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16 the assistant principal of Erasmus, Grace Corey, wrote to Bobby in Yugoslavia Letter from Grace Corey to Bobby Fischer, June 27, 1959, FB.

17 They were unaware that Bobby had read literature in high school Bobby Fischer conversations with author, circa 1963–64.

18 Voltaire’s Candide was a favorite Interview of Dr. Eliot Hearst by author, February 7, 2009.

19 Tal asked Bobby if he’d ever gone to the opera New York Daily News, March 26, 1958.

20 He also owned a book that told the stories of all the great operas FB.

21 “If Tal doesn’t behave himself, I am going to smash out all of his front teeth.” Letter from Bobby Fischer to Regina Fischer, October 9, 1959, MCF.

22 “I am in a good mood before I win all of my games.” Letter from Bobby Fischer to Regina Fischer, October 9, 1959, MCF.

23 “If I don’t win against Smyslov tomorrow, I’ll cut off my ear.” Bjelica, p. 118.

24 Larsen, whom Bobby described as “sulky and unhelpful,” kept discouraging him Letter from Bobby Fischer to Regina Fischer, October 1959, MCF.

25 “He is no match for Tal” Harry Golombek, 4th Candidates Tournament, 1959, p. vii.

26 World Champion Mikhail Botvinnik misdiagnosed the young American’s struggles CR.

27 Bobby began to plot. Tal had to be stopped Letter from Bobby Fischer to Regina Fischer, October 11, 1959, MCF.

28 Tal, he said, had purposely made him lose three games in a row Letter from Bobby Fischer to Regina Fischer, October 11, 1959, MCF.

29 Bobby began to wonder and scheme Letter from Bobby Fischer to Regina Fischer, October 11, 1959, MCF.

30 “I don’t believe in psychology—I believe in good moves.” PRO, p. 230.

31 “I would very much have liked to change his decision.” Tal, p. 124.

32 “I love the dark of the night. It helps me to concentrate.” PRO, p. 174.

33 Next to each bed, resting on a chair, was a chess set. Saturday Review, August 27, 1963; Edmonds and Eidinow, p. 10.

34 “The Bahn Frei Polka” by Eduard Strauss NYT, March 26, 2000, WK7.

35 “It sounds like circus music,” he once said in a joyful mood Author’s conversation with Bobby Fischer, circa 1964, New York.

36 Sporadically, Shepherd would mention Bobby on the air From Jean Shepherd’s radio broadcasts, circa 1964.

37 “He seems so sincere” Ambassador Report, June 1977.

38 “We take the broken bread unworthily if” “Does God Heal Today?” Sermon originally broadcast in 1962 and reprinted in a sixteen-page pamphlet published by the Worldwide Church of God, pp. 10-11.

39 “What is the basic cause of war and human suffering?” Biblical Understanding. Correspondence course, Lesson I. MCF.

40 “The Holy Bible is the most rational” Ambassador Report, June 1977.

41 Bobby became very upset. Author’s conversation with Bobby Fischer, summer 1964.

Chapter 6: The New Fischer

1 “We can eat at the Oyster Bar. You like that. C’mon.” Observation by author, circa 1959 or 1960.

2 “Anyone should be able to become a master,” he said with certainty Observation by author, circa 1960.

3 Public pairing ceremonies were the custom, he loudly pointed out, in all European and most international tournaments Observation by author, December 1960.

4 “Simple,” said Bobby in response, “just do the pairings over again” Telephone conversation between Bobby Fischer and an official of the U.S. Chess Federation. December 1959.

5 “Note his dungarees and [plaid] shirt in contrast to his opponents’ business suits and ties.” Parade, October 27, 1957, p. 22.

6 He introduced Bobby to his tailor in the Little Hungary section of Manhattan PRO, p. 35.

7 She set up a trust fund with Ivan Woolworth Agreement between Ivan Woolworth and Regina Fischer, July 15, 1960, FB.

8 Regina, ever irrepressible and somehow aware of the adverse weather Letter from Regina Fischer to Bobby, April 4, 1960, MCF.

9 Unsurprisingly, he won all the games NYT, August 26, 1960, p. 9.

10 He suggested that Regina undertake a hunger strike for chess NYT, October 12, 1960, p. 43.

11 Although separated in age by almost four decades, the two players became relatively close and remained so for years CL, December 20, 1960, p. 15.

12 The cerebral melee ended in a draw NYT, November 2, 1960, p. 45.

13 A short while later, Chess Life, in describing the incident CL, March 20, 1961.

Chapter 7: Einstein’s Theory

Bobby Fischer’s interview in a publication that was attempting to expose the Worldwide Church of God was one of the most revelatory ever published about his religious beliefs. That article and interviews of players at Curaçao in 1962 added to the sources for this chapter.

1 he and his sister took a taxi to a victory dinner for Bobby at Vorst’s Interview of Jack Collins by author, January 1961.

2 “Fischer has not lost a game in an American tournament since 1957.” CL, January 20, 1961, p. 1.

3 It didn’t help that a study had been published that year in American Statistician magazine Ernest Rubin, “The Age Factor in Masters Chess,” reprinted in CL, February 20, 1961, pp. 40–43.

4 During the summer of 1961 a sixteen-game match between the two players was negotiated and a prize fund of $8,000 was promised NYT, August 19, 1961, p. 15.

5 When four world-class chess players—Svetozar Gligoric, Bent Larsen, Paul Keres, and Tigran Petrosian—were asked PRO, p. 42.

6 Early in his career he did play before sundown Hooper and Whyld, p. 22.

7 He simply couldn’t play at that time, he said. “It’s ridiculous.” NYT, August 15, 1961, p. 36.

8 She could always come to the game after the concert, he argued CL, August 1961, pp. 213–20.

9 Reshevsky paced up and down, a few spectators waited patiently NYT, August 14, 1961, p. 20.

10 Bobby ultimately sued Reshevsky and the American Chess Foundation “Chess Stars Heading for Court Battle” The Daily Gleaner, Kingston, Ontario, April 27, 1962.

11 “It’s up those metal stairs.” The source of the information following, pages 137–39, consisted also of interviews with Bobby Fischer, circa 1964, and with Ralph Ginzburg, circa 1962.

12 an interview with Bobby for Harper’s magazine Ralph Ginzburg, “Portrait of a Genius or a Young Chess Master,” Harper’s, January 1962, pp. 49–55.