Ishmael, lone survivor of the doomed whaling ship Pequod, falls through a rift in time and space to a future Earth—an Earth of blood-sucking vegetation and a blood-red sun, of barren canyons where once the Pacific Ocean roared. Here too there are...
In the spirit of Lilac Girls, the heartbreaking history of Korea is brought to life in this deeply moving and redemptive debut that follows two sisters separated by World War...
They were four trained scientists, each of them skilled in several disciplines - because this was an opportunity that would never occur again. There would never be another chance for men form the world of 2070 A.D. to examine in person the world of...
Curious Creatures in Zoology by John Ashton - a cryptozoological classic from Ulwencreutz Media. First published in 1890.This work covers a wide variety of curious natural history that had been reported by early writers and explorers. Fact and fancy...
In New York City in the late 1800s, a beautiful but clumsy angel turns a lonely man's life around.... In medieval Scotland, the intrigues of a Christmas Mass imperil two Highland lovers....In Regency London, a world-weary lord receives an outrageous...
Roger Two Hawks, an American Iriquois Indian, was shot down over Ploesti, Roumania near the end of World War II; only the Navigator, O'Brien, survived with him.Then, strangely, they were in a foreign land, where no known 20th Century language was...
The few survivors of the planet Zegandaria embark on a long journey to the cold and bleak satellite Charon, which lies in the solar system. In an attempt to escape the sinister secret of computer demon viruses buried deep beneath the surface of...