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              “My apologies M’lady, I cannot reach Captain Hothgaard,” Speaker Gan said trying to avert his eyes as the young queen pulled Prince Aiden to her breast. The boy was now old enough so that he reached out and gripped her soft flesh in his hands and thrust his eager mouth forward to cover the dark tipped, hardened nipple. Gan found himself a bit envious of the young Prince, who was now suckling with obvious pleasure. He glanced up and found the Queen’s eyes on his and he blushed despite his age.

              “I can locate Speaker Nadler,” Gan blurted quickly to cover his embarrassment, “but for some reason he refuses to answer…nothing of Speaker Worlund, he is no longer near Manse,”

              The beautiful and diminutive queen showed no sign of irritation from the Speaker’s lustful attentions. On the contrary she seemed somewhat pleased by his apparent desire, though her small smile quickly turned to a pout as she listened.

              “But I need to speak with Captain Hothgaard,” the Queen repeated, as if her very desires could control reality. With each passing day it grew more certain that Caiman was truly dead. And with the passing of Prince Nigel and his sister, it was clear that Aiden was now heir to the throne, but Audra needed to be sure where the High Captain’s loyalties resided.

              “I’m afraid that is not possible at the moment, but I will continue my attempts to contact Nadler or Worlund,” he said, carefully keeping his eyes from the queen’s bust.

              “Then get me Tar Nacht,” she finally said and Gan went pale.

              “M’lady, you must not trust Sinis,” Gan answered, abruptly.

              Queen Audra glared at him. “You forget yourself Speaker,” she said with a calm, cool voice, but there was no mistaking the danger in her words or manner.

              Gan bowed. “M’lady…I only thought to warn you of the assassins. They attacked and killed many of my colleagues…”

              “On the King’s orders,” she interrupted. “Noble is against me…I have no choice but to continue to align the King’s Island with the High Tar of Sinis. He is not a threat; he would not dare risk the wrath of the Temple Knights.”

              Gan nodded and wondered silently if what she believed was in fact, the truth. Sinis was growing bold, as anyone could see, but he yielded to her will and began to move through the motions of Speaking.

              “Then I will have Sinis momentarily,” Gan said somewhat reluctantly. “But if I could hazard one more piece of advice…” he added and received a blistering look for his trouble, but he was committed now so continued.  “Be wary of mentioning the fact that the King is missing, with the bulk of the Temple Knights in Massi, Nacht may be tempted to move against you.”

              Audra frowned. “And if he did, what would happen to him and Sinis when the Knights returned.”

              “Just be wary,” Gan pleaded. “There is no guarantee the Knights will return fast enough to save any of us.”

              The Queen considered this, decided the advice was prudent and nodded. She watched as the Speaker worked and minutes later he was talking to a Speaker on Sinis who quickly summoned the High Tar.

              “M’lady,” Nacht said softly facing the bubble of haze that hung in the center of the room.

‘The rumors must be true then, the High King is dead.’ The High Tar’s stomach did a quick lurch at the possibility. The entire kingdom was now ripe for the taking. “How can I assist you?”

              “The Cassinni have betrayed us,” Audra said, the High Tar’s helpful demeanor making her feel more confident. “They’ll have to pay.”

              Nacht smiled. The rumors were indeed true.

              “It can be arranged,” he answered quickly though he wondered just who he would send. They’d already lost Lacombe and he had Giodart, Rhinehold, Badawi, Sened and de Croix in Massi with King Weldon Palmerrio, and now that de Baard was with the enemy, his list of Tars was growing thin. Of course there were still over two dozen available Executioners, though many were otherwise occupied. He currently had three in the conquered lands of the Toranado, two in Palmerrio, one with King Donnis Rhondono and two in Deutzani, plus another half dozen securing Sinis’ hold on the Isle of Light.

The Cassinni would not allow Executioners on their lands, but there were always ways to get around such obstacles.

              “Please arrange it...Caiman will be ever so appreciative,” the Queen answered and Speaker Gan could not help but smile.

              Nacht frowned. Could the rumors be incorrect? It was possible. He would have to be patient. If the High King was indeed dead then there was no hurry and it would do little good to take the King’s Island with Temple Knights still intact and loyal to the royal family…if the Massi could weaken the Knights enough…and if Noble continued its neutrality…then, well then, anything was possible.

              “And who is your mark?” Nacht asked with the same anticipation he always felt before he was to call the Black Horseman down on some unsuspecting fool.

              “Why the King…King Marc Cassinni,” Audra answered and fancied that she heard the High Tar let out a small gasp of surprise.

              “King…King Marc?” Nacht asked, elated. If the royal family was implicated in the death of another royal…the Inland Sea would indeed fall into chaos…and Sinis would rise to the top.


              “As you wish M’lady,” though he had no intention of sending an assassin until the rumors could be confirmed one way or another. If Mastoc was indeed dead, the land would fall into chaos without the death of King Marc…if Mastoc was dead, Nacht would move on the King’s Island. No, he would not kill the young queen and her pups…but he would control her…and as Weapons Master to the Queen, he would control the Inland Sea.

              Once the connection was broken Queen Audra smiled at Gan, pulled the now sleeping Aiden from her breast and gently placed him in his bassinet. She turned back to the Speaker and slowly pulled the top of her gown over her breasts.

              “Please contact the Cassinni,” she said with a demure smile. “We must warn them of an imminent assassination plot against their King.

              Gan’s eyes flew open in admiration.

              “The Cassinni have long been loyal…we must win back such loyalty. We need their navy to sail home so the Rhondono can return and aid the Knights,” she explained. “This war must end quickly,” she added and half turned to stroke the hair of her sleeping prince. “We are vulnerable while it drags on.”

              “Yes M’lady,” Gan said, truly impressed and couldn’t help but think that perhaps the Inland Sea would be in better hands if the young Queen were to rule.


              “The Knights are coming!” Laynee said, raising her voice in excitement. “They are forming a line out on the flats just west of the town,” she explained further, her voice mumbled. It was hard for her to make her body talk while she was projecting. Her body was sitting on the edge of the bed in Samantha’s room in the eastern bailey, but her spirit was soaring over the battlefield. Samantha was sitting right next to the young Traveler, just as close as she could get, while Daniel stood anxiously on the far side of the room. There was only one small, heavily shuttered window in the room along the south wall. At the moment the shutters were thrown open for light. But there was also a large fire burning in the fireplace for warmth. Daniel stood close to the hearth but occasionally could feel a cold breeze that carried the promise of winter, which was quickly approaching.