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The Standoff

The Standoff

Автор: Хоган Чак
Язык: английский
Год: 1995
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A deadly war of nerves between perfectly matched opponents. The law descends in force as local police officials, Montana State Troopers, National Guard helicopters, a United States Marshals Special Operations Group, and the FBI’s elite Hostage...
Devils in Exile

Devils in Exile

Автор: Хоган Чак
Язык: английский
Год: 2010
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When Neal Maven and a crew of fellow Iraq War veterans begin ripping off Boston-area drug dealers for profit, their lives are quickly put into jeopardy. As Maven’s involvement deepens, two worrisome things happen: he begins to suspect that their...
Make Out With Murder [= Five Little Rich Girls]
Другие детективы, Эротика

Make Out With Murder [= Five Little Rich Girls]

Серия: Chip Harrison #3
Язык: английский
Год: 1974
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RESOURCEFUL YOUTH wanted to assist detective. Low pay, long hours, hard work, demanding employer. Familiarity with tropical fish helpful but not absolutely necessary. An excellent opportunity for one man in a million... I didn’t know if I was one...
Space on My Hands
Научная фантастика

Space on My Hands

Язык: английский
Год: 1951
Статус: Закончена
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Space on My Hands is a 1951 collection of science fiction short stories by American writer Fredric Brown. It was first published by Shasta Publishers in 1951 in an edition of 5,000 copies. The story "Something Green" is original to...
Преимущество на льду (ЛП)
Современные любовные романы, Эротика

Преимущество на льду (ЛП)

Язык: английский
Год: 2023
Статус: Закончена
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В планах Сойер Дэниелс получить достойное образование и накопить на мечту. Поэтому в будни, в перерывах между занятиями, она...