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“We’ll start you out with simple repairs and tune-ups. It’ll take some of the work off of my guys and show me what you’re capable of.” He paused. “I know you’re friends with Caley, but I want to be clear on one thing. If you’re unable to do your part, I can’t keep you on board. It’s nothing personal, but we have too much to do as it is without trying to teach a new guy basic mechanical skills. I’m giving you a chance because you’re a friend of hers, but the special treatment ends there.”

I grinned, unable to stop myself. Ben seemed surprised at my reaction. He raised an eyebrow in question.

“I assure you, I can do basic repairs and tune-ups with no problems at all. And I don’t expect special treatment. I’m just glad you’re giving me this chance. You won’t regret it,” I said. “And I admire your bluntness. I prefer people to be up front with me rather than tiptoe around stuff.”

He smiled. “Good. Then, it’s settled. I’ll see you tomorrow, Ethan.”

I stood and shook his hand again. “I’ll see you then.”

I left his office and walked back through the parts room. Caley was standing behind the counter, waiting patiently as the printer spit out paper after paper.

“Your dad seems like a decent guy. If the shop guys are the same, I think I’ll like it here,” I said as I stopped behind her.

Instead of answering, she shrieked in surprise. The papers she was holding in her hands flew through the air and rained down around us.

“Holy shit, you scared me to death,” she managed to gasp out.

I laughed as I knelt down and scooped up the dropped papers. “I gathered that.”

“Thanks.” She took the papers from me and started sorting them. “I take it that your meeting with my dad went well?”

I nodded. “Like I said, he seems like a decent guy. I start work tomorrow.”

“That’s awesome. You’ll be busy. I can promise you that. We have so much to do.”

“Good. I’d rather be busy than stand around, doing nothing. It makes the time go by faster.” I hesitated for a second. “You okay today? About Joey leaving, I mean.”

She sighed. “Yeah, I’m fine. He’ll be gone by the time I get home, so there won’t be any time to fight over it anymore. I’m just going to have to accept the fact that I’m basically a single mother until his job decides to bring him back or until he finds someplace else to work. I doubt if the latter will happen since he seems content with where he’s at.”

“Maybe space and time apart will help you guys,” I said cautiously.

“I doubt that, but who knows?” She shrugged. “Anyway, I’d better get back to work.”

“Yeah. Right. I’ll see you tomorrow then,” I said. “If you need something tonight, text me, okay?”

“You won’t be busy?” she asked, her voice so soft.

I almost hadn’t heard her words. “What do you mean?”

“I just thought you might be hanging out with that girl again, the one who had texted you last night.” She laughed. It sounded high-pitched. “I don’t even know her name.”

“It’s Danielle,” I said, wishing we were discussing anything but this.

“Danielle—that’s a pretty name,” Caley said. “Anyway, I just assumed you would be hanging out with her tonight.”

“I’m not. I didn’t hang out with her last night either.”

She seemed surprised. “Why not? I left so that you could.”

I shrugged. “I was busy the rest of last night. I forgot to even text her back until it was too late to do anything.”

I had texted Danielle back later that night, but it wasn’t because I’d forgotten. I was simply avoiding the girl. It wasn’t because I didn’t like her, but I knew bringing her deeper into my life would only cause more problems for myself. Danielle wanted more than I could give her at the moment. I was too wrapped up in Caley and the thoroughly fucked-up feelings I had for her to even consider bringing someone else into the equation.

“Well, text her now, and see if she’s free tonight,” Caley said, making it sound like the most obvious thing in the world.

“Why would I do that?” I asked, annoyed that she had even suggested it.

For someone who was so smart, Caley could be blind about things that were right in front of her face.

She rolled her eyes. “Nothing will happen if you don’t try, Ethan. Don’t you want to find out if she’s someone you’re interested in beyond friendship? Clearly, you like her, or you wouldn’t be texting with her. Take a chance, and see what happens.”

“Why are you so concerned about my love life?” I asked. My words had sounded harsher than I’d meant, but I couldn’t help it.

Caley had no idea how she’d thrown my life into complete turmoil, and now, she was trying to add more drama to the mix. Plus, it hurt me that she’d suggested that I get closer to Danielle. Clearly, Caley had no idea how I felt about her, and she certainly didn’t care about me the way I cared for her. If she did, she wouldn’t be sending me to another woman without blinking an eye.

“I just…I don’t know,” she said softly.

“Maybe I will get ahold of her,” I said, ignoring her words. “I could use a night of fun before I start working constantly.” I glanced down at my phone. “I need to go. I’ll see you later, Caley.”

“Bye,” she said as I walked away.

I didn’t look back at her as I left. Anger flooded my veins, and I found myself pulling my phone out of my pocket as soon as I reached my car.

Hey, I’m free tonight. Want to hang out?

I sent the text and started my car. I knew without a doubt that Danielle would respond with a yes. If Caley wanted me to give Danielle a chance, then fine, I would. And I’d push every wrong feeling I had about Caley from my mind.

Easier said than done, a voice whispered in my head.

But I ignored it.

I had to stop dwelling on impossible things. Caley was out of my grasp, and she always would be. I needed to pull my head out of my ass and accept that. I had to. There was no other choice. If I couldn’t find a way to get past what I felt, I would end up losing Caley altogether. That thought was physically painful. No, I’d much rather have her as a friend instead of losing her completely. Now that I had her back in my life, I wasn’t willing to let her go.

When I pulled into my driveway, I saw that Danielle had already texted me back.

Sure. Just let me know when and where.

I closed my eyes for a brief moment before responding back, instructing her to meet me at a local restaurant at seven.

There you go, Caley. I’m giving Danielle a chance.

I just hoped it wouldn’t all blow up in my face.

I couldn’t sleep. There was just too much going on in my mind, and my thoughts refused to stay quiet.

After spending the evening alone with Amelia, I’d put her to bed at nine and walked straight to my room to pass out. I was dead tired, but no matter how hard I’d tried, sleep wouldn’t find me.

I kept wondering if I’d been too hard on Joey. I hated to say it, but Ethan had had a good point. Joey was doing what he had to do to support our family.

Would I have been angry if he’d said no and lost his job? Definitely.

Honestly, I would have been more upset over him being unemployed than him working away all the time. No matter what decision he’d made, he had known I would yell at him.

I sighed as I rolled over and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. It was after midnight, but I dialed Joey’s number anyway. If he were already asleep, I would just leave a message for him. I waited as the phone rang. I was surprised when he actually answered.