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"Ouch!" Tom says to him, "That must have smarted! Are you all right?" As Alicia lets him go and tries to apologize.

"Shut Up! Alicia!" Tom yells, "That was unforgivable! Do you realize how badly you could have hurt him? That deserves another punishment! Since George is the one you hurt, he needs to punish you for jerking on him like that."

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean..." Alicia starts, covering her face with her hands and crying.

"Be quiet! Don't say anything. If you can't do that, just go get your clothes on and I'll take you home." Tom tells her sternly.

"Virginia, could you get George's bag of clothes pins from his pantry and bring them in here?" As he goes to the bathroom, finds the little box of George's mother's insulin needles and slides them into his pocket.

Coming back into the room with Virginia, George and the crying nude girl are still standing beside each other. George is desperately trying to comfort her with his pants still open and his now flaccid penis hanging in front of him. Tom allows a quick smile to cross his face at the sight, and then recovers to walk up to his beautifully sobbing young girlfriend. Shaking his head at George to quit his efforts at consoling her, he lifts her chin up so that she looks directly at him.

"Alicia, Alicia! You keep saying you love me and want to belong to me. Then you went and did this! Don't you know that being a slave isn't just cooking, pouring wine, showering together and having sex with me or George or anyone else? It's being held responsible for all your actions, every thing you do, say or even think! It also means you have to submit to discipline when you do something wrong! It may even mean being punished unjustly or even just to please me!" He lectures.

"Y-yes Tom. I-I understand, b-but..."

"No buts! I told you twice to be quiet! Until I tell you otherwise, you will be absolutely quiet except to answer yes or no. Will you at least do that?" He demands.

"Yes." She replies softly.

"Good! Now are you willing to accept punishment from George and myself? I will tell you that it will hurt. In fact it will be quite painful, but not cause you any real harm or lasting damage. Do you agree?" He quietly demands.

"Oh Tom! I love..." She begins when he slaps her lightly across the cheek.

"Yes or No? Alicia you are so beautiful and wonderful in so many ways, but one fault you do have is sometimes talking too much." He tells her.

Through her renewed sobs and shock at the slap a muffled "Yes." is heard.

Although the slap didn't even sting and was more like a love pat, the shock of Tom striking her was so strong that she nearly fainted. Now truly frightened, Alicia wonders if she should scream and try to run for the door. She opens her tear filled eyes to look for an escape but he is still grasping her chin and all she sees is his worried and concerned expression. Suddenly she realizes that all this is a test and a substitute way for her to prove her submissiveness to him and herself. He is asking her to submit to being punished instead of sucking George as they had planned, and is afraid she will refuse and that he will lose her.

Accepting this revelation as an almost divine unveiling of his love for her, she resignedly straightens and stands stiffly presenting herself to him for whatever he wants her to endure. A visible look of relief, gratitude and pride crosses his face as he gruffly says, "Good! Now I want you to tell me what you did to George that deserves your being punished."

"I p-pulled hi-his p-penis to help stand up." She stutters.

"Why does this deserve punishment?" her boyfriend continues.

"Be-because I hurt him and could have injured him." She replies.

"Will you do something like that again?"

"No, never!" She cries, "I promise!"

"Since you hurt him by squeezing and pulling him, he is going to punish you by squeezing and pulling. Since you obviously don't have the same appendage, he will snap clothespins on your nipples. He will leave them there for five minutes and it will hurt badly. Do you understand?" He tells her.

"Y-yess." She quavers.

"Do you agree and willingly accept this punishment?" He asks.

"Y-yes, I do." Is the reply this time.

Smiling, Tom looks her in the eye, "Good! Although that response is more appropriate for another and different ritual. So that you will remember the reason for this punishment, I want you to grasp and hold him while he does it. Concentrate on how you could have injured it while he disciplines you. Make sure you hold it gently and apologetically. Make sure you don't squeeze and hurt him again."

Trembling, the lovely nude girl tentatively reaches down and once more grasps George's now semi erect organ. Its smooth softness seems vulnerable and helpless in striking contrast to its earlier threatening hardness. She tenses her body to steel herself and looks across the room as George grasps her breast, pulling the nipple out and letting the stiff jaws of the large plastic clothespin close tightly around it.

She gasps at the sharp knife of pain and nearly squeezes the fleshy phallus she is holding in her hand, before remembering herself. As her tormenter grabs her other breast to repeat the procedure there, she squeezes her eyes shut against the pain and concentrates on keeping her hand from contracting around his now rapidly swelling erection. Another gasp escapes her lips as the second clothespin bites hard on her other nipple. Mentally thankful that she managed to keep from squeezing, she tries to relax from the initial stabs of pain.

Shortly, however, the continuing pressure of the jaws biting into her tender nipples shoots gradually increasing waves of pain into her lovely displayed breasts. As tears well, she feels the penis in her hand move slightly and remembers that it is because she squeezed and pulled on it that she is being punished. Her nipples begin to throb and she thinks to herself, "Did I hurt it this badly? Oh God! I didn't realize! It feels so soft and unprotected now! But it's getting bigger! He's aroused! Maybe if I caress him he will forgive me and take the pins off."

The throbbing in her breasts has her openly crying when Tom's voice interrupts her thoughts, "Alicia, since George has been so considerate in taking the time and effort to correct you, I think you should thank him!"

Quickly she blurts, "Thank you George!" Hoping that this will entice him to remove the now torturing instruments from her suffering nipples.

"That's good, but not quite enough. Thank him properly. Kiss him to show how grateful you are that he consented to punish you." Her lover commands.

"I-I can't! Ow! It hurts so much! Please take them off!" She cries.

Gently Tom tells her, "Yes you can Darling. You can learn to ignore little distractions! Now go ahead and thank him."

"Little distractions! They're killing me!" She screams to herself then remembering his earlier instructions after she spilled the wine, she stretches up and offers her lips to her tormenter.

The effort shoots new excruciating bullets of torture into her whole being as she again offers her open mouth to George's softly probing tongue. His gentleness surprises her even through the haze of pain. She realizes that he doesn't really like hurting her, but is only doing it as a favor to Tom and to her in order to help her come to grips with her own feelings. This understanding seems to dissipate the pain and she thankfully starts to entwine her tongue with his and participate in the kiss at the same time continuing to massage his erection. Even while the pulsating flames in her nipples continue, the kiss becomes a passionate symbol of her gratitude as George probes deeply inside her mouth.

As he pulls away, a new wave of pain hits and she involuntarily squeezes her hand to find that his penis is throbbing and fully erect. For a few seconds it seems as if it is throbbing in sympathy with the rhythmic surges of torture in her nipples. Suddenly she is astounded to realize that her own genitals are again seeping moisture and dripping and a surge of arousal mingles with the pain.