There’s something special about Max. He may look like your regular ginger flabby tabby, but unlike most tabbies, he can actually communicate with his human, reporter for the Hampton Cove Gazette Odelia Poole. Max takes a keen interest in the...
To Kill a Mockingbird is a classic novel by Harper Lee, first published in 1960. Set in the racially divided Southern United States during the 1930s, the story follows young Scout Finch and her brother Jem as they witness their father, lawyer...
The thrill of victory and the humiliation of defeat
The Extreme Sports Network is the cash cow feeding off America's lust for blood, guts and sex disguised as competitive athletics. From Extreme Nude Luge to the excruciatingly gory Extreme...
Guess who's coming to dinner?
Take a couple of techno-geniuses on the wrong side of the law, add a politician so corrupt his quest for the presidency is quite promising, then throw in a secret civilization of freaky, subterranean dwellers who...