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Smith of Wootton Major

Smith of Wootton Major

Автор: Tolkien J.r.r.
Язык: английский
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This collection includes two of Tolkien's best fairy stories. The world of Faery is the setting for Smith of Wootton Major. The preparation of Great Cake to mark the Feast of Good Children was a human, cheerful occasion, but other less material...
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Автор: Tremain Rose
Язык: английский
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Robert Merivel, who has studied to be a physician, is appointed, ironically, to be veterinarian for the spaniels of King Charles II, who has recently been restored to the throne following the death of Oliver Cromwell. Merivel enjoys the gaiety...
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Язык: английский
Год: 1983
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A westerner raised in Japan, he survived the destruction of Hiroshima to emerge as the world’s most artful lover and its most accomplished assassin. His greatest desire is to attain a state of effortless perfection… shibumi. But he is about to...
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Автор: Tubb E.c
Серия: Damarest of Terra #6
Язык: английский
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Dumarest had sailed endless leagues in the morass of the sea of stars. Yet nowhere among the infinite worlds upon which he touched did he find what he sought. He was looking for home, for an ancient planet so old that its name had turned to sand...