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"I have been told, that men like to look at a woman's body," she said, slowly lifting her gunna, to reveal her body. As she lifted the garment over her head, she asked, "Do you like that?"

Seeing her naked body straddling him, convinced him that she would soon have him doing exactly what she wanted. He closed his eyes, to fight his body's response to her.

"You do not want to look?" Isabel asked. "You just want to feel?"

She ran her hands up over his ribs, then brush her thumbs over his nipples. He felt her shift her position, to where she could run her tongue over one nipple. He opened his eyes. She slid a hand down to his swollen appendage, gently stroking her hand along it, before positioning him to enter her body.

"Do you want to watch me, take you inside of me?" Isabel asked, drawing his attention to where her hips straddled his.

Unable to look away, he watched as she lowered her body onto him. Then she proceeded to rock back and forth, moving him in and out of her body. Isabel told him how much he liked what she was doing to him, until he groaned in pleasure, as his body released his seed into hers.

Brant turned his head to the side when it was over. As his breathing returned to normal, he mulled over the fact that his mind had been quite against, what had just happened. His body, on the other hand, just would not listen to his mind. His wife lay forward on his chest, still straddling his body, and placed light kisses down his neck. She told him, how much he enjoyed, being unable to keep from surrendering to her. After a few minutes, she was quiet, but she continued to lie on top of him. Though he had softened, their bodies were still together. Brant thought of the times he had done that to her, remaining inside of her, until his body had recovered enough, to take her, again. Suspecting she had the same thing in mind, he tried to move his body, but her weigh was resting on him. The slight movement he managed, just moved her with him. Once more, he wondered what he had been given. While his mind said he should resist, he could not make his body move to do that. Clearly, if he could make his body move to fight her, his greater size and strength, would make it easy to get her away from him. He lay there under her, for a while thinking about that. He tried to move her off of him, again, when he felt his body becoming aroused once more.

Brant realized this was a mistake, when Isabel began again, placing kisses down his neck. Her hand was brushing lightly over one nipple, again. He thought to tell her to get off him, but then recalled how often she had told him exactly that. He never listened to her. He found a spot on the wall, and tried to focus his mind on thoughts of battles he had been in. Brant tried to think about men, dead and dying. He needed to keep his mind off of, her hands, and lips, and what she was doing to his body. Unfortunately, those unpleasant thoughts, were not as interesting as the feel of her breasts, pressed against his chest.

Isabel rubbed her breast lightly against his chest, before raising up to look at him.

She asked, “Are you ready for some more fun, My Lord?”

Brant mumbled, “No.”

She merely smiled, before beginning to tell him how insatiable he was, between kisses, until his body, once again, provided her with her fun.

Afterward, Isabel moved to press her body against his side, telling him how good they were together. Then talking about how much he enjoyed, what they had just done. Just as he recalled telling her, more times than he could count. For his part, Brant lay there thinking the last thing he wanted, was to mate with her, in the same jail cell she had kept him imprisoned in, for nearly three months. In addition, her current line of conversation, was making him think that she might not be done, yet.

Isabel raised up on an elbow to meet his eyes, and kissed him, so he thought she was starting, again. However, after running the tip of her tongue over his lips suggestively, her demeanor became serious.

“You need to be very careful who you trust, and share information with, Brant,” she said. “There are others besides Avery, who hope for your demise.”

After issuing this warning, she produced a small vial from somewhere, and poured it’s contents into his mouth, telling him to swallow. She held his jaw, to prevent him from trying to spit out the bitter liquid.

“That will help you sleep. Much as I would like to stay, there are things I must do, to see that those plotting against us fail. Rest well, mi amor,” Isabel said, and she placed a kiss on his forehead.

She rose and put her gunna back on. Then, Isabel covered him with a blanket, before untying his wrists, and lowering his arms to his side. He closed his eyes, succumbing to extreme drowsiness. Brant hear her speaking to some else, at some distance from him, before the potion took full effect.

“Stay here until he wakes. Tis important that he be safe,” she said.

Brant wondered why, after what she had just done, it was important for him to be safe. Then as sleep overtook him, he thought that he certainly wanted her to be safe. Yet, he had often teased her body into arousal, when she had said she did not want to do that. Tonight she had done the same thing to him, and he did not like it. It was not meant to harm her, was his last thought before sleep came.

Chapter 15

When Brant awoke in the morning, there was an older female serf sitting near the table, beside the bed. Across the cell, a well armed young man sat. As he tried to sit up, he noted that his first tentative movements, were very unsteady. He was still quite naked under the blanket. He drew it with him, as he sat up on the edge of the bed, trying to clear his head. The serf rose to hold out a mug to him.

“Here, Me Lord. Drink this, it will help ye wake up. Once ye are a little more steady, they should be cooking something in the hall, if ye are hungry. Yer clothes are right there, when ye are ready to get dressed,” she said.

The serf paused, and motioned with the mug, until he took it. When he merely held the mug, she motioned for him to drink the contents of it. Brant was not sure he wanted to take any chances, with anything, he might be given to drink around there. However, his mind was still pretty fuzzy, so hoping that the drink would indeed help wake him up, he drank it. The serf held out her hand to take the empty mug, so he handed it back to her.

“We will give ye some privacy to get dressed, when ye feel up to it,” she said.

The serf turned to make her exit. The armed guard followed her out.

After they left him, Brant gave in to the groggy unsteadiness he was feeling, and lay back on the bed, wondering if he would soon be fast asleep, again. However, true to her word, in a short time he was feeling much more alert. As he rose to dress, the unsteadiness he had felt upon waking, had left him. Once he was dressed, Brant walked to the open cell door, and exited the jail. Three knights were sitting on a bench, outside in the courtyard. They nodded in greeting, but made no attempt to detain him, so he continued on to the hall. Once he was past them, the knights rose, and followed him.

Brant saw his weapons laying on the Lord’s table, right beside where he had sat for the evening meal, so he went to retrieve them. Gertrude approached with a bowl of porridge, and a cup of milk, setting them down on the table.

“Lady Isabel regrets ‘aving to leave, to take care of some important business,” Gertrude said. “Will ye be staying longer, or are ye planning to leave this morning, as ye said yesterday, Me Lord?”

“Did the lady say where she was going, to take care of this business?” Brant asked the serf.