tooth: (also fig.) dento; to have t.ache: dolorar ye la denti; to set the teeth on edge: agacar la denti; to have a t. out: extirpar dento; to have a sweet t.: amar la dolc-aji; to cut ones teeth: dent-ifar; t. powder: denti-frico; t.brush: dento-bros-ilo; t.less: sen-denta; t.ed: dent-iz-ita, noch-iz-ita; t.pick: dento-pik-ilo; t. over another: sur-dento.
toothsome: sapor-oza.
top: kron-izar; kovrar la pinto per; esar ye la kapo di; (surpass) super-irar; (finish) komplet-igar; (cut the t. off) de-tranchar la kapo; (dominate) dominacar; ecelar.
top: somito, kolmo, supr-ajo, -eso; (mast) topo; (head) kapo; (chief) chefo; on t. of: sur; t. (roof, outside) of a coach: emperialo; t.-knot: pompono; from t. to bottom: del supr-ajo a la infr-ajo; playing t.s: tupio; t.-heavy: tro pez-oza en la supr-ajo.
topaz: topazo.
top-coat: surtuto.
top-hat: cilindra chapelo.
toper: ebri-emo (cf. drink-emo).
topic: temo.
topical: topika.
topmast: top-masto.
topmost: maxim-alta, supr(eg)a, maxim elev-ita, maxim supera.
topographer: topografi-isto; -phicaclass="underline" -ala; -phy: -o.
topology: topologio.
topple: (intr.) falar; (in pieces) (intr.) krular.
topsy-turvy: renversita; (disarranged) des-aranj-ita; to turn t.: renversar, kulbut-igar; des-ordinar.
toque: toko.
torch: torcho.
toreador: toreadoro.
torment: tormentar (cf. ted-egar); (n.) -o, -eso.
tornado: vortica vent-ego.
torpedo: (also fish) torpedo, (v.) -agar (ulo); t.-boat: -navo.
torpid: torpor-oza, -ema, -a; -ity, torpor: -o; to be in a state of t.: -ar (intr.).
torrefy: torefaktar.
torrent: torento; -iaclass="underline" -ala, -atra; t. of tears: lakrimo-torento; to rain in t.s: pluv-egar; pluvar torent-atre.
torrid: (very hot) varm-ega, tropik-ala; (of zones) torida (zono).
torsion: tord-o, -ado, -eso, -uro; t. balance: tordo-balanco.
torso: torso.
torticollis: tortikolo.
tortoise: tortugo; t.shelclass="underline" -o-skali-o, -a.
tortuous: sinuoza, serpent-atra.
torture: tormentar, -o; instrument of t.: -ilo.
torus: toro.
toss: ad-supre jetar, lansar, spricar; to t. in a blanket: mantear (ulu); t. away: for-jetar; t. the head: levar subite la kapo; to t. in bed: agitar su en la lito, chanjar konstante la poz-eso en lito; dormar o jacar sen-repoze; to t. off: (a glassful) glutar hast-oze; to t. for sides: decidar la poz-esi per lotrio; lotriar la poz-esi.
total: (adj.) tot-ala; (n.) sumo; (v.) sum-igar; in t.: sume; -ity: tot-o, -eso, -ajo; (cf. ensemblo; kompleta; plena).
totter: (stagger) (intr.) shancelar (cf. ocilar, vacilar); -ing: shancel-anta; -y: -ema.
toucan: tukano.
touch: (tr., intr.) (be or put in contact with) tushar; (cf. kontaktar, kontiguar); (reach) atingar, tushar; (stop at) haltar ye; (disturb) des-aranjar; tushar; movar; t. the emotions: emoc-igar, -ar; t. the mind: koncernar; t. up: (improve) plu-bon-igar, (a picture) retushar; t. upon: aludar; t. with the fingers: (feel about) palpar; to t. off: (light) acendar.
touch: (act) tush-(ad)o; (sense of t.) tush-senso; put the last t. to: par-finar; facar la lasta stroki; to be in t. with: (be informed about) esar inform-ita pri (ulu, ulo); to put in t. with: informar (ulu pri); t. and go: esar en ne-certa stando, ye granda hazardo.
touched: (of emotions) emoc-anta.
touch-hole: explozo-tru-eto.
touching: emoc-iganta; (concerning) pri; (in contact) tush-anta.
touchwood: tindro-fungo.
touchy: irac-ema, des-afabla; facile ofens-ata (da); sent-ema.
tough: rezist-anta, -ema, -iva (cf. ne-flex-ebla, rigida, tenaca); t. meat: karno ledr-atra, harda; a t. job: des-facila tasko; a t. man: (strong) vigor-oza, robusta viro; a t. skin: harda pelo.
toughen: igar rezist-iva; (plu-)hard-igar, -eskar; rigid-igar.
tour: turo; to make a t.: facar turo (di) (cf. voyajar).
tourist: tur-isto; t. costume: kostumo tur-ist-ala.
tourmaline: turmalino.
tournament, tourney: turniro; to hold a t.: (intr.) -ar.
tourniquet: turno-kruco.
tousle: (disarrange) des-aranjar, des-ordinar.
tout: klient-serch-isto; (v.) klient-izar; (brag) fanfaronar (pri).
tow: (a boat, etc.) remorkar (cf. tuvar, tirar, tranar, haular); t.-rope: remorko-kablo; take in t.: remorkar, -eskar (ulo); t.-path: haul-voyo.
toward(s): (in the direction of) (prep.) vers; (about) cirkum(e), proxim(e); (going to) ad.
towel: tualet-tuko.
tower: elev-egar su; stacar plu alte o super(e); (fig.) dominacar.
tower: (n.) turmo (cf. citadelo); a t. of strength: fort-ega apog-ilo.
towering: (of rage, passion) furi-oza.
town: urb-o, -eto, -ego (cf. civito); market t.: burgo (cf. staplo); a small t.: urb-eto, vilajo; t. halclass="underline" urbo-domo; to be out of t.: esar exter la urbo; mayor of a t.: urb-estro, municip-estro; t. counciclass="underline" municipala konsil-ist-aro, konsilant-aro; t. clerk: sekretario por la urb-estro; t.ship: komono; t.sman: urb-ano.
toxic: toxika.
toxicology: toxikologio
toxin: toxino.
toy: lud-ilo (also fig.) (cf. bagatelo); to toy with: amuzar su per.
trace: (draw) trasar; (through paper) kalquar; (cf. skisar); (track) sequar (ulu) per la traci; (investigate) explorar.
trace: (mark, track) traco; (in harness) tir-rimeno; (small quantity) tre mikra quanto.
tracery: ret-desegn-o, -uro.
trachea: trake-o; -class="underline" -a, -ala.
tracheotomy: trakeotomio.
trachitis: trakeito.
trachyte: trakito.
tracing-paper: kalquo-papero.
track: sequar la traci di, sequar (ulu) per la traci; (cf. trakar).
track: (mark) trac-o, -i, -aro; (hunting out) trako; (of a R.R.) fervoyo, rel-voyo; (of a comet, star) orbito; (of a ship) voyo-traco; (track) treko, voy-eto; (of a race-course) treko, lico; to be off the t.: egarar o perdar la traci; mis-irar de la voyo; the train is off the t.: la treno ek-rel-iris; to make t.s for: kurar (rapide) ad; t.less: sen-voyo.
tract: (of country) exens-ajo, regiono; (as for building) dom-tereno; (religious) religi-ala brosh-uro.
tractable: koncili-ema; manu-ag-ebla; docila, dukt-ebla.
traction: tir-(ad)o, tir-povo, (locomotive power) traciono; t. engine: lokomotivo; traciono-mashino; traktoro.
tractor: traktoro.
tractrix: traktrico.
trade: (intr.) komercar (pri, kun); (sell) vendar; (cf. debitar); (swap) (inter-)kambiar; (buy) komprar.
trade: (n.) komerco; (calling) mestiero; profesiono; by t.: segun (lua, sua) mestiero; to learn a t.: lernar mestiero; in the t.: en la komerco, en la aferi; t. is dulclass="underline" aferi, komerco stagnas; to be a Jack of all t.s: havar tro multa mestieri; retail t.: endetala komerco; article of t.: komerc-ajo, varo; to be in the wool t.: komercar pri la lano; t. wind: alizeo; free t.: libera kambio.