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Tilting his head, he sipped at her lips before twining his tongue with hers again. The taste of her was almost narcotic. Fire twisted in his gut, heat and need wrenching through him as he picked up his pace.

Their skin smacked together, the impact loud in the smal bedroom. She gasped against his mouth when he rubbed over her clit. He was going to come soon, and he was going to take her with him. He wanted to feel that hot milking of her pussy on his cock.

Sweat sealed their bodies when they pressed together, made them slippery when they moved apart. She walked her feet up the backs of his thighs, pushing down to keep him close. He sucked her bottom lip between his teeth and scraped the swol en flesh while he pul ed back and broke the kiss. “Gods, Chloe.

This is fucking incredible.”

“Oh, yeah.” She slipped her palms down his back to grab his ass and pul him deeper into her. A laugh bubbled out of her, and she arched her hips up to meet his, clenching her inner muscles tight around him when he withdrew to thrust back in. “Faster, Merek. Harder. I love it.”

How was he ever going to give her up?

It was the last coherent thought he had before the world dissolved around him, and he exploded into orgasm. Desperately, he reached between them and flicked his finger over her clit, pouring hot waves of magic into the touch. Her entire body arched, stiffened, and she convulsed around his cock. He jetted into her slick pussy, and heard her sob his name. He groaned, the sound half pleasure and half pain. It went on and on, but was over too soon, his come pumping deep inside her as her sheath fisted on him. More. He wanted more. Always with her, he wanted more. He wanted to stay inside her forever.

Her hands slipped up and down his sweat-dampened back before fal ing limply to the pil ow beside her head. “Mmm. That was just what I needed. I bet I’l sleep really wel now.”

He chuckled, letting his forehead rest between her breasts. “So, I’m a sleeping pil now. You’re welcome. I think.”

Turning his head, he nuzzled and kissed the inner curve of one plump breast. His hand petted her hip, the silkiness of her skin irresistible. He couldn’t get enough of touching her. A part of him suspected he might never get enough, and the thought worried him far less than it should. He’d been in far deeper than he should have been since the very beginning, and he didn’t even want to wonder why. There was no end in sight, so he could only control the here and now. And at that moment al he wanted was to sleep with his woman in his arms.

Using the last bit of strength he had left, he shifted to the side so he wasn’t crushing her, but could stay inside her. Yes. Perfect.

Automatical y, he reached out to turn off the light, and felt her tense beside him. It was only then that he realized they’d never once slept with al the lights out. Normal y, they just crashed into slumber after sex, but what he had thought was a mere oversight had been deliberate on her part. He should know by now not to assume anything with Chloe. Unlike with other people, he couldn’t predict her reactions or the reasons behind them. He hesitated briefly, then switched the lamp to its lowest setting. “Is that al right?”

“Yes, that’s fine.”

When he didn’t push her for more answers about what could make an adult woman so scared of the dark, the tension leeched out of her muscles. She swal owed, and he could almost feel her groping for something else to talk about. “I was thinking . . . before you came into the living room . . .”

“You know, you think too much, Doctor.” He kissed her to take any sting out of the words.

Humming against his lips, she broke away after a long moment. “No, I mean . . . The ful moon’s in a couple of days. We need to get Alex somewhere safe.”

Somewhere safe for him to shift. Somewhere it would be unlikely that anyone would look for him at ful moon, when werewolves were forced to change shape. The process was grotesque, and Merek couldn’t imagine it was anything less than torturous. He’d watched wolves shift before when they were trying to evade capture. The sound of every bone in the body breaking in rapid succession was one he’d never forget. A shudder racked him. He swal owed to rid his mouth of the faint taint of bile. These were not the kind of thoughts he wanted to be having after a mattress session with Chloe. He sighed and stroked his fingers down her hip again, but his mind refused to shut down.

Ful moon was going to be a problem, Chloe was right about that. Depending on how long this job lasted, he would have to deal with this every month.

Shifting was what wolves did, and he wasn’t sure what exactly it was about ful moon shifts that made them more dangerous, but a lot of wolves died that way. Maybe it was that they were compel ed and so weren’t total y in control of the Change. Maybe it was the added stress on top of an already dangerous situation. It didn’t real y matter, other than how it affected Alex.

Merek sighed, burying his nose into the soft hair at Chloe’s temple. “There’s a couple of places up in eastern Oregon, remote campgrounds, that would be good.”

Nodding, she turned her head for a ful kiss. “Places where no one can tel the difference between the werewolves howling and the real wolves?”

“Yeah, and run by Magickals who wouldn’t think anything of a little howling at that time of the month.” He obliged her, letting his lips play over hers.

“Okay.” She pul ed away, then came back for another round. “How long wil it take us to get there?”

“We can be there before nightfal if we hit the road first thing in the morning.”

“Okay, sounds good.” The lines of worry eased from her face. She yawned and snuggled into him, her eyes blinking slowly. “I’l be good to go as soon as I get coffee.”

“Can you sleep now?

“Yes, thank you, Detective.” She pinched his side, but he felt the silent laugh that shook her chest. “If I’m lucky, Alex wil be up first and have coffee ready. He’s a good kid like that.”

Yeah, he was a good kid like that. The wolf had treated Merek with courteous caution from the beginning, and nothing had changed. If Alex had a problem with Merek and Chloe’s relationship, he hadn’t said anything. Then again, the teen didn’t say much anyway. He just watched and waited for Merek to fuck something up—his distrust of adult males was plain to see, and from what little Chloe had said about Ivan Nemov, the kid had a right to his misgivings. There was nothing Merek could do about that, so he just went about his business with Chloe and keeping them al safe and treated the kid with the same tolerance and cool civility that he received. Whether or not that was the best approach to take, he had no idea, but he did know he wasn’t about to give up the pleasure of being with Chloe.

He smiled when she cuddled closer, sighing in soft contentment. Smoothing her inky hair back, he let himself relax, let his thoughts drift where they would. They’d made it out of Seattle without incident, and the few days since had been spent in placid normalcy, but his shoulder blades stil twitched. They weren’t out of danger. Even as he understood that, he cursed his inability to know what danger was coming. He’d never had to fly blind during a case before—even a case that was off the record. It was disconcerting as hel , and he didn’t like it, but there was no putting the brakes on this runaway train. He’d chosen to contact Mil ie, and Chloe had wil ingly gone along with their plans without a single complaint.

She trusted him whether she wanted to admit it or not. She would trust him enough to tel him about her fear of the night someday.