At first she was unaware of her surroundings but everything came into sharp focus when she caught sight of a kali slicing down toward her face. She skipped backwards but knew instantly that she was too late. The sword was going to cut into her, kill her. Even so, she tried to raise her guard but her parry was too late. The enemy blade came down, but at the last possible second another kali appeared and deflected the razor’s edge of death just enough so that it whistled by her left ear. As it flew past the sword actually cut through a patch of her short dark hair.

“Vio!” Gwaynn yelled at her, but she’d already come to life and plunged her right kali through the ribs of the soldier who’d nearly killed her. He fell quickly and without a sound and Vio instantly moved onto another. Now fully awake to the battle, she fought and killed with the efficiency of a warrior from Noble, only vaguely aware of the vast numbers of men who were falling to the true warriors on her right. Gwaynn and N’dori were gliding, slicing and killing the enemy at such an incredible rate that soon their general vicinity was clear of any Palmerrio. The break between the Toranado and the Massi left was just beginning to widen, but for now the gap was not threatened.

As N’dori killed the last remaining soldier challenging her, she turned and watched as Gwaynn, with unbelievable speed cut through the two he was facing. He did not relax immediately after seeing the ground around him clear, but instead he swiveled to check on Vio, who was currently surrounded by Massi soldiers and also looking for any threat. Gwaynn then turned to check on N’dori, who was nearly forty yards away, but she was walking quickly in his direction and smiling joyfully.

“Nev was right to choose you as his successor,” she said and squatted down next to a dead Palmerrio soldier. She used his long cape to clean off both her kali. “You fight very well,” she added.

“As do you,” he answered. They didn’t have time for any additional pleasantries as a large force of Palmerrio moved from the center to attempt to take advantage of the growing gap developing in the Massi lines. They were joined by the main section of infantry being held in reserve by General Sanchez. The bait was taken and now it was up to the Massi to hold until the Toranado could complete the circle and trap the enemy army. If the Massi lines collapsed now it would likely be their own army that was encircled and destroyed.

Gwaynn slid along the lines closer to Vio, encouraging the veteran Massi soldiers around him, but they needed little encouragement. The soldiers who had survived through the many battles to this point were hardened and skilled and though war was never desirable, some of the Massi were growing to relish it and even to enjoy fighting for their new and deadly young King.

“Are you all right?” Gwaynn asked as he finally reached Vio’s side. She was pale and looked a little ill but she turned her large dark eyes on Gwaynn and nodded. The truth be told her arms felt like rubber and her knees were shaking something terrible and she had a strong suspicion she’d wet herself during the fighting. She was not sure…the air was very damp and rain continued to fall lightly. She was still contemplating the possibility when the next wave of enemy soldiers reached her position and the fighting began once again.

Vio fought and fought, completely unaware that she was weeping through most of the battle. She killed or seriously wounded over a dozen enemy soldiers and did not take even a scratch herself. But she remembered the faces of all the men she struck down, and she remembered their dying expressions were filled with pain and fear. The Toranado were now over two hundred yards from the far left of the Massi lines but with the help of Gwaynn, N’dori and Vio the lines were holding even though the Palmerrio were throwing more and more of their reserves in their direction.