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              Gwaynn glanced back, thinking the others were following, but they were far behind.

              “If you’re going to spar with Vio, I’d like to watch,” Samantha said startling Gwaynn. “She’s amazing. She’s an incredible runner and Kostek claims she’s even better with her kali.”

              “If you wish,” Gwaynn answered tentatively, clearly confused. Samantha smiled then leaned up and kissed his cheek.

              “I like her,” Samantha added. “Oh!” She added and her hand went to her belly. Gwaynn stopped concerned, but she just shook her head. “The baby moved…there it goes again.” She reached out and took his hand and guided it to the spot of the commotion. Gwaynn felt nothing a first but then something from inside her struck his hand.

              “I think your daughter is trying to run already,” she said.

“Son,” Gwaynn answered automatically. They gazed at each other in wonder. Tam came running up quickly.

              “The baby’s moving isn’t it?” She asked and without invitation placed her hand on Samantha’s belly. The others soon joined them and then they were all trying to feel the baby.


              The army began to arrive the following morning though it took over two hours for all the troops to march into Manse. There was a great roar from the townspeople who felt perhaps now the imminent danger of attack was over.

              “What are they waiting for?” Prince Phillip asked as he stared out at Temple Knights. There was some movement throughout the camp, but it was very quiet and clearly the little activity going on was not preparation for another assault on the walls.

              “I think I know the answer to that,” Queen Ramona Toranado said straining a little as she climbed the ladder to the ramparts.

              “Mother!” Phillip said, surprised at her appearance. She’d spent precious little time out of her quarters since the fall of Eno. The Speaker Zebo Sorbello and the young Traveler Laynee climbed in her wake.

              “They’re waiting for the High King,” Laynee reported excitedly in her small, girlish voice.

              Ramona smiled at the young girl’s need to break the news. “Yes, but Captain Wicks reports that Lord Mastoc will not be attending this little party.”

              “What do you mean?” Gwaynn asked, glancing briefly at Jess na Gall and then Lonogan.

              “Captain Wicks has informed me that a fleet of Rhondono troopships were intercepted by the Cassinni,” Ramona said happily. “Not one of the ships made it safely to Massi soil.”

              “The Cassinni?” na Gall asked as if she didn’t quite believe it.

              Ramona smiled. “Yes, we are in debt to King Marc and all the Cassinni,” the Toranado Queen said, her affection for na Gall obvious.

              “So the Knights are stranded,” Bock said and then turned to look back out at the enemy camp.

              “Yes,” Gwaynn said but kept his eyes on the Toranado Queen. “You mentioned that the High King will not be attending…was he with the fleet?”

              Ramona smiled and shrugged. “We do not know, but Captain Wicks reported sinking a Rhondono vessel flying the flag of the High King.”

              “If the High King was truly on…” Prince Phillip said then stopped; the implications of the thought were too immense to contemplate.

              Everyone stood silent for several long moments and in the hush Laynee moved to Prince Phillip’s side and stood very close to him. Tabernas shifted to make room for the young Traveler, smiling at her blatant infatuation.

              “I think it is time to go home,” Ramona said to her son, who nodded.

              “Yes, I think it’s time to see King Weldon and make our demands,” Phillip answered and looked to Gwaynn, who agreed.

              “Traveler na Gall, could you and High Tarina Monde meet me in the main room of the eastern bailey in an hour?” Phillip asked. “My mother and her guard will need a head start on their way home.”


              “His General is with him,” Bock said as he and Gwaynn waited in the main courtyard of the western bailey. Tarina re N’dori plus Tar Kostek and Endid waited with them. Shortly, a column of guards entered, leading the Palmerrio King through the gates. They were followed by a small group of Palmerrio servants and then another column of Massi guards.

              Gwaynn sat silently until the Palmerrio King was forced to stop some ten yards away.

              “Prince Gwaynn Massi,” Weldon said scornfully with only a slight bow. “Queen Ramona,” he added with a deeper bow of respect.

              “King Gwaynn Massi!” Lonogan Bock corrected and started to rise, but Gwaynn waved him down.

              “King Weldon,” Gwaynn said calmly, then paused. “You’ve invaded my country.”

              “It’s not your country,” one of the Palmerrio escorts piped up loudly.

              Gwaynn’s eyes moved to the one who spoke. The man was young with an arrogant look on his face and anger in his eyes.

              Gwaynn stared at the man for a long time, thinking that there was something familiar about his attitude, his stance, his very being.

              “King Weldon,” Gwaynn repeated. “You have invaded my country.”

              The Palmerrio King shrugged. “At the request of the High King,” Weldon answered.

              “And you invaded mine,” Ramona shouted. “You will now order what’s left of your armies from Toranado.”

              “I cannot,” Weldon answered.

              Gwaynn said nothing for a moment then shifted his gaze to the large man just to the right of the King.

              “You are Sanchez?” Gwaynn asked.

              The man nodded. “I am.”

              Gwaynn stood and moved forward. “It was your strategy we met at the mouth of the Aleria Pass?”

              The General smiled and began to nod, but before he was able to finish the movement, Gwaynn slowed time and flashed forward, drawing his kali with blazing speed. Before even a second past he’d cut the General’s head from his body. It hit the floor and rolled away, a smile still etched on its face.

              By the time King Weldon flinched Gwaynn was already taking his seat once again. Weldon stared at the stump of his General’s neck as it pumped blood onto the dusty floor of the courtyard and then his focus moved to the head that had rolled a few feet away. Slowly his eyes moved up to Gwaynn, his expression slowly changing from shock to anger.

              “You! You would kill an unarmed man?” Weldon shouted at the boy Prince who sat before him. Weldon glared at Gwaynn despite the fear that now ran through his body. ‘No one can move that fast…it’s not possible,’ he thought and the young assistant who challenged Gwaynn was thinking much the same thing.

              “It was regrettable,” Gwaynn said, “but he killed my best friend, who needed to be avenged.”