Twas the height of the harvest time, and Brant had much to do, in seeing to preparations for winter. His tenants paid some of their rent for lands they farmed, in a share of their crops. Therefore, he had put the mysterious binder away, where he believed it would be safe, while he dealt with the harvest. He also increased the number of men he had ride with him, when he left the Castle. Not knowing whether he was in danger, as Isabel said, he was averse to straying too far. He had even sent his best accounts people, to some of the more distant properties, rather than going himself.
Three weeks after his visit to Isabel’s Castle, he still had no word from his people that were watching the place, that his wife or son, had been spotted. Lady Ann had returned home, but messages from her indicated that she had not seen, or heard from her daughter, either. While he was pondering this, and whether there was more he could do to find them, the sentry announced a messenger.
To say the least, the message was not to Brant’s liking. It basically said that Isabel, now one and eight, had petitioned the Crown, on compelling grounds. She was asking for an official order, granting her complete control, and management, of her properties, and vassals. The missive further stated, that unless Brant could prove irrefutably, that she was incapable of managing her estates, the King was wont to grant her petition.
In a few rare instances, woman were allowed control of their holdings, but mostly this only covered dower properties. Brant was sure, he had never heard of the Crown granting control of land holdings to a woman, without her husband’s consent. Yet, according to this message, such was about to be granted to his wife. If that happened, Brant was afraid he might never see his son, again.
The messenger was standing there, nervously waiting for Brant's reply. So, he told the messenger that he strongly objected, to his wife's petition being granted. He would consent to it if, and only if, his son Nathaniel were immediately returned to his care, to be raised in his home. Did the King grant Isabel's petition, without ordering the return of Nathaniel to him, he would have no choice, but to declare war on his wife. Thereby, allowing him to knock down her fortresses, one by one, until he found the child.
By the time Brant finished speaking, the messenger, and his escorts, all appeared to be looking a little pale. When the messenger spoke, his voice seemed to waver, slightly.
"Aye, My Lord. Is that your complete reply?" he asked.
"Aye," Brant said. "I will send my representative, to make my case with the King, shortly. In the meantime, I will write down what I just told you, so you do not forget anything. If you will wait a few minutes, you can take my reply back with you."
The messenger merely nodded, before he and his escorts, beat a hasty retreat, to await Brant's written reply outside.
Twas nearly a month later, when the King’s men returned, to deliver another message. This time, the message was a little more to Brant's liking.
The Lady Isabel was agreeable to returning Nathaniel to his father's home, by no later than, the first day of December. Being as agreement had been reached, Isabel now had complete control of her resources, and people, by order and authority, of the Crown.
Brant was surprised, that Isabel had supposedly agreed to give him the child. Actually, shocked and suspicious, was more accurate. Twas more likely, her agreement was a ploy, to give her time to vanish with Nathaniel. He told the messenger exactly that.
The vassal replied, "The King has assurances from both the Lady, and her supporters, that she will not flee with the child. Though, this is a rather odd petition, in that it claims risk to the Lady, and her family, but does not ask that the marriage be set aside."
"Oh, this seems odd to you?" Brant asked, smiling, and emphasizing the 'you'.
"Aye, My Lord," He answered, awkwardly. "I have been delivering messages like this from time to time, for years. This action always, includes ending the marriage. In any case, I have a written copy of the order, and the contingencies, does one party not honor it."
Brant laughed at the man's discomfort, and said, "Well, if that is all, you may go."
Once again, the messenger and his escorts, beat a hasty retreat, causing Brant to laugh again. This pretty much summed up the last year and a half, of his life. He thought about his father’s hints that Brant needed to start thinking about marriage, and an heir. He wondered what Eric would think of this. He was pretty sure, his sire would not be handling things any better than Brant was. The world was supposed to work a certain way. However, since Isabel invaded his life, how his world worked, had been turned on its ear. Twas classic Isabel. Brant had no idea what in Hades was going on. But if his wife could be trusted, he would shortly have his son back under his protection.
On the 27th day of November, Lady Ann arrived to visit. Knowing how concerned she was about Isabel, Brant had sent word to her. He had briefly explained the agreement, in which Isabel was to return Nathaniel to him. Neither, Nathaniel or Isabel, had shown up, yet. Nor had any of his people, seen any trace of his wife. Ann settled in to wait, as the 28th day of the month passed.
In mid afternoon on the 29th day, Brant was having a tankard of ale, with some of his Castle Knights. Ann was sitting with Esme, and Hannah, sewing near the hearth. Without warning, Beatrice appeared at the top of the stairs, holding a child. Two burly knights walked behind her, as she descended the staircase. Brant was stunned, to see her inside his home.
Walking over to him, she said, "It is good to see ye well, Me Lord. This is Jeffery, and Angus. They will be staying with Nathaniel. Isabel says, I am to see to the care of the child."
The serf handed the child over to his sire.
Recovering from his surprise, Brant said, "I do not recall the sentry announcing company. Would you care to tell me, how you got in my Castle?"
"Lady Isabel escorted us in," Beatrice replied, not really explaining how, they came to be inside the Castle.
Ann had approached, and asked the serf, "Is the Lady here, too?"
"My Lady regrets that twill take a few more days, to complete ‘er business. Therefore, after having accompanied us here, she had to travel on," Beautrice answered.
"What if I do not want Jeffery, and Angus, to stay here?" Brant asked in irritation, recognizing the knights from Isabel's jail.
"I believe that would be a problem, for both your wife, and the King," Beautrice replied softly. "If you ‘ave other questions, mayhap, we can talk about them in private. Twould be best, would ye cooperate, Me Lord. I am sure ye would like to spent some time with Nathaniel. Isabel said ‘is things were normally placed near the hearth, when ‘e was in the hall?"
Brant could not help but notice, her use of the word cooperate. Richard had told him to cooperate. He had heard it from Isabel. He was getting tired of it. What would they do, if he did not cooperate? Would he find himself back in some dungeon?
Chapter 16
For the next two days, Beautrice took care of Nathaniel, whenever he was not with his father or grandmother, and Jeffery and Angus, stayed nearby. Mid morning on the first of December, Isabel appeared at the top of the stairs, and descended to the hall.