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unembarrassed: ne-embaras-ata, -ita; tranquila; (of property) sen-hipoteka, debo-libera.

unemployed: unemploy-ata, -ita; ne-okup-ata; (capital) ne-produkt-anta, inerta, stagn-anta; (out of work) chom-anti; the u.: la chom-anti, la ne-employ-ati.

unemployment: ne-employ-eso, chom-eso; (unuse) ne-uzo.

unending: sen-fina, sen-cesa.

unequal: ne-egala; ne-sufic-anta; ne-proporcion-ala; he is u. to that: il ne esas kapabla (facar ol); (opportunity, etc.) unika.

uneven: ne-egala; (of ground) ne-plana, aspera, (irregular) ne-regul-oza; (humo(u)r) vari-ema, ne-konstanta; (numbers) ne-para.

uneventful: sen-aventura, sen-eventa, ne-event-oza, monotona, ordinara.

unexampled: sen-precedenta, ne-simila, unika.

unexceptionable: ne-reproch-ebla, ne-kritik-ebla, sen-defekta.

unexpected: ne-expekt-ata, -ita; ne-pre-vid-ata, -ita; subita.

unexpired: rest-anta, ne-expir-ata, -ita.

unfailing: ne-exhaust-ebla (source); (constant) konstanta; (infallible) infalibla.

unfair: (unjust) ne-yusta; (not straight-forward) ne-loy-ala; ne-honesta; (irregular) ne-korekta, kontre-regula.

unfashionable: exter-moda, ne-segun-moda, ancien-moda.

unfasten: des-ligar; apertar; des-klemar; des-barar; des-rigi-agar; des-fix-igar.

unfatherly: ne-patr-ala, -atra; kruela; kontre-natura.

unfathomable: ne-sond-ebla, ne-explor-ebla.

unfavo(u)rable: des-favor-oza; des-oportuna; des-avantaj-oza.

unfeeling: ne-sent-iva; (without pity) sen-kompata; severa; (indifferent) indiferenta, apati-oza.

unfeigned: ne-simul-ata, -ita; sincera, vera.

unfettered: des-antrav-ata, -ita; sen-entrava; libera.

unfilial: ne-fili-atra, (ago) ne-digna de filio.

unfilled: ne-plen-ig-ita; ne-plena; vakua; (of a post) vak-anta.

unfit: ne-apta, nekonven-anta; ne-kapabla; ne-oportuna.

unfix: des-fix-igar.

unflagging: persever-anta, persist-anta, konstanta; ne-fatig-ebla.

unfledged: (of birds) sen-pluma; (fig.) novica, sen-experienca.

unflinching: rezolv-ema, sentima, ferma, ne-hezit-anta.

unfold: des-faldar; (reveal) revelar, expozar.

unfortunate: desfortun-oza, mal-chanc-oza, des-felica; kompatinda; (regretable) regret-inda.

unfounded: ne-vera, sen-baza.

unfrequented: ne-frequent-ata; ne-vizit-ata, solitara, dezerta.

unfriendly: ne-amik-ala, mal-vol-anta, enemik-ala, des-favor-oza.

unfrock: (a monk, etc.) sen-frok-igar, -eskar; (clergyman) des-klerik-igar.

unfruitful: sen-frukta, ne-frukt-if-anta, ne-fekunda; (of ground) ne-fertila; sterila; (fig.) vana, ne-utila.

unfunded: ne-konsolid-ita.

unfurl: des-volvar; des-faldar.

ungainly: des-, ne-graci-oza; (of efforts) des-, ne-habila.

ungenerous: (in giving) ne-jener-oza; (illiberal) des-liber-ala; (mean) meskina.

ungentlemanly: ne-polita, vulgar-acha; mal-manier-a; grosiera.

ungird: des-zon-izar; (of horse, setc.) des-gurt-izar.

ungodly: des-pia.

ungovernable: ne-guvern-ebla, sen-frena, violent-oza; ne-docila.

ungraceful: ne-graci-oza, sen-gracia, ne-eleganta; ne-habila.

ungracious: ne-afabla, mal-humor-a.

ungrammatical: kontre-gramatika, ne-korekta.

ungrounded: sen-baza, sen-motiva, ne-motiv-iz-ita.

ungrudging: bon-kordia, sen-rankora, sen-envidia, volunt-anta.

unguarded: ne-gard-ita, -ata; sen-defensa; in an u. moment: en instanto di ne-prudent-eso; an u. expression: ne-konsider-ita frazo.

unguent: unguento.

ungulate: huf-oza, -ozo.

unhand me: de-prenez vua manui!; for-las-ez me!

unhandily: ne-habile.

unheard: ne-aud-ita; (prayer, request) ne-exauc-ita; (not known) ne-konoc-ata; des-fam-oza; (extraordinary) extraordinara, ne-kred-ebla; u. of: sen-precedenta.

unhinge: des-muntar o de-prenar (pordo) de gondi; u. the mind: des-ordinar o subversar la mento.

unholy: des-pia, profana, -acha.

unhook: des-akrochar; (clothing) des-agrafar.

unhoped for: ne-esper-ata, -ita; ne-expekt-ata, -ita.

unhorse: ek-sel-igar (ulu).

unhoused: sen-doma; sen shirma.

unicorn: unikorno.

unicursal: unikursalo.

unification: un-ig-(ad)o.

uniform: uniforma; (clothing) -o; -ity: -eso; regul-oz-eso; sam-eso; konstant-eso; monoton-eso; in full u.: en granda uniformo; in undress u.: en ordinara unformo; to make u.: (make regular) -igar; (soldiers) -izar.

unify: (make one) un-igar; (make regular) uniform-igar.

unilateral: un-lartera.

unimaginable: ne-imagin-abla, ne-koncept-ebla.

unimpaired: ne-lez-ita, sen-domaja, integra; en plena forteso, en tota vigoro.

unimportant: sen-signifika, sen-importa, sen-valora, ne-grava; to be u.: ne-importar.

unimproved: ne-plu-bon-(ig-it)a, ne-emend-ita; ne-progres-anta, -iva; (land) ne-explot-ata, -ita; ne-kultiv-ita.

uninfluential: sen-influa.

uninhabited: ne-habit-ata, sen-homa.

uninjured: ne-vund-ita; ne-lez-ata, -ita; ne-domaj-ita.

union: (act) union-o; (result) -uro; (state) -eso; (harmony) konkordo; postal u.: uniono-postala; trades u.: mestier-sindikato; (cf. indij-azilo; hospico-distrikto; societo).

unipolar: unipola.

unique: unika.

unisexual: un-sexua.

unison: (mus. and fig.) unisono (cf. akordo, konkordo).

unit: (arith.) uno; (concrete object) un-ajo; (unity) un-eso (cf. konkordo); a u. of measure: mezur-un-ajo.

unitarian: (relating to a unit) un-es-ala, -es-ana; (sect) unit-ara, -(ul)o; -ism: -ismo.

unite: (material sense) juntar; ligar; (immaterial sense) unionar (cf. konkord-igar).

unitedly: ensemble, union-ite, kune, solidare.

unity: (quality) un-eso; (math.) un-o, -ajo; (fig.) un-eso, konkordo; solidar-eso; kohero; u. is strength: un-eso esas forteso; u. and trinity of the godhead: un-eso e tri-un-eso di de-eso.

univalvular: un-valva.

universal: universala (cf. generala, ubiqua); -ity: -al-eso (cf. ensemblo, toto); -ism: (sect) -ismo; -ist: -ista, -isto.

universe: universo.

university: universitato; -man: -ano; -degree: -ala grado.

unjoin: des-juntar, des-ligar, separar.

unkempt: des-ordin-ita; (uncombed) ne-pekt-ita, ne-bros-ita.

unkind: maligna, ne-benigna, mal-vol-oza, ne-afabla; mala; kruela; to take u.ly: aceptar des-favor-oze; ne konciliar su ad (ul)o; interpretar des-favore; -ness: (quality) des-afabl-eso, (act) -ajo; mal-vol-eso, -ajo; kruel-eso, -ajo.

unknowing: ne-sav-anta; sen-intenca.

unknown: ne-konoc-ata, ne-sav-ata; (not celebrated) ne-fam-oza; u. to me: ne-konoc-ata da me, ne-savata da me.