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Tom moves to her side and places his knee under her stomach while pressing down on her back with an elbow. With her torso vertical to the floor, her balance is so precarious that she doesn't dare move her feet together for fear of losing her balance. Knowing that she is completely open to their view is so humiliating that she begins to sob aloud.

"It's all right, Honey." Tom consoles her as he continues to force her exposure, "We're not going to hurt you. See what I mean George? Her bottom is absolutely perfect. The buttocks are completely unblemished without a mole or pimple on either one. If you kneel down, you can see that both her inner and outer labia are beautifully symmetrical and the outer ones puff out delightfully when she bends over, even with her legs closed.

With her head hanging down and tears splashing onto the floor, the poor displayed girl opens her eyes to see George kneeling behind her between the wide vee of her outstretched legs. She gasps as his hand reaches towards her widened vagina and strokes the ultra sensitive inner flesh of the vaginal wall, causing a small waterfall of liquid to gush over his hand and onto the floor.

"Oh God!", she moans to herself as she closes her eyes and a wave of simultaneous humiliation and pleasure rushes through her, "What is wrong with me? I must be the biggest whore who ever lived! What will Tom think? I nearly came!"

"Wow!" George says as he sniffs his drenched hand and wipes it on his pants, "She's really turned on! Should we do something?"

"If you want to.", Tom replies as he uses both hands to spread her buttocks apart to expose her anus to George's view, "See here, her anus is also perfect. Completely circular and a beautiful shade of brown. No hair, and the sphincter wrinkles are so tiny you can't even feel them. Go ahead and see for yourself."

Even through her sobs this graphic description of her most private part sinks through to the now hysterical girl and she screams loudly "NO-O-O!", as she anticipates its violation. As the expected pressure of a finger touching her rectum reaches her consciousness, a completely unexpected pressure slides up her labia and both fingers start small circular motions at the same time on her anus and clitoris.

"Oh God! NO!" she screams again as the fingers continue their massage and a river of orgasm courses through her body. It continues for what seems like forever until her screams and body give out and she collapses across her lover's knee.

"Oh my God! What happened! I never dreamed anything could feel so incredible! It was George! He rubbed me in front and back too! Oh! Tom knows I climaxed for him! Oh Lord they all know! Probably half the town knows from the way I screamed. They will all think I'm the biggest slut in the world. Rubbing me there! They'll know that was what did it. I wish I could die! I wish I'd never been born!" she thinks as Tom gently lowers her to her hands and knees and then props her back into a kneeling position telling her she is wonderful and how proud he is of her.

"How can he say that? I let George bring me to a climax! He can't still believe I love him! But he was holding me. If he hadn't forced me open and held me I could never have stood it! Why did he do it? Is that what he wants, other men to make me c-come? But I love him! I want him to do it and have the pleasure! Not someone else!" she cries silently.

As if reading her mind, he leans close and whispers, "Darling Alicia, you were great! I'm so glad! Look at my pants, you were so beautiful, I creamed myself! I'm going to have to go dry off before George and Virginia notice." he finishes as he stands up and asks to be excused and quickly walks to the bathroom keeping the darkening front of his jeans away from their friends.

Too ashamed to look at George, the ravished beauty looks at her friend Virginia sitting in the corner chair with a glazed look.

"She looks shocked! What does she think of me now? Oh! My God! That's not shock! She's had a climax too! Both her and Tom! From just watching me? That's impossible! But it's true! I've seen Virginia use buttons under her clothes to masturbate. That's the same expression she has when she's had an orgasm. I wonder if George came also?" She thinks as she looks at him standing by the fireplace.

"There's no stain and that bulge in his pants has to be his erection! He's turned on but didn't ejaculate! He caused all of this!" she thinks as Tom returns from the bathroom and gazes lovingly down at her, "Maybe Tom is glad I climaxed. He's the one who held me."

"Do you want to freshen up before we continue?" her lover gently asks her.

"Ye-N-no not right now. I'm so weak I don't think I could even walk that far." She replies, "Just let me sit here for a moment."

George walks over to where Virginia is still sitting in shock and starts softly talking to her, as Tom sits beside Alicia and whispers, "See, that's what I was talking bout earlier. Sex is just the icing; it was your giving yourself that is the cake for you and my holding you was my giving of myself to you! That's why we're so inseparable. For you to give of yourself for me is what's important. It doesn't matter if you give yourself directly to me or to someone else. It's the giving for me that's crucial, even if I'm not there! Especially if it's hard! For me it's the same, if I can give you pleasure by giving you to someone else that works too."

As she thinks this over, she comes to accept the rationale, "He's right! It wasn't just the sex! It was enduring the humiliation for him that was what really set me off! Is that what slavery is about? Enduring pain and humiliation to please someone else? It's funny but while I was climaxing, I did feel free, even though I was being held and forced to feel those incredible sensations. Oh Tom, I love you so! I'll be the best Slave anyone's ever seen."

Finally a little calmer, the nude girl takes a deep breath, rises and walks to where George is kneeling beside Virginia and says, "George do you want to continue?".

Startled, he stands and goes over to Tom and asks him if he wants him to go on. Tom shrugs and unexpectedly looks at Alicia questioning her silently.

Realizing he is asking her, Alicia drops to her knees in front of George and begs, "Please Tom, I have to learn if I can do this!"

"Ok," He shrugs, "If you want to".

With this assent, she reaches to George's belt and unbuckles it. Spying the zipper flap, she pulls it down and inserts her hand through the opening to feel his throbbing erection. His shorts frustrate her for a bit until she pulls them down below the base and is able to draw the huge shaft into view. Thinking that this isn't going to be as bad as the earlier masturbation of her anus and clitoris, she reaches forward to engulf the pink head.

Suddenly George grabs her head by the temples and pushes her back saying, "I'm sorry Alicia! I'm just not that much of an exhibitionist. I like you very much, but I'm in love with Virginia and besides, I just can't, with them watching."

Shocked and even disappointed, tears come to her eyes as she looks first at George and then Tom and says, "B-but what can we do? I have to prove that I'm willing to do this for Tom! I have to prove it to you and Virginia and to Tom, but most of all to myself!" She finishes with a sob.

George pats her head and says, "There now Alicia, you've more than proved yourself to all of us. It's over now! Let's get you dressed and talk things over."

"No! You don't understand!" She sobs, still holding his penis in her hand, "I have to learn if I can endure being a slave! I have to!"

"Alicia, I'm sorry, I just can't do this. Maybe you could do it to Tom instead?" He muses.

"No!" She cries, "I know I love him! I've even done it twice for him. It's not the same!"

"I think I have an idea." Tom suddenly speaks, "Alicia, George's already told you that he's uncomfortable about do this. Yet, you're still being rude and insisting. In a slave that would warrant punishment. Stand up!"

Shocked by this loud command, Alicia quickly stands up, unconsciously using her grip on George's penis to help pull her up and causing a gasp of pain from him.