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Undulating her hips beneath him, she wrapped her legs tighter around his waist and broke the kiss, gasping at each hot plunge of his flesh into hers. Her eyes pinched closed as she dragged in the musky scent of sex and man. “This feels so . . .”

“Fucking good,” he finished for her. His hands moved to close around her knees, pul ing her legs farther apart to al ow him to drive as deep as possible. His thrusts were hard, but too slow to shove her over the edge.

Shivers raced over her skin, every muscle in her body trembling with insipient need, with dark, unspeakable magic. It pulsed from her to him in sharp stabs of lust, making them both groan. “Hurry, Merek.”

“And end this so soon? No way in hel .” But his hands gripped her hips tightly enough to leave bruises, his fingers sending waves of that same overwhelming power, silver lightning flashing between them to sting her flesh. It was too much and not enough al at once. A spasm clenched her sex, and she cried out at the sensation. He gritted his teeth over a harsh sound of need.

Squeezing his cock with her inner wal s, she tried to increase that consuming ecstasy. He groaned, his thrusts picking up speed and force, just the way she wanted. Her nails sank into the heavy muscles of his chest, and she tugged at the light smattering of curls there. “That’s perfect, Merek. Just like that. You feel so good inside me.”

Gods, Chloe.” Those gray eyes closed, and he swal owed hard. His breathing was nothing more than ragged panting, his powerful body arching between her thighs as he pushed them both to the edge of sanity.

They moved together seamlessly, magic building around them, flowing through them as their power cycled back and forth, feeding the need. The raw, stark sensuality of it shook her from deep within. It was perfect, just as she said. Too perfect. Shuddering away from that thought, she focused on the physical, carnal reality of sex. The scent of him, the feel of his flexing muscles against her skin, the creak of the mattress beneath them, the gasps of air that escaped their lungs as they moved faster and faster. The fire and magic that heated her blood, made her heart pound until she could feel nothing else, think of nothing else.

“Oh, gods, yes.” She clenched her jaw to hold off the orgasm building within her. As much as she wanted it, she also wanted to savor every second of this experience.

He chuckled, the sound rough with unspent lust. Slipping his hand between them, he rubbed his knuckle over her swol en clit and took the choice to linger away from her. “Come for me.”

“Merek!” She shattered, her body bowing in a tight arc, and she lifted him with her as she convulsed around his cock. Her pussy gripped him tight, relaxed, and gripped again, milking him until she was sobbing with the force of it and he was groaning with his own orgasm. He slammed deep, shuddering over her as he came, his fierce expression emptying as he col apsed on top of her.

Slowly, she went limp, utter contentment sapping her wil to move. His weight crushed her into the mattress, and she ran a hand down his sweat-dampened side before letting it drop. With a soft groan and a final thrust of his stil semihard erection inside her, he managed to leverage himself off of her and onto the bed next to her. He hooked an arm around her waist and dragged her up against him, running his palm down her body, cupping her breast, tweaking her nipple, swirling a finger around her navel, and final y slipping between her legs to settle over her sensitized clit.

A low moan tore from her throat, shivers raising goose bumps on her flesh. She’d been so right. This was exactly what she’d needed. For one night, she’d needed to forget everyone and everything in her life and just feel. She’d needed to be touched, to have a man’s hands slide over her skin.

She’d needed to be fucked.

“Mmmph.” Something heavy landed on Chloe’s stomach, jerking her out of the erotic dream, the erotic memory. Her heart thundered, sweat slid down her face, and her lungs heaved in a desperate bid for air. Icy fear and hot lust warred for dominance inside her as the fantasy gave way to reality. She shuddered, her fingers bal ing in soft cotton sheets. Her familiar’s eyes glowed in the low lighting of the lamp she’d left on, a freakish little alien head peering down at her. Ophelia blinked, her whiskers twitching. Chloe groaned, shoved the Siamese cat off her bel y, and flopped over to bury her face in the pil ow. “Gods.

How many times was she going to have that dream? How often did she have to relive that wild night? It had happened two months ago, and hardly a night had passed that she hadn’t had the dream.

Maybe she just needed to get laid. Get that night out of her system. She moaned into her pil ow, squeezing her thighs together as a lingering throb of desire went through her. That was how she’d ended up having that night in the first place, by tel ing herself she needed to get laid, to get her cheating ex out of her system.

That had gone so wel for her.

She’d gone out to Sanguine, her favorite Magickals-only private club, scoped out every species of hotty the Magickal community had to offer—elves, Fae, vampires, werewolves, warlocks. She had mental y debated the sexual gifts each species could bring to the table—bedroom, whatever—and then she’d seen him. After that, there’d been no contest. Chemistry was a bitch like that. She would know—she was a biochemist.

Sighing, she rol ed over, kicked the sheet off of her, and forked her hands through her sweaty hair. Her body stil burned, her sex aching with a need to be fil ed with more than just her vibrator. “Damn it.”

Dwel ing on her lack of a love life since her one-night stand wouldn’t help her. And thinking about Damien-Raines-the scum-sucking-vampire who’d left her for a she-vamp he’d knocked up, which was where her shame spiral had started, wouldn’t help her disposition at al . However, the fact that his ferret familiar was probably stil hexed into an ugly lampshade made her lips quirk. Vampires sucked at casting spel s. Damien had just sucked, period. Too bad it had taken her so long to figure that out.

She heaved herself out of bed and played soccer with Ophelia’s sinuous body as she tried to twine herself around Chloe’s legs while she walked. Tripping, she hit the swinging door to the kitchen and almost face-planted into the floor. “Damn it, Ophelia.”

The cat sniffed, leaped up onto the counter, and flicked a delicate paw at her food bowl in an unmistakable feline demand. Chloe rol ed her eyes and grumbled al the way to the cabinet that contained the outrageously expensive cat cuisine her familiar liked. Dumping the contents into the food dish, Chloe went about retrieving her own sustenance while the cat dug in.

Thirty seconds later, she had a steaming mug of coffee cradled between her palms. The first sip made her moan. “Ahhh.

Bless the Normal human who’d invented the automatic coffeemaker. Magic did some awesome things, but sometimes Normal technology trumped al . She leaned against her counter and gazed out her kitchen window at the morning mist shrouding her Queen Anne Hil neighborhood and drifting out into downtown Seattle. The city lights were a pretty haze that streaked the skyline. Sunbeams began to pierce the fog, so she knew it would be a rare sunny day in the Emerald City. Yesterday had been wicked hot, too, but Chloe loved the brightness. She’d have to remember to go for a walk during lunch today.

Bon Jovi’s “Bad Medicine” blared from her cel phone, jolting her from her reverie, and she jogged into her living room to grab it from the charger. Her best friend Tess’s name popped up on the cal er ID.