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Time seems to stop and she hears Virginia skirt rustle and feels a light brushing of the tender inner skin of her labia which just grazes the even more sensitive inner labia. Involuntarily, she tenses for the anticipated intrusion of a finger when she realizes that the wider brushing feeling is her classmates tongue.

"No!" She cries, wrenching back and jabbing her cuffed wrists into Tom's throat.

"Relax. Calm down." He says as the tongue slides lightly over her open vagina and lightly pokes at her clitoris, sending a shiver of sensation through her already aroused body, "This is a reward. Everything's all right. Let your feelings accept it!" Tom continues whispering in her ear.

The held girl gasps as the licking, probing and fluttering continue to excite her until a long slow probing lick starts at the very juncture of her exposed anus and continues all the way up to end with rapid fluttering pokes at her clitoris.

"OH-OH-OH!" Alicia cries and involuntarily thrusts back at the unremitting invader of her most sensitive spot.

The overwhelming orgasms keep her gyrating until they finally diminish and slow. Gasping for breath, the tormented victim's head sags forward to see her friend's sopping wet face smiling up at her. The redhead grins and winks at her and plants still another quick kiss to the center of her open vaginal passage, sending yet another residual shiver of feelings through the helpless and exhausted bride-to-be. The kneeling woman stands and walks towards her boyfriend with her face still dripping with Alicia's juices.

"I thought you said you weren't very good? You looked pretty experienced to me." He tells her with a grin.

In reply, the buxom redhead slaps him hard across the cheek, "That's none of your damned business, George! And never will be! I'm not your slave who has to reveal everything." She snaps and then grabs him roughly and fiercely kisses him, obviously intending to propel Alicia's nectar into his mouth to share her taste with him.

At the same time Tom and Alicia are more gently, if no less passionately, embracing. As the two couples finally run out of breath, Alicia looks at Tom and whispers, "Master, do I have to tell what I felt again?"

"No, Darling. Not unless you want to." He whispers back.

"I-I think I want to. I'm so confused, I think it might help if I try to put it in words." She tells him.

"Ok, Sweetheart. Would you like something to drink first?"

"Yes, that would be nice." she says, stepping to the coffee table and picking up two glasses of the wine she so expertly poured.

Handing one glass to Tom she raises the other to her lips before stopping abruptly. Smiling she kneels beside his chair and with both hands offers the glass up to him.

"Oh Alicia!" He cries as he takes the proffered vessel and sits in the chair as George and Virginia each take their glasses and resume their seats on the couch. Gently, Tom holds his nude fiancé's hair and touches her glass to her lips for her to drink. At first sipping and then swallowing, the beautiful, ravaged, young woman drains the wine in one long drink.

"Would you like some more?" Tom asks considerately.

"No, I'm fine now, thank you Master."

"Well, would you like to tell us about this last experience?" He queries.

"Y-yes, but would it be all right if I shifted position, my knees and legs are getting a little sore?" She asks.

"Of course, darling, why didn't you say so earlier? I'll get you another chair." He declares, starting to rise.

"No, I don't want a chair." She stops him as she sits on the carpet and scoots around to face the three of them once more. Being careful to cross her ankles in front of her with her knees spread wide to allow a clear view of her open genitals, she shifts until she is comfortable and props herself erect with her hands on the floor behind her to help keep her breasts thrust forward.

Taking a deep breath the lovely nude begins, "The wine pouring and its aftermath are so confusing, I don't really know where to start. I was terrified that I would make a mistake serving the wine and be punished again. At the same time I was so excited and happy at Tom's proposal and the ring that I desperately needed to try and do something else to please him, so I asked to pour it.

Opening the bottle was hard and for a while I wasn't sure I was strong enough to and that scared me even more. But when George helped hold the bottle and I got the cork out, I almost forgot to give it to him. Tom 'distracted' me at supper and I half expected him to try to do it again. But when I remembered the cork, I was so relieved that I got over confident.

So when Virginia touched me, I was surprised and nearly dropped the bottle. Then I felt her fingernails and realized it wasn't Tom. I nearly dropped it again. Even as a little girl, I never played with girls that way. We've been friends and classmates ever since kindergarten, and I never dreamed you'd do something like that. I felt violated and angry. I don't think being raped on the street would be much worse.

Then you started moving your hand and I couldn't help myself from getting excited. That made me even angrier and more ashamed at the same time. I could have easily killed you and nearly turned around to hit you with the bottle. All of a sudden I realized that you were only doing it because Tom must have asked you to and it was a test. As I quit being mad, the pleasure crescendoed and replaced the anger and I was almost at orgasm when you stopped. I was so frustrated and ashamed that a woman had aroused me so, that the anger came right back.

Most of it was still directed at you, but some of it was at Tom. I couldn't understand why he didn't let you continue or even do it himself. And having George know you had aroused me so, just added to my humiliation and anger.

Then you all started congratulating me on pouring the wine and not spilling any. I knew it was just a miracle I hadn't spilled any and blamed you all for that too! I thought you were making fun of me because it was really just luck. When Tom said he was going to reward me, I thought he was really going to torture me again.

Then when Virginia said she was going to do it, I was even surer I was being punished. I thought she must be mad at me because Tom made her put her finger in me. Then she kissed me do-down there, and I thought it was her fingers. When I realized it was her tongue, I got even more confused. Only lesbians do that. And I knew Virginia isn't a lesbian. She's told me she's been with George and a couple of other boys.

But her tonguing felt so good, I couldn't help myself. Even when I had that orgasm, she didn't stop and I kept having more and more. I nearly fainted from embarrassment, thinking I must be a lesbian because Virginia did that to me.

Now that I've thought about it, I think I may be bi-sexual. If someone touches me, it doesn't matter whether it's a man or woman, I respond. But I've also learned that it's not just the sex that's important. George's touching me earlier was the most intense orgasm I've had, and Virginia's licking was by far the longest. They were both different and felt good, but not nearly as good as the mildest and shortest one I had with Tom because it's him I truly love and belong to."

"Tom, Love, Master, I am so happy and thank you so much for being so kind and patient and teaching me all these new things. The answer is still yes. Yes, I will marry you. Yes, I will wear your ring, yes; I will be your slave forever, if you will have me."

At this Alicia turns directly to her fiancé and once more kneels with her hands behind her neck, offering him not only her beautiful nude and open body, but her heart, mind and spirit.

Overcome with emotion, Tom starts, "Oh! Alicia!" And then kneels to wrap his arms around his love and kiss her.

After several minutes watching, George says to Virginia, "Do you have a feeling of deja vu?"

Virginia grins back and agrees, "Yes, I think this is where we came in."

At the conversation, Tom leans back and tells Alicia, "They're right! It's almost one o'clock. I need to get you home. Let me take those needles out and you can go shower and dress."