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She bit her pil ow when his cock replaced his fingers, the head nudging into her anus. It stung, he was so big, but she breathed through the pleasure-pain. He gripped her waist, his heavy thighs forcing her legs even wider for him as he surged deeper into her ass. He froze when she cried out, bucking against the glowing bonds around her wrists.

“Are you al right?” His grasp tightened when she didn’t answer. “Chloe?”

“Give me a second.” She forced her body to loosen up, muscle by muscle, accepting the thick penetration of his cock. He shifted a little, and a ripple of pleasure went through her. Just that smal movement, and more juices flooded her pussy. “Okay. I’m ready.”

Torment roughened his tone. “I don’t want to hurt you. We can stop now, if—”

“No.” She rol ed her hips experimental y, using the spel ropes to gain some leverage. A gasp ripped from her as the slippery oil made the first few inches of his cock slide in and out of her ass, each stroke easier as she relaxed.

Goose bumps broke out across her skin as he began to rock with her, tiny plunges that made ecstasy streak through her. His palms skimmed up her back, down again, gentling her. His voice was a deep growl that urged her onward.

“Faster,” she breathed, writhing in the bespel ed cage of her bonds.

He obeyed her, his thrusts picking up speed and force until his muscled stomach spanked against her backside. Her sex fisted each time he entered her ass, and need sliced through her like a werewolf’s claws.

She moaned, bowing her back until the bonds snapped tight. He kissed the nape of her neck, his breath whispering against her hot, damp skin. “You feel so good, Chloe. Amazing.”

I love you. The words were there, hovering on the tip of her tongue, but she bit them back. “More. Please, more.”

He rotated his pelvis against her, and she cried out at the pleasure that flooded her. He gave her more, just not as much as she needed. She tightened her muscles around his cock, and he groaned, the helpless sound vibrating against her back. “Yes, Chloe. More. Give me more.”

The ropes glowed brighter as their passion built, blinding her until she had to close her eyes to escape the light, but that only focused her more on the physicaclass="underline" the glide of their oil-slicked and sweat-dampened skin; the rough hair at his groin that stimulated her; the groans between each gasping breath; the flex and release of muscles as they moved together.

It was pure magic, no pleasure spel s required.

He slid his hand between her body and the pil ow he’d placed under her hips, forcing her to arch her ass higher into his thrusts. She sobbed and then screamed when his hand dipped between her thighs and rubbed over her wet folds. Every deep thrust rubbed her clit against his stroking fingers. “Merek! I need . . . I can’t . . . please!

She knew she made no sense, but somehow he knew what she was begging for. His hips bucked faster, driving his cock even deeper than he’d ever been before. His fingers pressed down directly on her clit, and she exploded into an orgasm that left her shrieking, sobbing, and heaving under him.

A rough groan from him told her she’d dragged him along with her, and soon he fil ed her ass with hot fluids. Great shudders racked his body, and he wrapped his arms around her to hold her close.

“Gods,” he gasped. “That was . . . amazing.”

“Amazing.” She echoed the word at the same time, a bubble of sweet laughter slipping from her. “Yeah. It real y was.”

Moments later, her arms went slack as he released her from the spel binding. She col apsed against the bed, cooing in delight when his long fingers worked any remaining tension from her muscles. He tugged up the covers and settled beside her, tucking her into his warm body.

Her hands fisted in the covers when he flipped off the lamp on the bedside table. Then she grinned. One of his truly hideous night-lights shone from a wal socket. The seashel light. From the glow in the room, she’d guess he’d plugged one into every available socket. She sighed and leaned back into him, relaxing.

“Not too dark?” He kissed her temple.

She shook her head. “Nope.”

He’d noticed. Of course he had. This was Merek. Her smile widened.

No wonder she loved him.


Something was wrong.

Every hair on the back of Merek’s neck rose, his instincts shivering to life. In the three weeks since they’d left Arizona, he hadn’t had a hint of suspicion that anything was amiss, but he stood looking at the woman behind the ticket counter at the Portland airport, and he knew. The way her eyes widened slightly when she entered his information into the computer, the way her bored expression flattened to emptiness.

They’d been blown.

“You know what? I need to make a cal before I check in.” He gave the lady a grin he hoped looked genuine, swept his falsified passport out of her hand, and stepped back to let the next impatient traveler buy him a few seconds before she cal ed security. From the corner of his eye, he noted when she picked up a phone.

Alex and Chloe were occupying a few of the uncomfortable chairs grouped near the ticketing area. They hadn’t checked in yet. Merek insisted they switch things around when they flew. Sometimes they paired off; sometimes they al traveled separately. Same plane, but they didn’t sit together, didn’t acknowledge each other. Nothing would link them.

This time, Merek had been alone, the others together. He thanked the gods he’d gotten in line first.

Digging through his duffle for a cel phone he didn’t need, he pretended to lose his grip and scatter the contents on the floor near their chairs.

Alex hopped up to help him gather his belongings. Merek offered a thankful smile and kept his tone cheerful. “Our IDs have been flagged, and security is on the way. I’l handle them.” He nodded an easy farewel to Alex and Chloe, as if he’d never met them before and never expected to see them again. He could only pray he did see them again. Soon. But he had to get them out of here now. “I want you to very casual y walk away from me, get in a cab, and leave the airport. I’l meet you in exactly two hours in the mystery section at Powel ’s.” The bookstore was enormous, the size of a ful city block, and had gobbled up the surrounding stores into a sprawling maze of interconnected buildings. It was packed with people and a warren of bookshelves easy to get lost in. The perfect place to disappear, if necessary. “If I’m not there on time, you know what to do.”

Chloe gave him a dismissive wave before she set her purse in her lap and rooted around in it. She came up with a tube of gloss, slicked it on her lips, and dropped it back into the abyss of her bag.

“Come on, honey. Let’s go.” She gave Alex an impatient glance as she stood, looped her purse over her shoulder, then picked up her suitcase and walked away.

“I hate Oregon.” Alex shrugged into his backpack and fol owed her. Neither of them looked back, and they hopped into a cab. A relieved breath eased out of Merek’s lungs when they pul ed away from the curb and sped away.

They were safe. For now.

The relief was short-lived. A uniformed guard slid into view. He wasn’t Normal. Elf, maybe. Senses Merek had honed as a cop made that conclusion register before he’d even given the question his ful attention.

A shimmer formed before his eyes, visions of how this could play out. Now that Alex and Chloe were out of the picture, he could see again. Possibilities, chances, probabilities. Some were uglier than others. He discarded those, making a snap decision, which made stil more potentials dance before him, overlaying the reality of the bustling airport. Reflex kept the two pictures sharp, al owed him to react to what was true and interpret what was possible.