Janet and I sat with our mouths open, staring at Andy, once again having no response for such an incredible statement. Then he expanded on his theory, “One could say,
“All matter is created from a formless energy that has no body of its own, until it comes into this world of time, space and matter."
I described to Andy how some beliefs in the Far East and India talk about looking for the True Self. “They say if you ever do find your True Self, then you will be enlightened. Is this what you are talking about?”
“Yes,” Andy replied, “that is exactly what I’m talking about. When the True Self is realized, then the great awakening takes place within the consciousness of a human being.”
When I looked over at Janet she was weeping quietly, then Andy gathered her into his arms and held her, soothing her, telling her he knew she was a beautiful human being. “Some day, God willing, you will find the answer to the riddle of how all of the Three Principles are One.”
We sat as though spellbound, each enthralled in our own thoughts, our own understanding of Andy’s words, allowing the silence to lengthen like the shadows that were beginning to appear under some of the larger trees. Finally Emily spoke, gently breaking the enchantment.
“I’m sorry but Andy and I will have to leave soon. We’re expecting guests and have to be back home before six o’clock. It’s been so lovely seeing you both again.”
I couldn’t believe the time had gone by so fast and it was now almost time to leave Torquay. Eyes brimming, Janet embraced Emily and thanked her and Andy for all their hospitality and kindness. Emily replied, “It’s been our pleasure. I hope you can arrange to return to Torquay on your honeymoon, and if you do Andy and I would love to meet your husband.”
With perfect timing, just as we were saying our goodbyes, a horse and buggy arrived to carry Emily and Andy back to their car. I shook Andy’s hand. “Thank you, Andy. I think this last week has been the most interesting and probably the most important of my life.” Then I embraced Emily and thanked her for all her love and caring. Janet’s eyes had now overflowed and, tears streaming down her face, she threw her arms around Andy’s neck, kissed his cheek and thanked him for all his hospitality and wise words. Then for a second time Janet threw her arms around Emily and held her for the longest time whispering the words, “Thank you, thank you.”
Janet stepped back, wiping her eyes. Andy helped Emily into the carriage, the driver spoke quietly to the big mare, and they began to move down the long, curving drive. We lingered to enjoy a few last moments in the tranquil park and Janet continued to wave good-bye and call “Thank you” until they disappeared around a bend and out of sight.
The End