arnica: arniko.
aroma: (flavor, smell) aromo.
aromatic: arom-ala, -oza; (substance) aromat-o; -a, -atra, -oza.
around: (prep., adv.) cirkum, -e; to go a.: cirkum-irar; (to surround) cirkondar; to turn a.: (gen.) (tr., intr.) turnar; (on its own axis) (intr.) rotacar; (on a point outside of its own body) jirar.
arouse: (awake) vek-igar; (stir up) incitar.
arpeggio: arpejo; to play a.s: (intr.) arpejar.
arquebus: arkabuzo.
arrak: arako.
arraign: akuzar; sumnar od asignar (ulu) avan tribunalo; (prosecute) persequar.
arrange: aranjar, dispozar, (ri-)ordinar; a. to meet me: aranjez vu por renkontrar me; -ment : (gen.) aranj-o, -eso, -uro.
arrant: extraordinara, infama, vera, perfekta, absoluta.
array: (order) ordinar, dispozar, aranjar; (dress) vest-izar; (exhibit) expozar, (tr., intr.) paradar.
arrears: tarda o ne-pagita deb-ajo; in a.: tard-esk-inta (pri, por ulo); (become in) tard-eskar.
arrest: (legal) arestar; kaptar; (stop) halt-igar; fixigar (the attention); to be a.ed, be under a.: arest-esar; (noun) aresto, -eso; warrant for an a.: aresto-impero; a.ed person: arest-ato, -ito.
arris: aristo.
arrive: (intr.) arivar, (intr.) par-venar (ad); (attain) atingar.
arrogance: arog-o, -emeso; superb-eso; -gant : aroganta, -ema; superba.
arrogate: arogar (ulo ad su).
arrondissement: distrikto.
arrow: flecho; a.head: flecho-pinto; (bot.) sagitario.
arrowroot: aroruto.
arse: kulo.
arsenal: arsenalo.
arsenic: arseno.
arson: incendio premedit-ita.
art: arto; fine a.s: bela arti; object of a.: arto-verko, art-ajo; liberal a.s: libera arti; useful a.s: utila arti; a. of writing: skrib-arto; master of a.s: (M.A. degree) licenc-iero.
arterial: ateri-ala.
arteriology: arteriologio.
arteriotomy: arteriotomio.
arteritis: arteriito.
artery: arterio.
artesian (well): arteza (puteo).
artful: ruz-oza, artific-oza; (skilful) art-a, -oza.
arthritis: artrit-o; -ic: (of disease) -ala; (persons) -ika, iko.
arthrodia: artrodio.
arthropod: artropodo.
artichoke: artichoko; Jerusalem a.: topinamburo.
article (to): obligar ulu, kontratar pri ulu kom aprentiso; to be a.ed: aprentis-esar.
article: (newspaper, grammar) artiklo ; (object, thing) objekto, kozo; (of commerce) varo, komerc-ajo; (of faith) kred-ajo, -artiklo; newspaper a.: jurnal-ala artiklo; definite a.: definita artiklo; la; (in a will, contract) klauzo; (by-law) statuto; (of clothing) vesto; (of food) nutr-ivo, manj-ajo; (indenture) aprentis-kontrato.
articular: artik-ala.
articulata: (arthropod) artopodo.
articulate: (pronounce) artikular; (join together) artik-izar; -ed: artikul-ita; artik-oza, -iz-ita; -tion: (joint) artiko; (movable segment) artro; (in speaking) artikul(ad)o, pronunc(ad)o.
artifice: (artful, expedient) artifico ; ruzo.
artificer: mestier-isto.
artificial: artific-ala.
artillery: (body of troops) artilerio ; (cannons collect.) kanon-aro; -man: artileri-ano; foot-a.: pedo-artilerio.
artisan: mestier-isto.
artist: art-isto; -ic: (relating to art) art-ala; (relating to the artist) art-ist-ala; (highly) virtuoza; -ic perfection : art-al-eso; -ic person: art-emo.
artless: naiva, kandida, inocenta, sen-artifica.
arum: arumo.
aruspex: aruspico.
as: (because) pro ke; as (=because) he looked like an intelligent boy, I took him as an assistant: pro ke la puero aspektis inteligenta, me engajis il kom (od, esar) helpanto; (likeness) quale; il agis quale experto (i.e., like an expert, which he was not); (identity) kom; il agis kom experto (i.e., he was an expert); (Note: Kom is used also for the role: He appeared as Hamlet: il aparis kom Hamlet; similarly with all verbs signifying to do, to speak, to write: kom prezidanto, kom sekretario; (similarity) tam … kam: Li esas tam simila kam du pizi: they are as alike as two peas; (comparison, degree) tam … kam: tam richa kam: as rich as; tam longe kam: as long as (followed by verb); (in accordance) segun: il agis segun vua demando: he acted as you requested; (while) dum: he died as a prisoner: (il mortis dum des-libereso); as big again: du-ople granda kam; as early as: tam frue kam posible; as a whole: generale; as far as: (place) ad hike, ad ibe; (quantity) segun quante; (time) til nun; as for me: por me, pri me; as fast as possible: tam rapida kam posible; as far as possible: segun posibl-eso; as they were: tala quala li esis; as for: pri, relate; as for example: exemple; as for the rest: pri la ceteri; as good as: tam bona kam; la sama; equivalar; as if: quale (se); as it were: quaze (=as though); (like) quale; as is well known: quale on bone savas; as long as: (dimension, time) tam longa kam; (while) dum (ke); as much as: tam multa (granda) kam, tante quante; (however much) irge quante; as many as: tam multa kam; as often as: tam ofte kam; rich as she is: irge quante richa el esas; as soon as: quik kande, tam balde kam; as though: quale se; as to, as regards: relate ad, pri; as yet: til nun, ankore; as you know: quale vu savas; as you wilclass="underline" segun vua plezuro; he is always as he always was: il esas tala, quala il esis olim; such as: tala quala; I thought as much: ton me anke pensis; I took such as pleased me: me prenis ti qui plezis (a) me; as well as: (besides) ultre (ke).
asafetida: asafetido.
asbestos: asbesto.
ascarid: askarido.
ascend: (tr., intr.) acensar.
ascendent (to be): (intr.) dominacar; (intr.) preponderar.
ascendency: dominaco, autoritato, povo, influo.
ascension: acenso; a. day: acenso-festo; right a.: rekta acenso.
ascent: acens-o, -eyo.
ascertain: cert-igar (su pri); (by observation, experiment) konstatar; -able: konstat-ebla, verifik-ebla.
ascetic: asket-o, -ala; a. act: -ajo; -ism: -eso, -ismo.
ascribe: imputar, atribuar.
asceptic: asept-a.
asexual: (biol.) agama; (bot.) kripto-gama; sen-sexua.
ash(es): cindr-o, -i; (live embers) brez-o, -i; Ash Wednesday: cindro-merkurdio.
ash-tree: fraxino.
ashamed: sham-anta, -oza (pri); (from sex motives) pudor-oza, -ema; to be a.ed: (intr.) sham-ar; to make feel a.ed: sham-igar; pudor-igar.
ashiar: krude tali-ita petro; quadro.
ashore: (to go a.) irar a la tero; (to put a.) (tr., intr.) des-embarkar; (of ships, to run a.) (intr.) strandar, (tr.) -igar.
Asiatic: (of persons) Azi-ana, -ano.
aside: flanke, later-e, -ale; (along) alonge; (away) for, aparte; to lay, set, put a.: pozar aparte; for-pozar; for-jetar; eskartar; words spoken a.: (theat., etc.) aparta vorti; to go a.: flank-irar; apart-irar; irar adlatere; preter-irar; to turn a.: (for protective purposes) garar; a. from that: exter to, exter la temo; being a.: eskarte.
asinine: asn-atra, -acha; -inity: (act) asn-al-ajo, (quality) -al-eso.