“On the other hand, Universal Consciousness can never change, because it has no form. It just is. This gift of Consciousness allows us to understand both the world of form and the formless world that lies within. I can guarantee you:
“You can have Consciousness without understanding, but you cant have understanding without Consciousness!
“From the tiniest atom to the greatest mountain on earth, all life is one infinite ball of pulsating consciousness. When you can understand such a fact, you will see that it is in Universal Consciousness that we find the secret to the oneness of life and the secret to all quantum theory, and where everything in this world is all interconnected.”
Andy’s words took me by surprise. I asked him where he studied quantum physics and his answer surprised me even more. “I have never studied quantum physics in my life. As a matter of fact I have little or no idea what quantum physics entails. I only know that the Three Principles of Universal Mind, Consciousness and Thought hold the secret to the oneness of this exterior world and the formless spiritual world. These are the unifying principles that Dr. Einstein was searching for.”
I looked over at Janet and by the look on her face it was apparent that she was just as surprised by Andy’s reply as I was. I asked myself, how can this be? Surely an ordinary gardener can’t possibly have the answer that such brilliant physicists couldn’t find? “Andy, surely you don’t expect me to believe what you are saying?”
With a shrug of his shoulders Andy replied, “Not really Eric. After all, what I’m trying to tell you is the greatest mystical secret on earth. What you have to understand is that there is a dimension to life beyond this reality you now know, a dimension beyond this world of time, space and matter. This world that I am talking about is a world of formless spiritual energy that lies beyond all the logic and mathematics that you and I are used to. Remember, I once told you that this physical reality we live in derives from a formless spiritual energy brought into being by our usage of the three universal principles.”
Andy knew he had shocked us with such statements and with a smile on his face he remarked, “Didn’t I once tell you that the Three Principles hold the secret not just to psychology and psychiatry but to life?”
Neither Janet nor I said a word. We just sat flabbergasted, not knowing how to reply to the gardener’s words.
Finally Andy said, “Everyone on earth has this spiritual secret deep within their consciousness and if you ever wake up to this fact, your life will never be the same again. This secret is where the external physical world and the formless spiritual world become one—sometimes known as the great oneness—where everything is interconnected.
“Quantum physics?” Janet questioned uncertainly.
“Exactly,” replied Andy, “and even more important to you, Janet, the answers to all human experience and behavior here on earth.”
“So what I hear you say is: The secret to the Three Principles not only holds the answer to psychology, but also some answers to physics?”
“Correct, Janet, and much, much more.”
Janet raised her forefinger in the air as if she had just remembered something. “Do you know, Andy, about a month ago I was watching a television show and there were three physicists talking way beyond my understanding, then two of them surprised me when they said what they were looking for was something called God Mind. When they said that I thought about you and wondered what you would think about their statement.”
“Janet, what do you think I have been talking about all this time? God Mind and Universal Mind are one and the same thing.”
Janet slowly shook her head remarking, “I don’t understand what you just said and you have definitely boggled my mind.”
Andy and Emily burst into laughter at Janet’s last statement and the bewildered look on our faces.
Janet asked Emily if she understood what Andy was talking about. Emily, smiling from ear to ear at our perplexity, remarked, “Don’t ask me what the man means, I’m still as surprised and confused as you are at some things Andy says. This is why I believe that we should all learn to respect each other’s way of searching for such knowledge and not get caught up in the trap of thinking, ‘My way is better than yours, and my way is the only way.’ One thing I have learned throughout the years is to keep an open mind and a respect for other people’s religious, political and personal beliefs—it may surprise you what you may learn. I’ve known Andy now for many years and every time I think I know what he is talking about he pulls a surprise on me, just as he did today.”
Then Andy suggested that Janet and I should turn our focus on the psyche. “I would suggest you look at the true nature of Mind and its relationship to all human functioning because it contains the secret to all psychological experience here on earth and is the seat of all consciousness.”
“I love what you’re saying, Andy, but you make it sound unbelievably simple, and to me, it’s anything but simple,” Janet lamented.
The gardener smiled, heaved an enormous, dramatic sigh, and then repeated the words, “Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity. Why is simplicity so complicated?”
Janet and I looked at each other, smiling at the gardener’s answer. Janet put the question I had just been thinking to myself. “Andy, I don’t understand what you mean. Why do you believe the answer is simple?”
“Because you already know the answer, but somewhere along the line you have forgotten!” he answered. “And I can tell you:
“In the quiet chambers of your mind
Lies the knowledge you seek.
Not in a complicated search,
But only from a positive mind can you ever find the answer to this mystical puzzle.
“Why do you say that only from a positive mind can such knowledge be found?”
“Because, Janet, such knowledge is created from a wisdom that is held in trust for eternity and only when our minds are in a quiet, positive state can such knowledge be turned into a reality
“This is why so many people throughout the world take the time to meditate. It quiets their minds and allows this inner knowledge to create a living reality”
Janet explained that her friend Peter used to meditate a lot but he still suffered from an overactive mind.
“Perhaps he depended on the technique of meditating too much,” Andy answered. “Many people I know suffer with the same delusionary belief that if they sit and meditate for ‘x’ number of hours per day, they will gain the knowledge they seek. Believe me, Janet, that is definitely not so. I know many people who fall into this trap and I haven’t as yet seen one of them find what they were looking for.”
Then he started to laugh and told us that just recently he met someone who told him that he meditated four hours every day and how wonderful he felt after he finished. “He said sitting so long was very painful, but bearing the pain he went through was well worth it. I asked him how he could possibly find peace of mind when he was in pain but he never answered me. He just went on to tell me that his teacher could sit for seven hours in pain and that soon both he and his teacher were heading to China where they were going to take lessons from someone who could sit for ten hours.
“I tried to tell him to beware of getting the state of meditation and the act of meditating mixed up, otherwise his quest for a peaceful mind would all be in vain. However, my words fell on deaf ears. He asked me how I would seek a peaceful mind and I suggested that he should take a good look and try to understand how the Three Principles held the secret to a peaceful mind, but again my words fell on deaf ears. As far as I know he is now in China sitting in pain—looking for a peaceful mind.”