Shortly after the evening meal, the sentry announced riders approaching the Castle. Within a few minutes, Niles entered, looking to be in a foul temper. He went directly to Brant, and spoke to him in a low angry tone, all the while, glaring at Isabel. Brant rose, and catching Isabel’s eye, motioned her toward his study. She motioned for Beautrice to watch the babe, before looking to her mother. Catching Ann’s attention, Isabel nodded her head toward the study, indicating Ann should come with them. She made a similar gesture to Angus, as she passed him, and he followed Ann in. Once inside the small room, Isabel seated herself next to her husband, who had taken the seat across from the Duke. She clasped Brant’s hand, in what might look to others as an innocent, affectionate gesture. Brant nearly laughed, wondering what she was up to. Lady Ann had taken a chair, positioned at the end of the two settees, that faced each other. While Angus took up a standing position, near the door.
When Isabel gave her husband a so what look, and squeezed his hand, Brant said, “Niles has come here, with a most peculiar tale. Actually, he has a rather unbelievable accusation, against you.”
When Isabel looked blankly at Niles, he began his angry accusation, “Late last night, I awoke to find myself quite groggy, and barely able to move. To my complete shock, I discovered your wife in my private chambers, in my Castle, with two of her knights. She instructed them to move me to the foot of the bed, where I was tied with my hands behind my back, to the bedpost. She then, instructed her men to strip my shivies from me. I was left there, unable to move or free myself, in a most embarrassing position, for my serfs to find.”
Isabel glanced at Brant raising an eyebrow, as if to say, are you crazy, before looking back to Niles.
“Let me get this straight. You, My Lord, are alleging that I somehow, got over your Castle wall, and past all your security forces. Mayhap, by flying on broomstick? Then, invaded your private chambers, with two men?” Isabel paused, holding up two fingers. Continuing, she said, “Then drugged you. Tied you to a bedpost, naked. And left you there. Do you have any idea how insane that sounds, My Lord?”
“I know it was you. I saw you. I heard you,” Niles stated, emphatically. Then, turning to Brant, he said, “I demand you do something about her. She must be punished for this outrage.”
Isabel glared at him, and before Brant could speak, retorted, “You Sir, abused me more than enough, the night you exposed yourself to me, and then slapped me. I demand that you find whatever little tart, you where involved in some deviant behavior with, and punish her, for leaving you in a compromising position. Do I hear more of this insane tale, I will consider it, an act of war. Know you, that I have been granted control of my own forces, by order of the Crown. Do you continue, I will have to declare war on you, putting Brant in the position of choosing to back his wife, or his cousin. A choice, I do not believe will go your way, My Lord.”
“This is not an insane accusation. I know you did it, just as I say,” Niles stammered.
Isabel glanced to her mother, then to Brant, before returning her eyes to Niles.
After placing an index finger beside her mouth, as if considering, she said, “Common sense, would argue against any truth, in your accusations. If you actually believed, I could get past all your security to accost you while you slept, tis unlikely, you would be here demanding I be punished. Twould be more likely, you would want to know, did I consider us even. You know, so you can be sure, I will not be coming back to slit your throat, in your sleep. I know not, what you hope to gain by this outrageous insult, but I insist, Sir, that you desist, immediately.”
Finishing, she rose, and left the study.
Niles looked to Brant, arguing, “I am telling you the truth. She was in my bedchamber, with her men.”
Brant, copying Isabel’s lead, gave Niles a disapproving look, and said, “I am afraid I will have to agree, with my wife. This is most unlikely. You need to find whatever tart, left you in a most embarrassing position, and punish her. Send the tart away.”
Niles then looked to Lady Ann, who said, “You exposed yourself to my daughter, and slapped her? What kind of disreputable, miscreant are you? You disgrace your title, Sir.”
She also rose, and walked out. This left Brant, Niles, and Angus, in the room.
“What I say is true, Brant,” Niles stated, trying to sway his cousin.
“It seems an unlikely story. However, if you find your tart, I will try to determine if there is any risk, that you may have your throat slit, while you sleep. Agreed?” Brant responded.
Niles was furious. He was a Titled Lord. He had been abused quite badly, by a woman. Worse than that, a woman who held lands, that were nearly twice the size of his lands. He could not even chance, having her declare war on him. He had no intention, of letting Isabel get away with what she had done. However, Brant was not going to help him, so he merely nodded in agreement. He could not risk Brant’s ire, either. Niles had hoped, that he could set his cousin against his wife. Thereby, getting Brant to remove one of Niles’ problems, for him. What she had done was a very grave offense, that could Niles prove it, would carry dire consequences. He had not expected that Isabel would so adeptly turn the situation, to Niles partaking of some deviant behavior, with a serf.
After making her exit from the study, Isabel took Nathaniel up to the chamber she had settled into, across from Brant. She had been there only a short time, when Lady Ann knocked on the portal. Isabel opened the door, to tell her mother she was very tired, and assured her they could talk, in the morning. Ann wanted to argue, but decided it could likely wait until morning. So she wished Isabel a good night, and made her way down the passage, to her chamber.
A short while later, Brant came up the stairs behind Nora, who was showing Niles to a guest room. He knocked on the portal across from his Solar, and called his wife’s name. He noticed Niles lingering in the doorway briefly, before following Nora into the guest chamber.
Beautrice opened the door to Isabel’s chamber, looking to see that the passage was clear, except for Brant, and quickly made her way across the passage, with Nathaniel. He was slightly surprised, that the child was being taken to his chamber. However, the door was wide open, so he entered to talk to Isabel.
“Are you done, as regards my cousin?” Brant asked his wife.
Isabel met his eyes, and replied, “Did I have the means, to get inside his Castle, believe me, I have no future plans to do so, at this time.”
He smiled, noting that she neither confirmed, nor denied, being there. She only assured him, she had no future plans, to go there. Brant wanted to stay, and question her further, but Isabel claimed fatigue. So he wished her good night, and crossed the passage to the Lord’s chamber.
Once inside his bedchamber, Brant thought about how smoothly she had turned the situation on Niles. How would she get in his castle unseen, fly on broomstick? He laughed. She had threatened him, with worrying that she might come back, to slit his throat. My God, she was good, Brant thought. Even better, right at present at least, she appeared to be on his side. Although, he had no idea what Isabel was about, or why she was goading his cousin. He prayed her, and her supporters, knew what they were doing. Niles was a powerful man, born into a high position, that you did not trifle with.