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“Melancomas,” said Lucius.

“Yes, I’ve seen other images of him – but none that could match this one,” said Hadrian, unable to take his eyes from the statue. “They say Melancomas was beloved by the Divine Titus. Lucky Titus! If only, someday, I could meet a youth as beautiful as this…”

Marcus smiled. “If only, someday, I could create a statue as beautiful as this.”

Favonius stepped between them and tilted an eyebrow at each in turn. “May each of you be granted his desire – and be happy with it!”

Apollodorus joined them. He was a bit drunker than the rest. For Apollodorus, the evening was a rare break from months of unceasing labour, and he had imbibed a considerable quantity of the fine vintages on offer. Seeing that they were all gazing at the statue, he nodded. “Ah, the Melancomas. Superb! Without a doubt, the most beautiful and most valuable thing in the house.” He looked from Marcus to Hadrian. “Look at the two of you – spellbound! But for rather different reasons, I suspect. Which of you is truly Pygmalion, and which is the Little Greek? It seems to me that Marcus here is more the pure connoisseur, the Greekling who loves art for its own sake, and you, Hadrian, are the lover who longs to see a statue brought to life! Perhaps we should call you Pygmalion!”

Favonius laughed, but Marcus was not amused. Being called Pygmalion in private was one thing, but hearing his old slave name used in front of others rankled him. Nor was Hadrian amused: he looked quietly furious, and the acne scars across his cheeks turned bright red. Again, Marcus was puzzled by the tension between the two men.

Favonius, who missed nothing, saw the look on Marcus’s face and drew him aside. As they strolled to the far end of the garden, the scurra spoke in a low voice. “Are you not aware of the tiff between those two?”

Marcus wrinkled his brow. The scurra’s eyes lit up. There was nothing that gave Favonius greater pleasure than the chance to deliver fresh gossip. “Everyone’s talking about it! Where have you been the last couple of days?”

“Helping my father plan this party,” said Marcus.

“Ah! Then you haven’t heard about the meeting Caesar had with Apollodorus, about the reconstruction of the Greek wing of the library?”

“I know about that. It was two days ago.”

“But you weren’t there?”

“I won’t be involved until the time comes to decorate the interior.”

“I see.” The scurra nodded knowingly. “Well, it so happens that Hadrian did attend that meeting.”

“As he often does.”

“But this time he put forward some plans of his own.”

“What sort of plans?”

“Apollodorus was explaining to Caesar how long it will take to finish the repairs to the Greek wing, when Hadrian interrupted and proposed that the wing should have a dome on it – the man is crazy for domes – and produced some very elaborate drawings and plans which he insisted they both look at.”

“But such an idea isn’t possible. The Latin and Greek wings are intended to be symmetrical, and the Latin wing has no dome.”

“That’s exactly what Apollodorus said. Whereupon Hadrian said, ‘That’s why I propose to remodel the Latin wing and give it a dome as well.’ Apparently he has some idea that a dome is absolutely necessary for such a building, something about letting in light from the ceiling. He produced another drawing to show how the library would look if both wings had a dome, with the Column rising up between them, and apparently Trajan rather liked the notion.”

Marcus raised his eyebrows, thinking of all the time and effort such a scheme would entail. “How did Apollodorus react?”

“Apparently, he was absolutely scathing. You know he’s not afraid to be outspoken when it comes to such things. Even as Hadrian was expounding on the beauty of his domes, Apollodorus pointed at the drawings and turned up his nose. ‘What are these supposed to look like,’ he said, ‘two swollen testes flanking the upright Column?’ Well, once that image is in your mind, you can’t picture it any other way, can you? ‘These bulbous monstrosities not only spoil the overall symmetry of the whole forum,’ he says, ‘but they’ll collapse even before they’re completed.’ To which Hadrian made some crack about that unfortunate business with the broken crane, whereupon Apollodorus looked him straight in the eyes and said, ‘It’s one thing to draw your fantasy, young man, another to actually build it. Be off, now, and draw your giant gourds elsewhere. Caesar and I have a lot to talk about, and you understand nothing of these matters.”

“Trajan let him speak that way to his own cousin?”

“The emperor gives Apollodorus a very long leash, as you know, at least in matters to do with art and architecture. He trusts his judgement implicitly, whereas Hadrian, when all is said and done, is still the Little Greek, an over-educated dabbler who would do better to concentrate on his military career and leave art to the hirelings who create it for the pleasure of their betters. Hadrian was crushed. He gathered up his precious drawings and stalked off, practically in tears. Oh dear, but now we’ve come full circle, and there they are, still staring at that statue and not saying a word to each other.”

Marcus tried to think of a new topic for discussion. “What word, Hadrian, about this expedition being mounted by the emperor against Parthia?”

The question seemed to draw Hadrian out of a trance. He smiled. “I’m to go with him. It seems I’ll finally see the cities of the East – perhaps even Ctesiphon.”

He alluded to the capital of Parthia. Not content with the conquest of Dacia, Trajan had been seized by an even grander conceit – to fulfill the repeatedly thwarted Roman ambition that went back to the days of Julius Caesar, to follow in the footsteps of Alexander the Great and expand Roma’s empire eastward into the realms of ancient Persia.

Lucius Pinarius, who had joined his guests in the garden, cleared his throat. “Of course, there’s no real strategic purpose for inciting such a war, except that the Parthians present the only empire in the world to rival that of Roma.”

“I should think there’s every reason to conquer them,” said Favonius. “Or rather, the only reason there ever is for a war – wealth to plunder. The Dacians were the last neighbour left on the edges of the empire who actually possessed anything worth taking. Beyond our provinces on the northern coast of Africa lies a trackless desert; beyond Egypt lies a land of savage troglodytes and impassable jungles; the northern part of the island of Britannia is a frigid wasteland; and the realms beyond Germania and Dacia seem to be completely uncivilized, inhabited by such foul barbarians that they’re not even worth taking as slaves. There is India, of course, and beyond that the kingdom of Serica, the land of silk, which surely must be wealthy, but the world beyond the Indus River is so remote that hardly any Roman has ever traveled there, except for a few intrepid merchants. Within our reach, only Parthia and its satellite kingdoms remain to be conquered – and the wealth of its empire must be staggering.”

“As will be the challenge of taking it,” said Hadrian. “Even the Flavians at their most ambitious never dreamed of such a thing. But Caesar is ready for the challenge.”

“You won’t be going, will you, Marcus?” said Lucius, with a slight quaver in his voice.

“No, father. The emperor has decided that Apollodorus and I should remain here in Roma.”

Apollodorus nodded. “I’m compiling a handbook of designs for siege engines and such for the emperor to take with him, and training some of my best engineers for the expedition. But there’s still a great deal of work to be done on Caesar’s grand building projects here in the city, and whom could he possibly leave in charge but myself? Naturally, he looks to someone with experience, someone who knows how to get things done in strict accordance with his own high standards.” His boasting seemed to Marcus a deliberate attempt to needle Hadrian. After another swallow of wine, Apollodorus spoke to Hadrian directly. “But while Pygmalion and I stay here in the city to finish the projects, I’m sure you’ll manage to kill a Parthian or two, Little Greek! And like every conqueror, you’ll find it’s easier to demolish buildings and strip their ornaments than to put one up in the first place.”