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The idea for a fortified camp such as this had come from Gatus. He and Eskkar had argued over many nights and much ale about its worth.

The old soldier had a special way with training the men, and seemed ob-sessed with the idea of fortifications. Until this moment, Eskkar had remained skeptical, but now, watching the earthworks go up, he realized that the old fighter was right.

Sisuthros posted the guards and made the rounds to make sure they stayed alert. But Eskkar would depend more on the three men who slipped out of the camp as soon as the last of the sun vanished from the sky. They would creep up as close to the palisade as possible to keep watch. If the defenders decided to sortie out, the three sentries would give warning.

Inside the camp Sisuthros kept all seventy Akkadians busy for another two hours, before they were allowed to turn in, though a third of the men would stay awake and alert throughout the night. The tired soldiers fell asleep in moments, snoring away in blissful repose, a sound loud enough to wake the demons or the dead. Only when everything seemed secure for the night did Grond, Hamati, and Sisuthros sit down with Eskkar around a small campfire to discuss their next steps.

“From what we could see on the palisade,” Eskkar began, “it looks as though Ninazu has at least a hundred fighting men, probably thirty or forty more that he’s kept hidden. The rest are villagers and the local farmers, no doubt with swords at their backs as well as in their hands.”

“What if they try an attack tonight?” Hamati asked. He had charge of the first group of twenty-five men who would be awake and ready throughout the night.

“I don’t think they will,” Eskkar answered. “He knows he outnumbers us. Why should they give up their strong position to attack us in ours? No, he’ll wait, thinking we may attack tomorrow.”

“We could still try something at night ourselves,” Sisuthros suggested.

“We don’t have the men to waste. We’ll stay with the plan, for the next few days at least.” Eskkar stood. “Wake me when you change the guards, Hamati. I’ll want to talk to the men. Now, let’s get some rest.”

Eskkar arose before dawn broke. He’d slept well during the night, despite waking twice as the twenty-five defenders were replaced. Each time, he made the rounds with the new men, inspecting them, talking with them, and reminding them to keep alert.

All around him men groaned and stretched, their muscles stiff from yesterday’s digging. He smiled at that. Those muscles would loosen up soon enough. There would be more digging today. A lot more. The men should be grateful. At least they wouldn’t be marching anywhere.

Before the sun cleared the horizon, Eskkar stood atop the dirt embankment and looked toward the village. The palisade stood fully manned, a sign of good discipline on his enemy’s part. No doubt Ninazu had expected an early morning attack, or even something during the night. With the sun behind him, Eskkar picked out the man with bright silver bracelets on both his arms. If that proved to be Ninazu, he would be an easy target, especially for Mitrac and his bow.

Eskkar studied the palisade only long enough to be sure the defenders had no plans for a morning attack of their own. When he turned away, half a dozen arrows flew into the sky, trying to reach him. All scattered themselves in the earth, the nearest of them at least sixty paces short of their target. Smiling, Eskkar waved at the bandit leader, then stepped back down inside the embankment.

After a quick meal of stale bread and hard cheese, Eskkar watched as Sisuthros gave the morning orders. His subcommander sent out ten scouts on horseback, to make sure no one surprised the Akkadians from their rear or flanks. The scouts dispatched, Sisuthros directed the liverymen and scribes to fetch fresh water from the river, and put the rest of the men to work. First they would finish the ditch around the entire camp. Then the ditch would be made deeper and the rampart higher, higher than really needed. Eskkar wanted the camp secure by day’s end, and his men concealed from the defenders, so they could prepare their surprises.

The men worked steadily, only half of them laboring at any time, as the others stood guard or rested. By noon, a steep wall of packed-down dirt surrounded the camp. Only an opening six paces wide at the rear remained. Sisuthros’s scouts returned, leading two wagons that could be used to block that opening if necessary. With the basic fortification constructed the men labored, on making the ditch deeper and the rampart higher. Eskkar walked around the camp once again, as he had already done a dozen times, talking to the men, encouraging them, telling them they could rest when the ditch was completed.

A shout made him look up. One of Sisuthros’s scouts had appeared, riding toward the camp from the south. His slow canter told Eskkar that he bore no urgent news, so Eskkar walked leisurely to the rear of the camp.

Grond, Hamati, and Sisuthros joined him, just as the rider dismounted.

“What is it, Tuvar?” Sisuthros clasped the man on the shoulder. “What did you see?”

“Just what you expected, Commander.” Tuvar handed the horse over to one of the other men. Then he turned to face Eskkar. “Captain, we met fi ve farmers from the nearby countryside. They were frightened, but they still approached us.”

“Good. Where did you meet them?” Eskkar needed the local farmers.

They would be an important part of his plan.

“A few miles to our rear, Captain. We were well out of sight of the village. I told them we were here to free the village from Ninazu and his thieves, and that we’d purchase as much firewood, food, and wine as they could sell us.”

“And you told them…” Eskkar couldn’t stop the smile that appeared on his face.

“I told them to bring it here. They didn’t like that. They’re afraid we’ll just take their food and keep our silver.” Tuvar smiled at the memory. “I told them that if they were afraid, to bring it a little at a time, and that we would pay for each delivery. It happened just as you said it would, Captain.

They’ll come, I’m sure of it.”

“Since they know you, ride back to where you found them, and wait there for them. You can escort them here. Remember, we’re their friends, eager to help them get rid of Ninazu. This is important, Tuvar. Take care with them, and treat them politely.”

“I understand, Captain. Don’t worry. I’ll bring them in.” He nodded to Sisuthros before remounting the horse and cantering away.

Eskkar turned to Sisuthros. “Have men ready to greet them. You, too, Grond. Make sure you stop by and speak with them. Tell them you’re looking to purchase the finest foods and wine for me.”

“Yes, Captain.” The two men spoke the words together. They discussed this last night and again early this morning. But Sisuthros knew his captain well. Eskkar would go over orders again and again, as much to make sure he hadn’t forgotten something than to see if Sisuthros or the other subcommanders remembered them.

Another shout made them all look up again. A pair of riders had crested one of the low hills to the south, each of them leading a pack animal. Both the men and beasts looked as though they had traveled hard.

Eskkar stared at the two riders, one of whom looked familiar.

“It’s Drakis,” Grond said, identifying the man first. “He should have been here last night.”

“Who’s that with him?” Sisuthros asked.

That question was answered quickly enough, and by Drakis himself, as soon as he dismounted and drank half a skin of water. The four leaders took him aside, all of them eager to hear what tidings he brought.

“Captain Eskkar,” Drakis began, wiping the water from his chin with the back of his hand, “Lady Trella sends her greetings and wishes you success at Bisitun.”

“Trella is well?” Almost ten days had passed since Eskkar had last seen her.

“Very well, Captain. She asked me to remind Grond to keep you safe and out of trouble.”