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"Yes, I know! But if you would agree to a sex act, it would show me how committed you really are to being my Slave and it would also prove to yourself that you really want to commit to our relationship." he answers.

Realizing that his request is a test of her love, she cries, "Oh Tom, I want you to be the first. You know I love you so much, I want to remember my virginity being given to you as gift, not bartered to George D. or anyone else! I can't and won't make love to him. Ask me something else."

"Oh, Honey, I wasn't thinking of intercourse. I want our first time to be together too. I was just thinking that maybe something more intimate than a kiss, even a naked kiss, would be a better demonstration of your resolve and also give you a better understanding of what being a Slave might entail. Would you be willing to do something else?" Maybe let him penetrate you anally?"

"Oh, My God! Sodomy! That's painful, dirty and dangerous. I don't think I could even do that with you! But I know you're testing me. If I don't agree to something, I may lose you and I couldn't stand that! Would you accept my touching George or even masturbating him? Oh! I know! You want me to suck him. I've done it twice and now you want me to suck George's penis too! What can I say!" she hysterically thinks to herself.

Desperately, she tries to think of some other way to supplicate her lover. Unable to even think of begging him to relent, she starts to cry once more.

Falling to her knees she finally sobs, "OK, you win! I'll try to kiss his p-p-penis. Will that do?"

"Oh Darling, that is wonderful! You make me so happy!" he exclaims in ecstasy, dropping to his knees in front of her and kissing her deeply.

A minute later she pulls away to catch her breath from the sobs and prolonged kiss. Wiping her cheeks with her arm she says, "Now I'll have to freshen up again. I'm sorry, I must look a mess. I'll ..."

"No Dear, if anything, you're even more beautiful when you're crying. Sit here at the table so you can see what we've been talking about. I've been writing down what I think we've agreed to. Read it over carefully and see if I've made any mistakes or left anything out. I've tried to be as generous as possible. If there are any changes we need to make, write them in the margins and we'll start a new sheet." he tells her.

Blinking back her tears, the lovely young girl tries to focus on the blurry hand written paper.

Jan 6, 20__ 3:15 pm

Apt 6, 53202 Maple Dr.

Shermanville, Indiana

I, Alicia K. L______, hereby consent to greet and present myself to George S______ in the nude for his visual and manual inspection of my body for a period not to exceed fifteen minutes. I further agree and request that Tom H_______ be present during this inspection. I agree to allow both or either George S_______ and Tom H_______to kiss and touch me wherever and however they so choose during this period. Furthermore, I agree and consent to subsequently disrobe George S_____ so far as he desires and is necessary to perform oral fellatio on him for a period not to exceed thirty minutes or unless and until he ejaculates into my mouth or upon my body. It is understood that if his ejaculate enters my mouth, that I will not be compelled to swallow it, but will be given immediate opportunity to spit it out and to rinse my mouth of any and all effusions emanating from him.

Additionally, it is expressly understood and I specifically consent and agree that the aforesaid persons may use physical force to compel me to perform the above specified actions.

I further attest that these actions are agreed to of my own free will and accord and that I have consented to them from my abiding love for Tom H_________ and at his request to demonstrate the same.

Sworn this 6th day of January 20__

Alicia ________

"Oh my God! He expects me to sign this! It's a consent form for rape!" She thinks as an uncontrollable shaking grips her whole body.

"Is something wrong?" Tom asks as she trembles.

"N-N-No!" She sobs, I just didn't expect this, "And you actually want me to sign this? It's horrible! It wouldn't be legal anyway!"

"I don't expect it to be legal. I would just like to have your consent in writing in order to impress on you the depth of your commitment and love." He tells her, "I promise it won't be seen by anyone other than George and myself and neither of us will ever mention anything concerning it to anyone. I swear! Won't you sign it for me?"

Sniffling, and partly believing in the back of her mind that Tom really doesn't intend to hold her to it and this is just a testing game of some sort, the beautiful nude girl agrees. Taking the pen, she shakily signs the document thinking that just signing her name isn't as nearly as bad as what might happen if she refused to play along with her boyfriend's fantasy.

Looking at her nearly illegible name scrawled at the bottom of the page, Alicia starts and finally realizes that Tom is really serious about playing the game through completely and that she's actually agreed to be forced to actually perform the obscene acts described in it

"Oh Lord, I've just promised to be a whore to George S______ and to suck him off. I've never even seen any man's penis except Tom's, not even my father's. What if he's not clean? What if it smells or tastes like urine? Will I gag the way I almost did the first time I sucked Tom? I wonder if it's bigger or smaller than Tom's. Will he have an erection? Tom has always been erect when I've touched him, but that's after we've necked for a while. And what was that section about touching in the document?" She thinks before asking, "Tom, what does 'manual inspection' mean in the paper?"

"Oh that just means that we can touch or stroke you. If you struggle or resist, we might have to touch or grab you to hold you still." He replies, "However, I'll do everything I can to help encourage you and to keep from hurting you. If you can co-operate, it will be a lot easier for both of us. By the way, we won't penetrate you except for the kiss and the fellatio. There are some things I want to do for your first time myself. Relax; it won't be so bad, you'll see. I'm so proud of you. Now would you call George and invite him over? Tell him I told you that he doesn't believe you meant it when you said when you'd do anything for me and you want to prove him wrong. Tell him that I say for him to shave, shower and put on clean clothes."

"Oh No! I couldn't!" She cries.

"There, see what I mean about being a Slave and doing anything I ask? If you really want it, you have to understand that doing this sort of thing is all part of being a Slave." He admonishes, "I'll make the call, but you just tell him he's wrong and tell him to come when I hand the phone to you. Can you do that?"

"May-Maybe, it's like I'm asking him here to rape me." She stutters incoherently.

"Oh, Darling, it'll be all right! It's just a phone call." He tells her as he lifts the receiver and dials.

They both listen as the ringing occurs and just when Alicia starts to hope no one will answer, George's familiar voice says, "Hello?"

Tom puts the receiver to his ear and says, "Hi George! Alicia and I have a favor to ask. Can you take a quick shower and change into clean clothes and come over to your apartment? I told Alicia you didn't believe her when she said she'd do anything for me and she wants to talk to you about it." And then hands the receiver to the waiting naked girl who obediently says, "George, you know I never lie, if you could, please come over here and we'll prove it. Here's Tom!"

Taking the receiver back, Tom again tells him to clean up and not to tell anyone where he's going or that he's meeting them. When he replaces the receiver in the cradle, he looks at the softly crying naked girl sitting before him. Gently taking her hand, he first tries consoling her and then lightheartedly announces that since George won't arrive for an hour, asks her what she wants to do to kill the time.