unction: (anoint) uncionar; (fervo(u)r) fervoro; (unguent) unguento; extreme u.: extrema unciono.
uncurl: des-volvar; (hair) des-frizar.
undaunted: sentima, sen-pavora.
undeceive: des-iluzion-igar, des-trompar (ulu).
undecided: (person) ne-decid-ema, hezit-ema; (thing) ne-decid-ita.
undeck: des-ornar.
under: (prep., adj., adv.) sub, -a, -e; (opp. of, on high) infr-e, -a; (insufficient) ne-sata, ne-sufic-anta; (with movement to under) ad-sub; (with movement from under) de-sub; u. arms: mobiliz-ita, arm-iz-ita; u. age: minora; to keep u.: dominacar, vinkar; represar; to go u.: facar fiasko, esar vink-ita; u. discussion: en-diskut-eso, ankore diskut-ata; u. consideration: (qua) esas (nun) konsider-ata od examen-ata; dum la konsidero; u. the breath: mi-laute, mi-voce; per od en susuro; u. his command: sub lua komando; to speak u. correction: parolar sugun sua inform-ajo o savo (pri lafero); ofrar sua person-ala opiniono; u.cover of: (pretext) kun pretexto (di, ke); (protection) sub o per la protekto o shirmo di; I am u. the impression: me imaginas o supozas o konjektas (ke); havas lopiniono, lideo; to be u. water: (of land) esar inund-ita; u. saiclass="underline" segl-ir-anta; u. date of: ye la dato di, dat-iz-ita; u. the directions of: segun la direkto o imperi od instruktioni di; to be u. fire: esar en la paf-ado; u. separate cover: en altra od aparta kuverto o paketo od envelop-ilo; to be u. a mistake: (intr.) erorar; to be under obligations to: oblig-esar ad ulu; u. pain of death: ye puniso per morto; u. protest: kun protesto (pri, kontre); (of a bill) protest-ata, -ita; u. restraint: ne-libera, restrikt-ita, koakt-ata; u. way: ir-anta, march-anta, fac-es-anta; u. treatment: kurac-ata; trakt-ata; u. these circumstances: en ica cirkonstanci; they will not sell it u. six dollars: li ne voluntas vendar ol po min kam ses dolar-i; to sell u. price: vendar plu chipe kam kusto; perde o rabate vendar; u.-officer: (in commissioned ranks) inferiora oficiro; (non-commissioned) sub-oficiro; the floor u.: sub-etajo; u. the table: sub la tablo; look u.: videz sube od infre; the weight is u.: la pezo esas ne-sufic-anta, la pezo esas min kam, la pezo mankas.
underbaked: ne sate bak-ita; mi-bak-ita.
underbid: vendar plu chipe; postular plu basa preco kam (ulu).
underbred: male edukita.
underbuy: komprarplu chipe kam (ulu).
underclothing: sub-vest-o, -aro; korp-ala linj-aro.
undercurrent: sub-fluo; (fig.) sekreta tendenco od influo.
underdone: ne sufic-ante koqu-ita.
underfoot: sub la pedi; (below) infre.
undergo: subisar.
undergraduate: studento (en unversitato e.c.); universitat-ano.
underground: sub-tera.
undergrowth: sub-kresk-ajo di bushi o planti; (sub-)arbust-aro, -i; kopso.
underhand: sekreta, cel-ita, des-honesta, fraud-a, -oza.
underjaw: mandibulo.
underlay: pozar (ulo) sub; (support) sustenar; (trab-)apogar; -er: sub-strato (support) apog-ilo.
underline: sub-strek-izar.
underling: subordin-ito, inferioro, sub-alterno.
underlip: infra labio.
undermanned: tro poke vir-iz-ita; sen sat multa viri.
undermentioned: sube mencion-ita o cit-ita.
undermine: (also fig.) sapar; (health, etc.) minar, (sekrete) sapar; febl-igar; (to mine) minar.
undermost: (la) maxim basa.
underneath: (prep., adj., adv.) sub, -a, -e (see under).
underpaid: male pag-ata, -ita, o salari-ata o rekompens-ita.
underpart: suba parto; infra-ajo; (fig.) subordin-ita od acesora rolo.
underpetticoat: sub-jupo.
underpinning: trabi apog-anta; fundamento; (suba) suporto-muro.
underrate: evaluar tro mikre; poke prizar od estimar; min-valor-igar; des-estimar.
underscore: sub-strek-izar.
undersell: vendar plu chipe (kam); vendar ye plu basa preco.
undershot: (palet-roto) infre puls-ata; u.-jaw: sali-anta mandibulo.
undersigned: signat-anta, -inta; -anto; la skrib-anto, -into.
undersized: tro mikra, plu mikra kam ordinara.
underskirt: (petticoat) sub-jupo.
understaffed: sen sat multa oficisti, docisti, laboristi, e.c.
understand: komprenar; (by intellect alone) intelektar; (have knowledge of, as a foreign language) savar; (hear) audar; he u.s horses: il esas kompetenta, experta pri kavali; it is u.stood: kompren-ende; esas inter-konsent-ita o konvencion-ita; -able: kompren-ebla, (by intellect alone) intelekt-ebla.
understanding: (faculty) intelekto; inteligent-eso; (comprehension) kompreno; konoco; (agreement) inter-konsento, pakto; konkordo; to come to an u.: konsent-eskar kun (ulu); inter-konkord-(esk)ar, (pri); with this u.: kun ica (pre-) kompreno o kondiciono o stipulo; beyond all u.: tote ne kompren-ebla.
understate: (deprecate) min-valor-igar; indikar ne sate.
understudy: suple-anto.
undertake: (engage to perform) entraprezar; (take on oneself) asumar; (promise) promisar; (take steps, measures) (intr.) demarshar.
undertaker: funer-isto; funer-entraprez-isto.
undertaking: (enterprise) entraprezo, -ajo.
undertone, to speak in: paolar mi-laute o mi-voce.
undertow: suba ri-fluo.
undervalue: min-valor-igar; poke prizar od estimar.
undervest: (under-waistcoat) sub-jileto.
underwear: suba vest-i, -aro; korp-ala linj-aro.
underwrite: (write under) sub-skribar; (put signature to) signatar; (guarantee) (sub-)garantiar; (insure) asekurar; -r: (insurer) asekur-isto.
undesigned: sen-intenca, ne-intenc-ita.
undesirable: ne-dezir-inda; nekonven-anta, ne-apta.
undeveloped: ne-develop-ita, ne plene kresk-inta.
undignified: ne-digna, vulgar-acha, ne-dec-anta.
undisguised: ne-disimul-ita; ne-cel-ita; sincera, aperta.
undisturbed: tranquila, kalma; ne-trubl-ita; sen-inter-rupta.
undo: (a parcel) des-ligar, apertar, des-pak-igar; (become undone)des-pak-eskar; (a seam) des-sutar; (unweave) des-texar; (something done) des-facar, nul-igar; (a tangle) des-intrikar; (ruin) ruinar; (to be undone) esar vink-ita.
undoubted: ne-dub-ebla, ne-kontest-ebla, certa.
undreamt of: ne-suspekt-ita, (tote) ne-expekt-ata.
undress: des-vest-izar, desmetar (la vesti).
undress: (n.) neglijeo; ne-ceremoni-ala kostumo; (milit.) ordinara uniformo; -ed: des-vest-iz-ita; nuda, (manuf.) ne-prepar-ita, kruda.
undue: (excessive) troa, eces-anta, -iva; exajer-ata, -ita; u. influence: (intrigue) kaptaco; -ly: troe.
undulate: (of waves) ond-ifar; (tr.) -izar; (of rivers, etc.) sinu-ifar; (vibrate) (intr.) vibrar; -ation: ond-o, -ifo.
undulated, -ting, -tory: (of waves, hair, etc.) ond-atra, -if-anta, -iz-ita; (river) sinuoza; (land) ne-plana, ond-atra; (motion) ond-oza; vibr-oza, -anta.
undying: sen-morta, ne-peris-iva, ne-mort-iva.unearth: ek-ter-igar; (fig.) trover, des-kovrar.
unearthly: (supernatural) supernatura, super-homa; (of noise, etc.) infern-ala; teror-ig-anta, horor-inda.
uneasy: des-tranquila; des-komforta, perturb-ita; jen-ita.