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“No,” the Torak shook his head. “The Chula are free to worship Kaltara wherever they exist, but Changragar is our monument to Kaltara. It is to be treated as such. Changragar is to be something that the Chula are proud to call their own. That is my message. Deliver it promptly.”

“It shall be as you command,” replied the Chula warrior. “Do you need a cat to ride? I will get you one before I return to the village.”

“I have no need for one,” answered the Torak.

The Chula warrior frowned with confusion. He turned the jaguar and began riding down the trail. He constantly turned to see if the Torak was still there. Emperor Marak shook his head with a slight smile and returned to the temple. He made his way to the small room behind the bookshelf and returned to Angragar. When he entered the library, Rejji and Lyra were waiting for him.

“How did it go?” asked Rejji.

“It is so cold there,” Marak replied rubbing his hands up and down his arms. “I wish the Chula had built their temple in a more hospitable area. Other than that, it went well. The poor Chula warrior will have a hard time explaining that the Torak sent the message, when Tmundo knows that I am at Angragar. I would love to see his face.”

“Will Tmundo believe the messenger?” asked Lyra.

“He will,” nodded Marak. “Even if the messenger ends up thinking that he only saw a vision of me, Tmundo will see that my words ring true. The state of Changragar is an embarrassment. Tmundo will change that.”

“Mobi returned while you were gone,” stated the Astor. “The city is clear of hellsouls. The army has searched every street and every building. There are no creatures left.”

“Are we sure?” asked Emperor Marak.

“As sure as we will ever be,” answered Lyra. “I walked around the city this morning with my rapier. I felt no warming of its hilt.”

“I did the same last night,” nodded Marak. “Good. Now we shall move on to the prayer chamber. I have a feeling that Kaltara will know if the city is not safe for the Qubari to return to.”

The Three walked out of the library to the entry foyer where the rest of the group was camped. They checked to make sure that there were no important developments requiring their attention before heading to the prayer chamber. They stepped inside and closed the door.

Once the door was closed, the prayer chamber was completely dark. Marak reached out grasped the hands of Lyra and Rejji and led them to the center of the round room. Together they kneeled in the dark.

“The Three come to you in prayer,” the Star of Sakova said.

“Give us guidance in what is to come,” added the Torak.

“So we may serve as suits Kaltara’s needs,” completed the Astor.

Suddenly, the room shook violently. The Three clung to each other’s hands as the tremors continued for several minutes. Unexpectedly, the shaking stopped and the room filled with an eerie glow. The round walls turned to visions of the city of Angragar. The buildings looked refurbished and people walked the streets. The Three turned and stared at the moving images.

“You have not disappointed me,” boomed a voice. “The Three are as one. Angragar has been restored this day and the whole world knows about it.”

The vision changed to that of a foreign city. An imposing pyramid temple rose over the city, its steps littered with bodies dressed in bright red uniforms. As the Three watched, the bodies rose and looked about in panic. They dusted off their uniforms and reformed their ranks and continued marching down the steps.

“The Island of Darkness,” Marak gasped softly.

“Yes, Torak,” boomed the voice. “The temple of the usurper. He now knows of Angragar. Your work is almost complete in Angragar. Find the Pit of Death and seal it. Only then will Angragar be truly safe. When this is done, disperse and gather the followers. The Time of Cleansing is soon upon you.”

The vision winked out and the room returned to darkness. The Three waited some time before they realized that Kaltara was not going to say anything further. They rose and left the chamber. Outside the chamber, Temiker, Mobi, and Axor waited.

“The city is open,” announced Temiker. “The jungle no longer surrounds it. The harbor is open to the sea, and the gates to the city are wide open. What does it mean?”

“It is time for the Qubari to move in,” declared Rejji. “Send word, Mobi. The Qubari have a new home.”

Mobi bowed and hurried off.

“It felt like an earthquake,” stated Temiker. “Did you feel it inside?”

“It was felt all over the world,” answered Lyra, “but it was not an earthquake. It was the hand of Kaltara.”

“We need to get back to the library,” stated Marak. “We must find references to the Pit of Death. Tell everyone to gather in the library.”

Temiker turned and left. Axor walked with the Three to the library. Soon the library was full as everyone began searching the tomes for any reference to the Pit of Death. Marak saw the elves in the corner talking among themselves. He walked over to them.

“Angragar is born again,” he stated. “The time for you to return to your homeland has arrived. I trust that you will deliver my words to your queen. I hope she receives them favorably.”

Eltor and Caldal looked at each other with disbelief. They smiled and shook their heads.

“Do you mean it?” asked Eltor. “We are free to go?”

“You have always been free to go,” smiled the Torak. “I have stated so before.”

“We didn’t believe you,” Caldal said frankly, “although I am no longer surprised by your words or actions. I have learned how wrong I have been. You are a man of honor. I thank you for all that you have done for us. Your words and more will be delivered to Queen Alycia. That is my pledge to you.”

“Thank you,” smiled the Torak. “I ask no more of you.”

“I have more to ask of you,” Eltor said hesitantly. “We would like to take Mistake and MistyTrail with us. We also need a ship. There is an old elven scout ship in the harbor. May we borrow it?”

“The ship is yours,” declared Emperor Marak. “As for Mistake and MistyTrail, I cannot give them leave to travel with you.” Marak smiled as he saw the frowns come over the faces of the elves. He continued, “They are not slaves to me or anyone else. They are free to do whatever they want. If you desire permission to take them to Elvangar, it is them that you must ask.”

Both elves grinned broadly. They bowed to Emperor Marak and raced to the far end of the library where Mistake and MistyTrail were searching for the Pit of Death.

“We are leaving this day for Elvangar,” Eltor said excitedly. “Will the two of you come with us?”

Mistake and MistyTrail looked at the elves with disbelief. They knew eventually they would be forced to make this decision, but it still shocked them. Mistake looked across the room and saw Emperor Marak looking her way. He smiled in a fatherly fashion when he saw her looking and then turned to the bookshelf and picked out a tome to read. Mistake looked up at Eltor and nodded slowly.

“I would like that very much,” she said. “I need some time to say goodbye to friends here. Where should I meet you?”

“Remember the small elven scout ship?” asked Eltor. “Emperor Marak has given it to us. We will be getting it ready for the voyage.”

“MistyTrail?” Caldal asked attentively.

“I go where my sister goes,” MistyTrail replied. “We are inseparable. I too must say my goodbyes. We will meet you at the docks.”

Caldal grinned as he and Eltor turned to leave the library. As they walked out the door, Mobi reached out and grabbed Eltor by the shoulder.

“Where are you going?” asked Mobi.

“We are going to the docks to ready a ship to return to Elvangar,” replied Eltor. “We have the Torak’s leave to do so.”

“Yes, but where are you going?” Mobi persisted.

“I do not understand the question,” frowned Eltor.

“Do you know where Elvangar is?” asked Mobi. “Do you know your stars?”