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She didn’t give him a moment to protest, not that she thought he would. She wrapped one hand around the base of his dick and then wet the head, swirling her tongue around in a circle. He steadied himself with a hand in her hair as she took him all the way into her mouth. Then, she started bobbing back and forth, sucking him until she was sure he couldn’t grow any bigger.

His moans filled the space, bringing a smile to her face. Then, his fingers tightened in her hair, and he started thrusting into her mouth. She still had control of him, but he didn’t seem to be able to stop either. He was so close. She was sure she was going to feel him hitting the back of her throat at any second, but she still didn’t stop.

Just when she thought he was going to come undone, he harshly pulled back and stumbled backward a step, away from her.

Her eyes went wide in panic, and she sat back on her heels in confusion. “What?”

He was breathing heavily as he stared down at her. “If I’m coming, I’m coming inside of that pussy.”

Her mouth gaped open in surprise at the crude words, but she didn’t protest. Isn’t that exactly what I want?

Preston closed the distance between them and forced her onto her back again. Her heart thudded in her chest as she spread her legs wide for him.

This was it. She was giving herself to him, giving him everything. He’d had her before but not like this, not with the knowledge that she loved him. This time it felt like so much more.

His hands clasped down on her hips and dragged her an inch closer to him before he plunged deep into her. She kept her eyes trained on his beautiful face as he pumped into her over and over again. They were both so worked up from the foreplay that she knew they were going to hold out for long. He had almost come in her mouth. There was no way he could resist it while being inside her.

Trihn ran her hands up his arms and pulled his face back down toward her. She passionately kissed him with all the love in her heart as she gave her heart, body, and soul to him.

And as she came for a second time, she once again whispered the words to him in earnest, “I love you.”

“I LOVE YOU. I’ll always love you,” Preston coos into my ear.

I lean back into his arms with a sigh. This is right.

“Honey, did you need to stop?” Linh asked.

Trihn shook herself from her daydream in frustration and stared at her mom sitting in the passenger seat of their Mercedes SUV while her dad drove.

A week had passed since she confessed her love to Preston. He hadn’t responded, but she was sure he felt the same. She didn’t want to rush him even though she couldn’t help but think about it and what it would be like when he said those three beautiful words. Unfortunately, for the next week, she would be on her stupid family vacation without him.

“No, Mom, I don’t need a break. We’re almost to the Hamptons anyway,” she said, slumping back in her seat.

Her mom gave her a motherly look that said she wasn’t going to take this attitude from her youngest daughter throughout the entire vacation. Trihn just slid her Bose headphones out from her oversize Kate Spade bag and drowned out all the other noise in the car. She wouldn’t mind going back to that daydream.

She checked her phone for the umpteenth time and sighed at the lack of response. She knew Preston was working and not normally all that talkative during the day anyway, but still…she missed him. She hadn’t even gotten to say good-bye because he was so busy.

As she and her parents drove into the Hamptons, Trihn’s eyes slid over the stunning mansions. Each was bigger and more outdone than the next. For someone who had grown up and lived her entire life in a townhouse surrounded by millions of other people, the giant houses and wide open spaces in the Hamptons were a thankful reprieve from the city. But by the end of the week, she was always ready to get back to her home.

Her father turned down the street where the house they rented for a week every year sat as untouched and as beautiful as ever. She slipped her headphones off her ears and leaned forward in the seat.

“Glad to be back?” her father, Gabriel, asked.

She nodded. “Yeah. A lot of good memories here.”

He pulled into the driveway and parked in one of the three empty garages. Trihn popped open her door and hopped out, inhaling the balmy sea air.

“Where’s Ly?” Trihn asked. “I thought she came up yesterday.”

Linh waved her hand. “Oh, I asked her to pick up some things that I forgot for the welcome party tomorrow night.”

“You got her to go to the store for you?” Trihn asked with wide eyes.

“Lydia was happy to help.”

Trihn rolled her eyes. That didn’t sound like her sister. “Okay,” she said disbelievingly.

She grabbed her bag off the floor of the SUV and trudged toward the house. She was halfway up the stairs when her mother called her back into the kitchen.

Trihn sighed and then ditched her bag at the foot of the stairs. “What?”

Linh held up a piece of paper and waved it at her. “Seems Mr. Peterson has already been over, looking for you,” she said with a knowing smile.

“It’s just Ian, Mother, no Mr. Peterson and definitely none of those looks.”

“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Sure,” Trihn said with a shake of her head. In the next minute though, she was out of the house and jogging across the immaculate lawn to the house next door.

She knocked and waited for two seconds for someone to answer the door. When no one did, she let herself inside. “Ian!” she called.

Feet pounded the floor upstairs and then came down the giant winding staircase at the front of the house. Ian appeared a second later with a huge grin on his face. “Trihn! You guys made it!”

He jumped the last three steps and pulled her into a giant hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him a little bit tighter. It had been forever since she saw him. Normally, their parents would vacation in Aspen during the winter or some kind of Caribbean vacation destination during the spring, but Trihn had been occupied with modeling during the Aspen trip and his parents had been too busy for an island vacation last spring.

“It’s so good to see you,” she told him honestly before pulling back.

Ian was like a brother to her. They had known each other practically their whole lives. Having someone always around who was her age had probably been one of the reasons she hadn’t cared about bringing a friend along on vacation with her. She always had one. The thought made her feel equal parts sad that Preston couldn’t be here and happy that at least she wouldn’t be bored.

“It’s great to see you, too. Tell me everything I’ve missed.”

He ushered her through the foyer, past the enormous kitchen, and out the back door to a massive deck that looked out across the Olympic-size pool and to the ocean beyond. Papers were laid out on a table, and Ian’s MacBook Pro along with an assortment of odds and ends held them down from blowing away in the breeze.

“What are you working on, genius?” she joked, peering down at the screen.

He laughed. “Things your tiny brain could never comprehend.”

“Just because my brain doesn’t think in zeros and ones does not make it tiny!” she said, swatting at his arm.

“My brain doesn’t think in terms of fashion though.”


“Hey, hey!”

“You’ve been wearing the same outfits since you were knee-high. I mean, did you walk out of Martha’s Vineyard or something?”

Ian’s ears turned bright pink at her comment, and she couldn’t help but laugh. As soon as he sat down, she fell into the seat next to his and kicked her feet up onto his lap. Teasing Ian was practically an art form as far as she was concerned.