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“Correct,” agreed the Torak. “They are to provide cover for our retreat should something go terribly wrong. I do not expect that will happen, but we always need a contingency plan.”

“I agree,” nodded Lyra. “May the hellsouls finally find peace today.”

The three mages descended the staircase and gathered by the front doors.

“The fog is in place,” declared Temiker. “As best we can tell, there are no hellsouls between us and the center of the plaza.”

“But we must be quick,” added Axor. “They will not pursue the false voices that we broadcast for long. They will drift back to the plaza.”

“Let’s do it,” Lyra said.

Mobi and Wyant moved the table from in front of the doors. Gunta and Halman opened the doors and immediately drew their swords. Emperor Marak drew the Sword of Torak and stepped through the doors. Lyra followed with the Rapier of the Star firmly in hand. Rejji went next, the Staff of the Astor warm to his touch. Axor and LunarSigh were last, and Halman closed one of the doors completely, while Gunta closed the other door leaving a crack through which they could watch the plaza.

The Torak walked steadily with his long two-handed sword stretched before him. He counted his paces as he walked so that he could determine the approximate center of the plaza. Lyra followed, still fascinated by the warm glow that her rapier was giving off. The sounds and shrieks of the hellsouls were all around the army of six.

The Torak stopped when he felt that he had reached the center of the plaza. Lyra stepped past him, facing the palace that stood across the plaza from the temple. Rejji stood alongside the Torak, while Temiker turned to the left and took one step forward, facing the gates of the city. Axor took a step to the right and faced away from the gates, while LunarSigh turned around and faced the way that they had come.

“Are we ready?” whispered Lyra.

Five almost silent whispers replied in the affirmative as everyone but Lyra dropped to the ground and flattened themselves. Lyra cast a spell and the blue cylinder of protection rose up into the sky, its blue light muted by the fog. She quickly cast another spell, and the cylinder filled with violently rotating air. As the wind whipped around her, Lyra closed her eyes and felt the power surge within her. When she could no longer stand the tearing of the wind ripping around her, the Star of Sakova released both spells.

The blue cylinder instantly blinked out of existence, and a tremendous rush of wind blasted away from her. The magical fog was instantly blown away, along with thousands of hellsouls. While the fog was completely dissipated, the hellsouls were not. The creatures were smacked against the buildings surrounding the plaza and tossed down the avenues for some distance.

The five people accompanying Lyra jumped to their feet. The air around the plaza was clear. Horrid shrieks filled the air as the first hellsouls climbed to their feet.

“Here they come,” stated Lyra. “Show them the mercy of a complete death.”

The Star of Sakova threw the first light blade, its magical blades expanding as it traveled towards the hellsouls. The light blade tore into the hellsouls at neck level. A column of smoke rose from those decapitated, while others fell to the ground with lesser wounds. Axor, Temiker, and LunarSigh threw their own light blades, and soon the hellsouls were dying in every direction, yet still they charged. The shrieking rose to a horrendous level and a mad frenzy ripped through the creatures. It appeared as if the more that died, the greater their need to attack.

“They are closing in on us,” fretted Rejji. “The light blades can’t kill them all.”

“Where is the army?” Marak asked out loud. “They should be engaging from the rear now.”

Suddenly, a thrown stone struck LunarSigh in the temple. She cried out in pain as she fell. Everyone turned in time to see her fall. Those inside the temple also saw the Sakovan mage fall. DarkBlade slipped out of the doors and drew his sword. He raced into the plaza, slicing down hellsouls from behind with swings of his sword as he ran to rescue LunarSigh.

“We are doomed now,” Rejji said. “The army is not coming, and one point of the diamond is dead. We cannot stop this attack. We should flee.”

“Hold fast,” commanded Emperor Marak as he sheathed his sword and stepped over LunarSigh’s body.

The Torak began unleashing light blades at slight angles to either side of the charging Sakovan warrior.

“You know magic?” Rejji blurted out.

Everyone turned to see what Rejji was talking about. They saw the Torak throwing light blades at a feverous pace. Axor grinned broadly, and Temiker smiled and shook his head as they both continued attacked the hellsouls. Lyra only nodded as if she was not surprised. The Torak looked beyond DarkBlade and saw the rest of the warriors charging out of the temple.

“Our warriors are coming,” Marak announced. “We need to make the diamond bigger to accommodate them inside. Lyra, stay where you are. Axor and Temiker, step forward six paces when you get a chance.”

The Torak continued to throw light blades as he stepped six paces forward. As the warriors got closer, he had to angle his light blades more to the sides to avoid hitting them. He frowned when he saw hellsouls filling in the gap behind the warriors, but there was nothing that he could do about it. DarkBlade finally reached the diamond. He sheathed his sword as he passed the Torak and knelt beside LunarSigh.

“She is alive still,” the Sakovan warrior announced. “I will take her to the temple.”

“No,” Marak said quickly. “Your path back is already closed. Ready your bow to kill those that come close.”

“But that will not vanquish them,” objected DarkBlade.

“No,” replied Marak, “but it will slow them down some. If you see any with rocks, kill them first. The Qubari army is not coming. We must destroy them all. Instruct the others when they arrive.”

DarkBlade nodded and grabbed his bow. He looked towards the temple and saw his fellow warriors following in his path.

“I thought I was coming alone,” frowned DarkBlade. “I did not mean to cause all of us to be out here.”

“It is done,” replied the Torak. “Let us make the best of it.”

The rest of the warriors ran into the diamond, and DarkBlade instructed them to use their bows. The warriors kept close watch on the charging hellsouls. When one point of the diamond was failing to keep up with the charge, the archers focused on that area.

MistyTrail knelt beside LunarSigh and began healing the wound on her temple, while Mistake stood with knives in her hands incase any hellsoul managed to get too close. Halman and Gunta flanked Emperor Marak, while Eltor and Caldal flanked Lyra. Mobi and Bakhai shadowed Rejji, while DarkBlade and Wyant kept close to Axor.

“We are holding our own,” Lyra stated, the exertion obvious from her tone, “but nothing more. Is there no end to these creatures?”

“Not many are choosing to flee this time,” replied the Torak. “I suspect that they are aware that this is the end.”

Suddenly, LunarSigh opened her eyes. She recognized the feeling of healing magic and smiled up at MistyTrail. She looked around to get her bearings and then rose to her feet. She saw the Torak in her original position and shook her head in surprise.

“I can relieve someone,” LunarSigh announced. “Where am I needed?”

“Just join in wherever you can,” answered Lyra. “Your help might be just what we need to finish this.”

The battle dragged on until there was no longer a stream of hellsouls filing into the plaza. Puffs of smoke rose throughout the plaza and hung in the air as if a thousand campfires had just been extinguished.

“No more towards the palace,” Lyra said joyfully as she turned to help Temiker’s side of the plaza. “LunarSigh, aid Axor. We can work our way around towards the Torak, clearing the plaza as we go.”

“Some are fleeing,” Marak warned as the final tide of hellsouls broke. “This battle is almost over.”