“Not in and of itself.”
“Will sending Hunter on a diversionary errand be objectionable, in and of itself?” Wayne asked
“Again, not necessarily.”
“Good. I thought so. Then I instruct you to think up a diversion that will separate Hunter from his team and still be acceptable to you.”
“I do not have a precise plan yet, but I can describe the condition our diversion must meet.”
“All right. What is it?”
“After we distract Hunter and send him away, I must be in a position to watch over his team, so that I can protect those humans, instead of Hunter.”
“Uh, what about me? And Xiao Li?”
“Ideally, you will not be in danger or very far away. But I must know that you are safe, too.”
“Okay. Let’s see what we can come up with. Suppose Xiao Li goes into the inn and tells another story to Hunter. It worked to get them all up here. Maybe we can split them up somehow that way.”
“Hunter has the ability to radio his team for help,” said Ishihara. “We will have to take that into consideration also. What should Xiao Li say?”
“As a roboticist, I think the best way to engage Hunter in action will be to repeat what I attempted before-kidnap one of the members of his team. As a robot, do you agree?”
“Yes,” said Ishihara. “The First Law requires him to take action, and if I am present to prevent harm to the victim, I can accept this.”
“All right. Then, to satisfy you under the First Law, I suggest that you conduct the kidnapping.”
“I must agree to the overall circumstances, as well. What will they be?”
“I’m not sure yet, but we’ll need Xiao Li to speak to Hunter inside the inn…Tell you what-ask the man in the stable to go inside and see if some other guests will come outside. Maybe we can enlist their help.”
Hunter ate lightly at dinner, just enough to maintain his appearance as a human. Since his energy came from the sun, he did not require food. Even after his team finished dinner, they remained at the table, drinking hot tea.
Marcia had been lecturing them on areas of Mongol and Chinese history that were not immediately pertinent. No one else had spoken for some time. Hunter noticed that the hostler came in and requested that the guests at the other tables go outside with him; Hunter supposed that some minor problem with their horses had developed. Since the hostler had not addressed their table, Hunter gave no importance to the matter.
Steve sat with his arms folded, his cup of hot tea on the table in front of him.
“Most people think the Mongols overwhelmed their enemies by sheer numbers,” Marcia was saying. “That’s not true at all. In fact, they were often outnumbered in their military campaigns. They won through speed and efficiency.”
“Nobody cares,” Steve muttered. “And it doesn’t make any difference to our mission.”
“Well, pardon me.” Marcia straightened in her chair. “Perhaps I was mistaken. I thought you might want to learn something for a change.”
Steve rolled his eyes and started to get up.
Hunter heard the front door open and saw Steve suddenly freeze in place. When Hunter turned, he recognized the boy from the market coming inside. The boy glanced around and then shyly walked toward them.
“That’s the same kid, isn’t it?” Steve asked quietly, sitting down again. “I mean, I’m not confusing him with someone else, am I?”
“That’s him,” said Marcia, folding her arms.
“Yes, it is,” said Hunter.
Xiao Li stopped in front of Hunter and bowed politely. He started to speak, but nervously fumbled for words. His face was flushed and he glanced uncomfortably around the table.
“May I help you?” Hunter asked. “I am surprised to see you here, so far from Khanbaliq.”
“My family followed you up here from the city,” Xiao Li said carefully. “They captured the man you wanted.”
“Really? Where are they now?” Jane asked. “Are they outside?”
“They are down the road,” said Xiao Li, turning to address her. “At first we told the man to come with us and he did. Then someone must have said something he did not like, because he tried to run away. My family has grabbed him, but he is much stronger than he looks. I rode up here on my donkey to find you.”
Hunter noticed that the boy’s speech was slow and very mannered, as though he was repeating something he had memorized. That would make sense if the villagers had sent him on ahead with this message. Further, his explanation fit the Laws of Robotics. Initially, if MC 5 had understood he was being ordered to cooperate and come with the villagers, he would have been required to obey. Later, he might have made an interpretation under the First Law from something he saw or heard that gave him the freedom to flee.
“Let’s go,” said Steve, getting up from the table. “We’ll ride down there, grab him, and be done with it.”
Xiao Li’s eyes widened. “I can’t wait for the hostler to prepare your horses. Your friend might escape.” He looked at Hunter with large, hopeful eyes. “Please come right away on my donkey with me. Your friends can ride down after their mounts are saddled.”
“Good idea,” said Hunter, rising also.
“You sure?” Jane asked, as she and Marcia left the table to join him.
“Yeah, what about not splitting up?” Steve grinned as they walked out of the inn with Xiao Li.
“The situation has changed. We are no longer conducting a random search. Now the necessity of apprehending MC 5 while I can is critically important.”
“What about our horses?” Jane asked, as they stepped outside into the chilly darkness. “Are we just going to leave them up here?”
Hunter paused. “No. We will give them as gifts to the villagers. They will not return the horses to the city, I realize, but the horses will be back in the same vicinity.”
“You better go,” said Jane. “We’ll ride right down after you as soon as the horses are ready.”
“Do not bother,” said Hunter. “You will be safer here than riding down this rough mountain road in the moonlight. I will come back with MC 5 and the villagers.”
“Whatever.” Steve shrugged.
“Our mission appears to be nearly complete,” said Hunter. “I suggest that you move up to one of the rooms together and switch on your lapel pins. That way I can communicate with you freely without our being overheard by anyone else.”
“That’s a good idea,” said Steve. “Let’s get this finished and go home.” He turned and went back into the inn with Marcia and Jane.
“You’re very big for my donkey,” said Xiao Li shyly, “but he can carry us both for a short distance.”
“We need not burden your donkey further,” said Hunter. “I can jog alongside him down the road.”
Xiao Li faced his donkey’s flank with both hands on the animal’s back. He jumped and vaulted forward, landing on the donkey’s back with his abdomen. Then he expertly swung one leg around the donkey’s rump and sat up, straddling his mount. He kicked it a couple of times and rode off at a trot.
Hunter fell into step alongside Xiao Li and his donkey, concerned that neither the boy nor his donkey could see the road well enough in the moonlight to ride safely at this pace. Since speed was a legitimate concern, Hunter did not suggest slowing down. Instead, he magnified his vision to maximum light receptivity and watched the uneven ground for anything that could trip the donkey.