tunnel: tunel-o; (v.) en-tunel-igar (ulo), facar tunelo.
tunny-fish: atuno.
turban: turbano.
turbid: slam-oza, fang-oza; des-klara; trubl-ita.
turbine: turbino.
turbot: turboto.
turbulence: petul-em-eso, tumult-oz-eso.
turbulent: petul-ema, tumult-oza, -ema.
Turco: turko.
tureen: terino.
turf: (grass) gazono; (peat) torfo.
turgescent: turgec-anta.
turgid: infl-ita.
turkey: dindo.
Turkish slipper: babucho.
turmeric: kurkumo.
turmoil: tumulto, agit-(ad)o, -eso; des-tranquil-eso.
turn: (become) see suffix -eskar; (cause to be) see suffix -igar; (in gen.) turnar; (on axis) (intr.) rotacar; (around another body) (intr.) jirar (cf. envolvar, envelopar); (in a lathe) tornar; (change) (tr., intr.) chanjar (cf. alterar); to about t.: (ri-, retro-)turnar (cf. invers-igar, retro-irar); (gyrate) jirar; turn and t. about: altern-ante; t. to account: profitar (de, per); t. aside: de-turnar, deviacar; (put aside) eskartar; t. away the head: de-turnar la kapo; t. down: ad-infre-turnar; (fold back) ri-, retro-faldar; (decline) refuzar; (a leaf) faldar la angulo di folio; a turn down collar: kolumo jac-anta; t. in: (go to bed) en-lit-igar su, sternar su por dormar; (motion) turnar ad-en; t. into: chanjar, transformar; t. off: (a servant) des-engajar; (water, steam) halt-igar (la fluo); stopar; supresar; (a cock) klozar; (deviate) deviacar (de); t. out: turnar ad-extere; (of events) la fino esis; par venar (ad); (go out) ek-irar, ek-ir-igar; (diverge) divergar; (work) facar; (of flowers, etc.) kreskar o matur-eskar bone o male; (expel) ejektar, ekpulsar; (happen) eventar; (produce) produktar, facar, fabrikar; (result) resultar (en), havar kom rezult-ajo; (on road) turnar adlatere; garar; t. over: (upset) renversar, invers-igar; ri-turnar; (tumble) (intr.) kulbutar; (transfer) transferar; donar; (leaves of a book) foli-umar; (cf. rotacar); t. over and over: turnar e ri-turnar; t. around: (ri-)turnar, (on axis) rotacar; (an outside point) jirar (cirkum); cirkondar; t. up: eventar; (appear) aparar (ad); arivar (ye); (tuck up, pin up) trusar; ri-faldar; orlar; (become higher) alt-eskar; (curve up) kurv-igar ad-supere; (curved up) kurv-ig-ita ad-supere; t. an honest penny: facar profito legitima; t. ones energies (to): direktar sua energio; my head t.s: me vertijas; the milk has t.ed: la lakto koruptesis; the affair t.ed out welclass="underline" lafero rezultis bone; the battle t.ed to his advantage: la kombato rezultis favore ad lu; t. a compliment: facar komplimento.
turn: (on itself) turno, rotaco; (winding) jir-eyo, -punto; branch-voyo; de-turno; (change) chanjo; (curve) kurvo; (of a rope) volvo; a t. of a wheeclass="underline" roto-turno; a t. about: ri-turno; it is my t.: esas mea foyo; in t.: suced-ante, alterne, segun ordino; to give everyone a t.: donar a singlu lua foyo; t. of the hand: manu-stroko (cf. eskamoto); to take a t. on the road: (intr.) promenar; to do a good t. to someone: facar granda servo ad ulu.
turncoat: reneg-anto, -into.
turner: (lathe worker) torn-isto.
turning: branch-voyo, laterala voyo; (crossroad) kruco-voyo; voyo de-turn-anta; t. point: punto decid-ig-anta; kriz-ala tempo od instanto.
turnip: napo.
turnkey: karcar-gard-isto.
turnout: (equipage) veturo e kavali; (a siding) gar-eyo; (output) produkt-uro; (strike) striko.
turnscrew: skrub-turn-ilo.
turnsole: tornasolo.
turnspit: spiso-turn-ilo.
turnstile: turno-bar-ilo, -kruco.
turntable: turno-plako, -tablo.
turpentine: (oil) terpentin-oleo.
turpitude: (quality) sham-ind-eso, (act) -ajo; sen-etik-eso, vici-eso.
turquoise: turkezo.
turret: turm(et)-o; -ed: -iz-ita.
turtle: tortugo; t.shelclass="underline" -skalio; to turn t.: (intr.) kulbutar.
turtle-dove: turturo.
tush: ba!
tusk: dent-ego, (tooth) kanina dento.
tussle: lukto.
tut: fi!
tutelage: tutel-(ad)o.
tutelary: tutel-anta, protekt-anta.
tutor: instruktar; donar lecioni (ad).
tutor: preceptoro; sub-istrukt-isto; prepar-instrukt-ero, -isto.
tutorial: preceptor-a, -ala.
twaddle: sen-senc-ajo; babil-ado; galimatiaso.
twain, in: en du parti.
twang: vibr-igar (la violin-kordi, e.c.); (speak through nose) (intr.) naz-parolar.
twang: sono akuta; acento naz-ala; kordo-sono (de violino e.c.); (after taste) posa saporo.
tweak: pinchar; tirar (la nazo).
tweezers: pinc-eto.
twelfth: dekedu-esma; (fraction) -imo; pay by t.s: pagar per dekedu-imi.
twelve: dek-e-du; t. oclock: (daytime) di-mezo, jorno-mezo; (night-time) nokto-mezo; (by clock) (esas) dekedu kloki (son-anta).
twentieth: dua-dek-esma; (fraction) -ima, -imo.
twenty: dua-dek; t.four: dua-dek e quar; t.fourth: dua-dek e quar-esma (dio, e.c.).
twice: (doubly) du-ople; (on two occasions) du-foye.
twiddle: turn-adar (la polexi).
twig: ramo, branch-eto.
twilight: krepuskulo (cf. auroro; mi-lumo).
twin: jemel-a, -o.
twine: (en-)volvar (ulo cirkum); (embrace) embracar; (of a river, etc.) sinu-ifar, irar sinue.
twine: kord-eto; fil-ego.
twinge: (intr.) lancinar; (n.) lancin-anta doloro o spasmo.
twinkle: (of stars, etc.) cintil-ifar; (of eyes) rid-bril-(et)esko (en) okuli; in a t. of the eye: en un instanto.
twirl: turnar rapide, rotac-igar (ulo) rapide; (on toes) (intr.) piruetar.
twist: tordar (ulo); (form in thread) fil-ifar, -igar; (contort) tord-(ach)ar; (wind in and out) sinu-ifar; (interlace) inter-, en-plektar; -ed: tord-ita; torde volv-ita.
twist: (n.) tord-ita kordono; tord-ajo; spiralo; sinuo; volv-ajo; turno; (prejudice) prejudiko.
twit: reprochar.
twitch: (pull) tirar subite o bruske; (tear out) arachar; (sudden movement) subita konvuls-ala mov-eto o kontrakt-eto, spasm-eto muskul-ala; tiko.
twitter: (chirp) gorgear (intr.) pipear (intr.).
two: du; in t.: (parts) du-ime; chapter t.: la du-esma chapitro; t. hundred: dua-cent; t.-horse carriage: du-kavala veturo; t. by t.: du-ope; t.-colo(u)red: bi-kolora; t.-horned: bi-korna; t.-masted ship: du-masta navo; t. times: (in counting) du-foye; (double) du-opla; t.-edged tooclass="underline" instrumento kun du akut-aji o du-opla akut-aji; t.fold: du-opla; t.handed: bi-manua.
tymbal: timbalo.
tympanum: timpano.
type: tipo; to set in t.: kompostar (ulo).
typewrite: mashin-skribar; -r: (machine) -ilo; (person) -isto, -ero; t.-written: mashin-skrib-ita.
typhoid: tifoid-a febro, tifoid-o; t. patient: -ika, -iko.
typhoon: ciklono.
typhus: tifo.
typical: tip-a, -ala, -atra; -ness: -eso.
typify: tipe reprezentar, simbol-izar, simbol-esar (da), figur-izar.
typist: mashin-skrib-ero, -isto.
typographical: imprim-ala; t. error: imprim-eroro, kompost-eroro.