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whiskers: vango-barbo; (of an animal) labio-pili.

whisky: wiskio.

whisper: (tr., intr.) susurar (cf. murmurar); (n.) sursuro; -ing gallery: vulto o galerio akustik-ala.

whist: (game) wisto.

whistle: (tr., intr.) siflar; (noise) -o; (instr.) -ilo.

whit, not a: tote ne.

white: (adj.) blank-a; (cf. pala); (the colo(u)r) -o; (person) -(ul)o; to turn w.: blank-eskar; (pale) pal-eskar; -ness: blank-eso; pal-eso; -en: blank-igar (ulo); w.-ant: termito; w.-faced: pala; to show the w. feather: manifestar senkuraj-eso; agar poltrone; w. lead: ceruzo; w. lie: mentio o ne-ver-ajo pardon-ebla; -ish: blank-atra.

whitewash: blanke kalk-indutar, kalk-blank-igar; (n.) kalk-blank-ajo.

whither: ad-ube; -soever: ad omna-loke, ad omn-ube, ad irg-ube.

whiting: (fish) merlano.

whitlow: panariso.

Whitsunday: pentekost-ala sundio; -tide: pentekosto, -festo, -semano.

whittle: (de-)tranchar (ulo per posh-kultelo), kultelo-tranchar.

whiz: (tr., intr.) sifl-ar, -(ad)o (cf. sisar, zumar).

who: qua, (pl.) qui; (objective case) quan, quin; -ever: (anyone) irgu (qua).

whole: (of one thing) tot-a; -o, -eso (cf. ensemblo; sumo, agregajo; integra); the w. of us: ni omna; on the w.: sume, en-tote.

wholesale: engros-a; -r: -(vend)isto; by w.: -e.

wholesome: san-ig-iva; salubra (manj-aji, e.c.); salutara (remediili, legi, e.c.); (healthy, sound) sana; -ness: -eso.

wholly: tote, komplete; exkluz-ite, -ive.

whom: (objective case) quan (cf. il-, el-qua); -soever: irgu quan.

whoop: kri-egar, -ego.

whooping-cough: koklusho.

whore: prostituc-at-ino, deboch-ist-ino; -monger: deboch-ero.

whortleberry: vacinio.

whose: di qua, di quo; (pl.) di qui; the boy w. book I saw: la puero di qua me vidis la libro.

whosoever: irgu qua.

why: pro quo? (for what) por quo? w. not: pro quo ne? that is w.: pro to; to esas la motivo, la kauzo; (interj.: but) ma!

wick: mecho.

wicked: maligna; (ill-disposed) mal-vol-anta; (impious) des-pia; -ness: (quality) malign-eso, (act) -ajo.

wicker: oziera; w.-work: ozier-plekt-ata, -ajo; w. basket: oziero korbo.

wicket: (window: in cricket) gicheto (small gate) pord-eto.

wide: larja; (extensive) vasta; granda; (remote) fora (de); des-proxima (de); (completely) komplete, tote; (apertita, e.c.); w. awake: vigil-eg-anta, -eg-ema; des-dorm-anta; w.-spread: vasta.

widen: (broaden) (plu-)larj-igar (ulo), -eskar; (make more extensive) plu-vast-igar; (dilate) dilatar.

widow: vidvino; -ed: vidv-ig-ita, vidva; -er: vidv-ulo; -hood: vidv-in-eso.

width: larj-eso; in length and width: long-eso e larj-eso.

wield: manipular, manu-agar, (fig.) uzar, tenar, posedar.

wife: spozino; (cf. hom-ino); -ly: spoz-in-ala.

wig: peruk-o; w.maker: -(if)isto.

wigwag: (signals) signalar (ulo) per flag-(et)agiti; (see wag).

wigwam: “wigwam,” tendo (di red-peli).

wild: (living in a state of nature) sovaja (animali, populi, planti, e.c.); (in conduct) libertina, impetu-ema, extravag-ema tro libera; petul-ema, -oza; (mad, frantic) frenezi-oza; (of projects, etc.) extravag-anta; (tempestuous) tempest-oza, -atra; (of the look) perturb-ita, trubl-ita; (ferocious) feroca; (untamed) ne-domt-ita; ne-amans-ita; w. animaclass="underline" sovaja animalo; w. plant: sovaja planto; w. beast: sovaja bestio; feroca bestio; (beast of prey) rapto-bestio; w. boar: apr-(ul)o; (as n. see w.erness: (uncultivated land) (tereno, sulo) ne-kultiv-ita; a w. shot: pafo male viz-ita.

wilderness: (desert) dezerto; (forest) foresto (ne-habit-ata); (wild place) sovaj-eyo; (solitude) solitar-ajo, -eyo.

wile: ruzo; artific-ach-ajo; to w. away: pas-igar la tempo, distraktar su; amuzar su.

wilful: (intended) (pre-)intenc-ita; vol-ata; (obstinate) obstin-anta, -era, -ema.

will: (bequeath) legacar; (am determined) volar; (am willing) (tr., intr.) voluntar, konsentar (intr.); (order) imperar; komandar; (expressing simple future, see verbal termination -os).

will: (testament) testamento; (act of will) vol-o; (faculty) vol-ado; (desire) deziro; (resolve) rezolvo; (decree) dekreto; (power to decide) arbitrio; to make one’s wilclass="underline" (intr.) testamentar; at w.: segun-vole; firing at w.: segun-vola paf-ado; against the w. of: kontre la volo di; what is your w.? quan vu deziras? I wilclass="underline" (determination) me volas (facar ol); I will not: me ne volas; to bear anyone good w.: dezirar bon-ajo ad ulu; to work with a w.: laborar plen-vole, labor-egar volunte; ill-wilclass="underline" mala-velo, rankoro; despito; to have one’s w.: facar nur omna voli; at the w. of: (discretion of) segun la arbitrio di.

willing: bon-vola, volunt-anta, komplez-anta; (ready) pronta; (diligent) diligenta; (zealous) zel-oza; I am w.: me voluntas, me konsentas; I will go with you w.ly: me akompanos vu (tre) volunte; -ness: volunto.

will-o-the-wisp: vag-anta lumo; (fig.) kimero.

willow: (tree) saliko; weeping w.: plor-anta saliko; w. weed: salikario.

willowy: (fig.) tenua e gracila.

willy-nilly: vole o ne-vole.

wilt: (intr.) velkar.

wily: ruz-oza.

wimple: (as of nuns) vimplo.

win: (conquer) (tr., intr.) vinkar; (gain) ganar (premio, batalio, e.c.); (be triumphant) triumfar (pri); (obtain) obtenar; w. back: ri-ganar, ri-aquirar; ri-okupar; I won him over: me persuadis il (pro ulo).

wince: retro-tirar su; timar (pri); (give a start) (intr.) tresayar; salt-etar; mov-etar.

winch: vindilo; steam w.: vapor-vindilo.

wind: (put out of breath) anhel-igar; (wrap) envolvar; (reel) spular (see bind); (have a sinuous course) sinu-ifar; (turn) turnar; to w. off: des-volvar; des-spular; w. a clock: tensar horlojo; w. up: vindar; (property, etc.) liquidacar; (finish) (tr., intr.) finar; be windy: ventar.

wind: (n.) vento; (cf. suflo); (breath) respir-(ad)o; (in stomach) ventro-gaso; intestin-ala gaso; (flatulence) flatu-oz-eso; a breath of w.: bento-sufl-eto; to get w. of: inform-esar pri ulo; (smell) flarar (ulo); a w.stroke: vento-stroko; to break w.: (intr.) flatuar; south w.: sud-ala vento, austro; trade w.: alizeo; north w.: (poet.) boreo; a high w.: forta o granda vento; (cf. zefiro).

windage: (artil.) vento-forco; kompenso po vento-forco.

wind-bound: halt-igita da kontrea vento, o tempesto.

winded: anhel-anta.

windfall: frukto fal-inta (per la vento); (fig.) bona fortuno; hazard-ala gano o profito.

wind-gauge: anomometro.

windiness: vent-oz-eso; (intestinal) flatu-oz-eso; (verbosity) prolix-eso; infl-ita stilo.

winding-sheet: sepulto-tuko; sudario.

wind-instrument: sufl-instrumento.

windlass: kapstano; vindilo.

windmill: vento-muel-ilo.

window: fenestro; (for tickets, etc.) gicheto; (w. pane) vitro-karelo; fenestro-vitro; French w.: pord-fenestro; pord-atra fenestro; show w.: estal-vetrino (avana); estal-eyo; stained-glass w.: vitralio, -fenestro; w. blind: storo; w. frame: fenestro-kadro, -framo; w. shutter: shutro (cf. jelozio; persieno): w. sash: spanyoleto; kremono.