timid: timid-a; -ity: -eso.
timorous: timid-a.
tin: stano; t.plate: lado; (sheet-iron coated with t.) stan-(iz-ita) fero; to t.: stan-izar; t. can: stan-iz-ita bidono o bux(et)o; t.foiclass="underline" stan-folio; t.smith: lad-isto.
tincture: (pharm.) dissolv-uro (di); (tint) tint-uro; (fig.) nuanco, quant-eto; nocion-eto.
tinder: tindro.
tine: dento.
tinea: tineo.
tinge: tint-ar, (result) -uro.
tingle: (prickle) priklar; (burn) brular; ardorar.
tinker: repar-(ach)ero, -isto; fush-repar-ero.
tinkle: (of sound) tinkl-etar.
tinsel: oripelo; (spangles) flitr-i, -aji; fals brilo, -ajo.
tint: (dye) tint-ar; (apply color, colour) kolor-(et)-izar; (fig.) nuanc-izar (cf. ombr-izar).
tint: (dyeing) tint-(ad)o, (result) -uro; (substance) -ivo; (superficial notion) nocion-eto; (shade) nuanco.
tiny: tre mikra, kelk-eta.
tip: (incline) inklin-(et)ar; (the point as with gold) garnisar la pinto per (oro); (with iron) fer-izar (la pinto); (put a point on) pint-izar; (a waiter, etc.) gratifikar; t. over: renversar; (capsize) (intr.) kalbutar, (tr.) -igar; t.ped with: pint-iz-ita per; t. up: levar lextrem-ajo.
tip: (end) extrem-ajo, fino, pinto; (tilt) inklino; (gratuity) gratifik-uro; (suggestion) sugest-ajo.
tippet: pelerino; (fur) palatino; (fur comforter) boa-furo; (muffler) kravat-ego.
tipple: drink-ajo, -ach-ar.
tipsy: (mi-)ebria.
tiptoe: irar pedo-pinte; to stand on t.: stacar pedo-pinte.
tiptop: (n.) supr-ajo, somito; (adj.) supr-ega, ecelanta, maxim bona.
tipula: tipulo.
tirade: (speech and fig.) tirado; (bad sense) reproch-ado, blam-ado.
tire: fatigar (cf. tedar, enoyar); to be t.d by: ted-esar o fatig-esar da (ulo); repugn-esar da (ulo); -ed: fatigita.
tire, tyre: (of a wheel) roto bandajo.
tireless: ne-fatig-ebla; (continuing) dur-anta.
tiresome: fatig-anta, -iva; (boring) ted-anta, -iva.
tisane: tizano.
tissue: (anat., biol.) tisuo; (woven) tex-uro; (fabric) stofo; t.-paper: din-(eg)a papero.
tit: paruo; t. for tat.: frapo po frapo; qui pro quo; simil-ajo po simil-ajo.
titanic: titan-ala, -atra.
titanium: titan-metalo.
titbit: friand-ajo.
tithe: dismo.
titillate: titilar.
title: titulo; (right) yuro; -led: (in rank) nobela.
titmouse: paruo.
titrate: (tech.) titrar.
titter: rid-achar; kurta o ne-lauta rido, celeta rido.
tittle: iota; not a t.: ne ula iota o la minima mikr-ajo.
tittle-tattle: (act) babil-(ad)o, (talk) -ajo, -ach-ajo.
titular: titul-iera.
to: a(d); (towards) vers; (as far as) til (cf. ante-e); up to now: til nun; a quarter to seven: sis kloki e tri quar-imi; in order to prepare you: por ke vu esez preparita; this belongs to your father: ico apartenas a vua patrulo; from Paris to Lyons: de Paris til Lyon; hang to the walclass="underline" pendar an la muro; according to my opinion: segun mea opiniono; it is your turn to speak: esas vua foyo parolar; ten to one: dek kontre un; from morning to night: de la matino til la nokto; he turned his head to me: il turnis sua kapo vers me; to fall into decadence: dekad-eskar; the house fell to ruin: domo dekad-eskis; domo krulis; to and fro: avane e retro; today: ca-die; tonight: ca-nokte.
toad: rospo (cf. bombinatoro).
toadstool: venen-oza fungo.
toady: flat-achar (ulu); (person) flat-ach-anto, -ero; -ism: flat-ach-ado.
toast: (bread, etc.) rostar (cf. grilar); (drink the health of (intr.) tostar (ad).
toast: (bread) rosto-pano; (drinking) tosto; -ing fork: rost-fork-eto; t.-rack: rost-pan-iero.
tobacco: tabako; t. pouch: tabako-sako; t. seller: tabak-vend-isto.
tocsin: alarm-son-ado; to sound the t.: alarm-son-igar, -eskar.
toddle: (intr.) trot-etar, (intr.) pas-etar.
toddy: puncho.
to-do: agit-ado.
toe: ped-fingro; big toe: haluxo; little t.: mikra ped-fingro; from top to t.: del kapo al pedi.
toffy: (butro-) sukr-ajo; butro-karamelo.
toga: togo.
together: kune; (at the same time) samtempe; (in concert) ensemble, union-ite, kune, solidare; (in succession) inter-seque; the children sleep t.: la infanti dormas kune; to sing t.: kantar ensemble o kune; three days t.: tri dii kune o inter-seque; (por) tri suced-anta dii; to act t.: agar en kombino, agar kune o ensemble.
toil: (work hard) labor-egar (intr.); (take pains) (intr.) penar; to t. up: acensar pen-oze; (n.) labor-ego.
toilet: (wash and dress) tualetar; (attire) kostumo, vest-aro; to make ones t.: (intr.) tualetar; t.-paper: papero higien-ala, sedo-papero.
toils: (snare) kaptilo.
toilsome: pen-oza, labor-oza; fatig-anta; des-facila.
token: signo (cf. indico, marko); (counter) ficho, konto-marko; (memorial) atesto.
tolerable: (endurable) toler-ebla; (pretty good) pasabla.
tolerance: toler-(ad)o.
tolerant: toler-ema, liber-ema.
tolerate: tolerar (ulo de ulu).
toll: (of bell) lente o solene sonigar o tinkl-igar klosho.
toll: (tax) imposto, pas-taxo, -pago; (octroi) acizo; t.gate, t.bar: impost-bar-ilo; pas-tax-bar-ilo; (of a bell) morto-son-ado (di klosho).
tomato: (fruit) tomato.
tomb: tombo.
tombac: tombako.
tombola: tombolo.
tomboy: bub-ino.
tombstone: tomb-o, -petro.
tomcat: kat-ulo.
tomfoolery: (nonsense) stult-eso, sen-senc-ajo; (playing the fool) arlekin-ajo.
tomorrow: morge; (n.) morgo, morga dio.
tomtit: paruo.
tomtom: tamtamo.
ton: (metr.= 2,205 lb.) tuno; -nage: tun-aro, -konteno.
tone: (voice, music, med.) tono; (color, colour) koloro, nuanco; t. down: (fig.) moderar, kalm-igar; t.less: sen-harmonia.
tongs: pinc-ego, (cf. tenalio).
tongue: (anat.) lango; (language) linguo, idiomo; (fig.) lango; to hold ones t.: (tr., intr.) tacar; retenar sua lango o parolo; to have something on the tip of ones t.: preske memorar ulo; t. of fire: faira lango; to have a glib t.: parolar tre facile, esar parol-ema; the gift of t.s: doto di la lingui; t.-tied: sen-parola, ne-parol-ema, tac-ema, -anta.
tonic: (med.) ton-iz-anta, -iva; -iz-ivo; (accent) tonika; (tonal) ton-ala.
tonight: (i)ca nokte.
tonneau: tonneau.
tonsil: tonsilo.
tonsilitis: tonsilito.
tonsure: tonsuro.
tontine: tontino.
tonoplast: tonoplasto.
too: tro; (also) anke.
tool: utensilo, instrumento; (cf. suffix -ilo); edged t.: tranch-ilo, sek-ilo; to t.: (a book, etc.) mark-izar, fasonar (ulo) per instrumento.