Inspector Chen Cao of the Shanghai Police Bureau is summoned by an official of the party to take the lead in a corruption investigation – one where the principle figure and his family have long since fled to the United States and beyond the reach...
With a dragon ravaging the countryside, the Prince of Dragons sends out his best man, Patrick Markel. His orders—to secure an abandoned castle and stop the foul beast from stealing more maidens. This shouldn’t be an issue for an Elite of...
**The follow-up to the smash-hit Sunday Times bestseller, ‘Alfie the Doorstep Cat’. Alfie’s back — and more adventurous than ever!**
Edgar Road used to be your typical London street; a road full of people who barely said a word to...
Alfie has always loved playing in
the overgrown garden next
door. It is here he plays with
Penguin, an enormous black-
and-white cat, a stray who Alfie
has claimed as his own. But when his next door neighbour's
granddaughter, Grace, comes to
Time conquers all, and in the far-distant future, in the war-torn lands once known as the United States of America, all that remains are scattered tribes like the Horseclans and city-states ruled by the Ehleenee, the decadent practitioners of an...
Given its extraordinary span, its international scope, and its variant styles and groundbreaking stylists, A Century of Great Suspense Stories is a singular achievement. A bestselling master of suspense himself Jeffery Deaver had the enviable task...
After a disastrous episode that left her with a broken heart and a reputationthat was nearly ruined, Elizabeth Rossiter sought safety by taking a positionfar away from London society. But now, the one man in the world she had hopednever to see again...
“A Chance to Get Even” is a story about a poker game. A friendly game-or at least that's how it starts out. I played in a friendly game for years, and still take a hand now and then, but the evenings I spent at the card table never turned out...
Tammas is 20, a loner and a compulsive gambler. Unable to hold a job for long, his life revolves around Glasgow bars, living with his sister and brother-in-law, betting shops, and casinos. Sometimes Tammas wins, more often he loses. But gambling...