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unshackle: des-entravar, des-katen-izar; liber-igar, emancipar.

unshapely, unshapen: sen-forma; mis-formac-ita.

unsheathe: ek-gain-igar, ek-tirar (espado).

unship: (goods) des-kargar, des-embarkar; (a rudder, etc.) des-muntar; (oars) de-prenar rem-ili de rem-il-uyi, en-nav-igar la rem-ili.

unshod: sen-shua, nud-peda.

unshrinkable: ne-kontrakt-ebla, -ema (cloth, etc.).

unsightly: leda, male aspekt-anta; male formac-ita.

unskilled: sen-experienca, ne-experta, ne-habila, novica; u. labo(u)r: manu-ala o korp-ala labor-(ad)o, (persons) -isti, -ist-aro.

unslaked: (of lime) sen-aqua (kalko), ne-aqu-iz-ita; (thirst, etc.) ne-saci-ata, -ita.

unsoldierly: ne-soldat-atra; ne-milit-ist-ala.

unsophisticated: (ingenuous) naiva.

unsound: (health) ne-sana, ne-robusta, malada; (rotten) putr-inta; (religious belief) ne-ortodoxa, heterodoxa; (disloyal) des-loyala; (in mind) ne-sana ment; (principle, setc.) eror-a, oza, mala, nejusta, ne-sincera; (project) ne-sekura, mala, hazard-oza, risk-oza; (business firm) ne-solventa; ne-establis-ita; (credit) ne-bona, mala, ne-stabila; (cracked) fend-(et)ita; (sleep) ne-profunda; (having defects) defekt-oza.

unsparing: ne-spar-ema, prodig-anta; jeneroza; (not merciful) sen-kompata, ne-indulg-ema.

unspeakable: ne-dic-ebla, ne-expres-ebla.

unsportsmanlike: ne-digna de sport-isto, -ero (see unfair).

unstable: ne-stabila (see unsteady).

unsteady: ne-stabila, ne-ferma; shancel-anta; ne-certa; ne-konstanta; (irresolute) hezit-ema, ne-decid-ema; (changeable) chanj-ema, vari-ema, ne-regul-ala, -oza; (character) libertina; deboch-ema.

unstinted: prodig-anta, -ema, ne-restrikt-ata, -ita; sen-limita, abund-anta.

unstring: des-tensar, lax-igar; des-kord-izar; des-ligar.

unsubstantial: sen-substanca; ne-materi-a; ne-reala; ne-solida; (of food) ne-nutr-iva.

unsullied: sen-makula, virga, pura.

unswerving: ne-deviac-anta.

untainted: ne-korupt-ita; (of meat) fresha; (fig.) pura, sen-makula.

untamable: ne-domt-ebla, ne-amans-ebla; (wild) sovaja.

untenable: ne-defens-ebla, ne-susten-ebla.

untenanted: sen lokac-anto, -ero; ne-habit-ata, ne-okup-ata; vak-anta.

unthinkable: ne-imagin-ebla.

unthinking: sen-reflekta, ne-pens-ema, ne-atenc-ema, automat-atra.

unthread: des-fil-izar.

untie: des-ligar; des-nod-igar; des-intrikar (nodo).

until: (prep.) til; (conj.) til ke.

untimely: (premature) pre-matura; tro frua; (inopportune) ne-oportuna.

unto: see to.

untold: (not said) ne-dic-ita; ne-narac-ita; ne-rakont-ita; ne-revel-ita; (not to be estimated) ne-kalkul-ebla, ne-kont-ebla, ne-mezur-ebla.

untravelled: (enexplored) ne-explor-ita; (person) ne-voyaj-inta; (unfrequented) ne-frequent-ita; ne-tra-ir-ita.

untrue: (things) ne-vera, nejusta, ne-korekta, ne-autentika; (feigned) fing-ita, simul-ata, -ita; (not straight) ne-rekta; (person) ne-sincera, hipokrita, des-loyala, menti-anta, -inta, perfida.

untruth: (lie) mentio, ne-ver-ajo; (fib) menti-eto; -fuclass="underline" menti-anta, -ema; tromp-anta.

untwine, untwist: des-tordar, des-volvar; des-intrikar.

unusual: ne-ordinara, ne-komuna, ne-kustum-ala, rara, extraordinara.

unutterable: ne-expres-ebla; ne-dic-ebla.

unvarnished: ne-vernis-iz-ita; (fig.) ne-orn-ita; simpla; natur-ala.

unvarying: ne-vari-anta, uniforma, konstanta.

unveil: des-vel-izar; (fig.) revelar.

unvoiced: ne-pronunc-ita, ne-expres-ita; (consonant) sen-voca.

unwarranted: ne-justifik-ebla; gratuita.

unwary: ne-atenc-ema, ne-prudenta.

unwashed: ne-lav-ita, sordida; the great u.: la prolatari-(ach)aro, la popul-acho.

unwavering: (also fig.) ne-shancel-anta.

unwearied: ne-fatig-ebla.

unweave: des-texar; (fig.) des-intrikar.

unwelcome: des-agreabla, mal-ven-inta, -anta; ne-oportuna.

unwell: malad-(et)a, ne-sana.

unwieldy: ne-manu-ag-ebla (facile); pez-oza; des-facile move-ebla.

unwilling: ne-volunt-anta, -ema; (unfavo(u)rably disposed) (esar) des-favor-oza (ad ulo).

unwind: (thread, etc.) des-spular; (windlass) des-vindar; (fig.) des-volvar.

unwomanly: ne-digna de hom-ino, ne-hom-in-atra.

unwrap: des-envelop-ar; des-vel-izar; liber-igar; (unroll) des-volvar.

unwrinkled: (face) sen-ruga.

unwritten: ne-skrib-ita; u. law: ne-skrib-ita leg-o, -aro.

unyoke: des-jungar.

up: (adv.) supre, supere; en l’aero; ye la supro; (cf. alte); (motion upwards) (to top) ad-supre, (higher) ad-supere; (in revolt) revolt-anta; sedici-anta; (on one’s legs) stac-anta; (well again) ri-san-ig-ita; (prices) augment-inta, -ita; plu-alta; up higher: supere; to speak up: parolar laute o plu klare; hold the head up: tenar la kapo; up to: (as far as, until) til; (capable of) kapabla por; up to here: til hike; up and down: supre ad infre; (forward and back) ad-avane e retro; lift up: levar (cf. elevar); to go up: acensar; up and doing: ri-san-ig-ita; labor-anta, okupata; hard up: povra, indij-anta pekunio; up in arms: arm-iz-ita, mobiliz-ita; (fig.) irac-oza; kombat-anta; it is all up: esas la fino; existas nula espero; omno esas perdita; to have someone up: sumnar ulu avan tribunalo; well up in: experta pri; erudita pri, habila pri; up there: (top) ibe supre; (higher) ibe supere; up! levez su! up to date: til nuna dato o tempo; ca-di-ala; (modern) moderna; (fashionable) segun moda; mond-um-ala; to get up: (from bed) levar su; his blood was up: ilua sango ebuliis, il-irac-eg-eskis; not up to the mark: ne stand-anta tote bone; ne-tote bona o fit-anta; ne-tote perfekta; what is up? quo eventas? quo esas? quo esas mala? up river, up stream: ad-monte; up hill and down dale: tra monti e vali; the ups and downs: la alt-aji e bas-aji; (of life) la chanji di fortuno.

upbraid: reprochar (ulo ad ulu); reprimandar (ulu); blamar (ulu).

upheaval: lev-o, -eso; (of established order) subverso.

uphill: acens-anta; (difficult) des-facila, pen-oza; fatig-anta.

uphold: (support by holding) sub-tenar; (prevent from falling) sustenar, suportar; (laws, rights) mantenar.

upholster: tapis-izar, tapet-izar; -er: tapis-(iz)isto.

upkeep: (of things) manten-(ad)o; (persons) entraten-(ad)o.

upland: alta tereno o plan-ajo; montaro.

uplift: (raise from below) levar; (raise on high) elevar.

upon: (above and in contact with) sur; (with motion) ad-sur; (on the side of) an; (concerning) pri; (by means of) per; (time, occasion) en, lor, pos; (immediately afterwards) quik; a ship u. the sea: navo sur la maro; to jump u. the bed: saltar ad-sur la lito; he lives u. this street: il lojas an ica strado; the window u. the street: la fenestro an la strado; a discourse u. Ido: diskurso pri Ido; to swear u. his hono(u)r: jurar per sua honoro; to live upon meat: vivar per karno; u. this: pos to; depend u. someone: fidar ad ulu; the effect depends u. the cause: la efekto dependas de la kauzo; u. his death: lor lua morto; (quik pos lua morto); I was u. a journey: me esis voyaj-anta; act u. instructions: agar segun instrucioni; u. the first of January: ye la un-esmo di januaro; u. pain of death: ye mortiso-puniso; u. the whole: sume, en sumo; egarde-ante (ad) omno; u. these terms: en, sub, segun ica kondicioni; u. my word: vere!